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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Given two numbers say a and b. Print their XOR after making the lengths of their binary representation equal by adding trailing zeros to the binary representation of smaller one. Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Feb-18 21:54
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Feb-18 21:54 
AnswerRe: Given two numbers say a and b. Print their XOR after making the lengths of their binary representation equal by adding trailing zeros to the binary representation of smaller one. Pin
CPallini25-Feb-18 23:17
mveCPallini25-Feb-18 23:17 
GeneralRe: Given two numbers say a and b. Print their XOR after making the lengths of their binary representation equal by adding trailing zeros to the binary representation of smaller one. Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Feb-18 23:32
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Feb-18 23:32 
GeneralRe: Given two numbers say a and b. Print their XOR after making the lengths of their binary representation equal by adding trailing zeros to the binary representation of smaller one. Pin
CPallini25-Feb-18 23:53
mveCPallini25-Feb-18 23:53 
QuestionStrange Debugging results Pin
ForNow24-Feb-18 16:36
ForNow24-Feb-18 16:36 
GeneralRe: Strange Debugging results Pin
Richard MacCutchan24-Feb-18 20:13
mveRichard MacCutchan24-Feb-18 20:13 
GeneralRe: Strange Debugging results Pin
ForNow24-Feb-18 20:38
ForNow24-Feb-18 20:38 
GeneralRe: Strange Debugging results Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Feb-18 3:43
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Feb-18 3:43 
GeneralRe: Strange Debugging results Pin
ForNow25-Feb-18 5:15
ForNow25-Feb-18 5:15 
GeneralRe: Strange Debugging results Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Feb-18 6:20
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Feb-18 6:20 
GeneralRe: Strange Debugging results Pin
ForNow25-Feb-18 6:56
ForNow25-Feb-18 6:56 
GeneralRe: Strange Debugging results Pin
ForNow25-Feb-18 8:28
ForNow25-Feb-18 8:28 
GeneralRe: Strange Debugging results Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Feb-18 21:36
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Feb-18 21:36 
GeneralRe: Strange Debugging results Pin
ForNow26-Feb-18 1:53
ForNow26-Feb-18 1:53 
QuestionWhen an process is loaded Pin
_Flaviu22-Feb-18 23:15
_Flaviu22-Feb-18 23:15 
QuestionRe: When an process is loaded Pin
Richard MacCutchan22-Feb-18 23:18
mveRichard MacCutchan22-Feb-18 23:18 
AnswerRe: When an process is loaded Pin
_Flaviu22-Feb-18 23:35
_Flaviu22-Feb-18 23:35 
GeneralRe: When an process is loaded Pin
Richard MacCutchan22-Feb-18 23:48
mveRichard MacCutchan22-Feb-18 23:48 
QuestionCdialog CWnd* pParent null after passing this pointer to Cdialog constructer Pin
ForNow22-Feb-18 16:46
ForNow22-Feb-18 16:46 
AnswerRe: Cdialog CWnd* pParent null after passing this pointer to Cdialog constructer Pin
leon de boer22-Feb-18 20:25
leon de boer22-Feb-18 20:25 
GeneralRe: Cdialog CWnd* pParent null after passing this pointer to Cdialog constructer Pin
ForNow22-Feb-18 21:13
ForNow22-Feb-18 21:13 
GeneralRe: Cdialog CWnd* pParent null after passing this pointer to Cdialog constructer Pin
leon de boer22-Feb-18 21:26
leon de boer22-Feb-18 21:26 
QuestionCOM usage issue Pin
Fedrer21-Feb-18 21:23
Fedrer21-Feb-18 21:23 
I wanted to communicate from one app (exe) to another app (exe) so I implemented COM interface in first application.

There are only .idl and some auto generated files (xxx.h & xxx.c) in first app but I dont know how to use this interface in another application.

Please guide.
AnswerRe: COM usage issue Pin
Richard MacCutchan21-Feb-18 21:28
mveRichard MacCutchan21-Feb-18 21:28 
GeneralRe: COM usage issue Pin
Fedrer21-Feb-18 21:35
Fedrer21-Feb-18 21:35 

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