This is the output I am supposed to get but I am getting errors please help me
int main()
int size = 5;
Shape** shapes = new Shape*[size];
Point* centre = new Point(5,5);
Rectangle* rectangle1 = new Rectangle(*centre, 4, 3);
shapes[0] = rectangle1;
shapes[1] = new Rectangle (*new Point(10, -10), 4, 4);
Rectangle* rectangle3 = new Square(*new Point(-8.5,-10), 2.5);
shapes[2] = rectangle3;
Square* square2 = new Square (*new Point(-1,-1), 1.5);
shapes[3] = square2;
Circle* circle = new Circle(*new Point(100,100), 25.4);
shapes[4] = circle;
cout << "\n11111111111111111111111111\n";
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
shapes[i] -> display();
cout << "\n22222222222222222222222222\n";
cout << "\nthe area of the first rectangle is: ";
cout << rectangle1->area() << endl;
cout << "It is a square, the area is: ";
Square* square = dynamic_cast<Square*> (rectangle3);
cout << square->area() << endl;
cout << "the perimeter of the circle is: ";
cout << circle->perimeter() << endl;
cout << "\n33333333333333333333333333\n";
cout << "\nThe four vertices of the first rectangle are: (clockwise from top-left)\n";
cout << "\nThe four vertices of the third rectangle are:\n";
cout << "\n44444444444444444444444444\n";
shapes[2] -> translate(1.5, 3);
shapes[4] -> translate(-100,-100);
cout << "\nAfter reflection and translation, here are the moved shapes:\n" ;
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
shapes[i] -> display();
cout << "\n55555555555555555555555555\n";
cout << "\nNow, the four vertices of the first rectangle are:\n";
cout << "\nNow, the four vertices of the third rectangle are:\n";
cout << "\n66666666666666666666666666\n\n";
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
cout << shapes[i] -> area() << endl;
cout << "\n777777777777777777777777777\n";
shapes[1] -> display();
dynamic_cast<Rectangle*> (shapes[1]) -> setLength(8.2);
cout << "\nAfter setLength(8.2), the rectangle is: ";
shapes[1] -> display();
dynamic_cast<Rectangle*> (shapes[1]) -> setWidth(5);
cout << "\nAfter setWidth(5), the rectangle is: ";
shapes[1] -> display();
square2 -> display();
square2 -> setLength(8.2);
cout << "\nAfter setLength(8.2), the rectangle is: ";
square2 -> display();
square2 -> setWidth(5);
cout << "\nAfter setWidth(5), the rectangle is: ";
square2 -> display();
return 0;
This is what I have tried
#include "stdafx.h"
# include<iostream>
# include<cmath>
# include<string>
using namespace std;
class Point
double x;
double y;
Point(const double &x,const double &y);
void setX(const double &x);
void setY(const double &y);
double getX()const;
double getY()const;
double DisFromOrigin()const;
virtual void translate(const double &xDis, const double &yDis);
void reflectX(); void reflectY();
virtual void PrintName()const;
Point:: Point(const double &x,const double &y)
void Point::setX(const double &x)
void Point:: setY(const double &y)
this->y =y;
double Point:: getX()const
return x;
double Point:: getY()const
return y;
double Point::DisFromOrigin()const
return (sqrt(x*x + y*y));
void Point:: translate(const double &xDis, const double &yDis)
double a;
double b;
a = this->x + xDis;
b= this->y + yDis;
this->x= a;
void Point::reflectX()
this->y = -1 *y;
void Point::reflectY()
this->x= -1*x;
void Point::PrintName()const
cout<<"Point ("<<getX()<<" , "<<getY()<<")"<<endl;
class Shape
virtual double Peri()const=0;
virtual void PrintName()const=0;
virtual void translate(double x1,double y1)=0;
virtual void reflectX()=0;
virtual void reflectY()=0;
virtual double getArea()const=0;
virtual double getPeri()=0;
virtual string getName()const=0;
class Circle:public Shape
Circle(const Point &p, const double &r);
double getR()const;
void setR(const double &r);
virtual double getPeri()const;
virtual void PrintName()const;
virtual void translate(const double &x1, const double &y1);
virtual void reflectX();
virtual void reflectY();
virtual double getArea()const;
virtual string getName()const;
Point center;
string name;
double radius;
name = "Circle";
center = Point(0,0);
radius = 1;
Circle::Circle(const Point &p, const double &r)
name = "Circle";
this->center= p;
double Circle::getPeri()const
return (2*3.14*getR());
double Circle::getR()const
return radius;
void Circle::setR(const double &r)
this->radius = r;
void Circle:: PrintName()const
void Circle::translate(const double &x1, const double &y1)
this->center.translate(x1 , y1);
void Circle::reflectX()
void Circle::reflectY()
double Circle::getArea()const
return (3.14*this->getR()*this->getR());
string Circle::getName()const
return this->name;
class Rectangle:public Shape
double len;
double width;
Point center;
string name;
Rectangle(const Point &p, const double &len , const double &width);
void setLen(double len);
void setWid(double width);
double getLen()const;
double getWid()const;
virtual double getPeri()const;
virtual void PrintName()const;
virtual void translate(const double &x1, const double &y1);
virtual void reflectX();
virtual void reflectY();
virtual double getArea()const;
virtual string getName()const;
len =1;
this->name = "Rectangle";
center = Point(0,0);
Rectangle:: Rectangle(const Point &p, const double &len , const double &width)
this->name ="Rectangle";
this->center = p;
this->len = len;
this->width = width;
double Rectangle:: getPeri()const
return (2*getLen() + 2*getWid());
void Rectangle::PrintName()const
void Rectangle::translate(const double &x1, const double &y1)
this->center.translate(x1, y1);
void Rectangle::reflectX()
void Rectangle::reflectY()
double Rectangle::getArea()const
string Rectangle::getName()const
return name;
void Rectangle::setLen(double len)
this->len = len;
void Rectangle::setWid(double width)
this->width = width;
double Rectangle::getLen()const
return len;
double Rectangle::getWid()const
return width;
class Square:public Rectangle
Point center;
string name;
double side;
Square(const double &side);
void setSide(const double &side);
double getSide()const;
virtual double getPeri()const;
virtual void PrintName()const;
virtual void translate(const double &x1, const double &y1);
virtual void reflectX();
virtual void reflectY();
virtual double getArea()const;
virtual string getName()const;
Square::Square(const double &side)
this->side = side;
void Square::setSide(const double &side)
this->side = side;
double Square::getSide()const
return this->Rectangle::getLen();
double Square:: getPeri()const
return(this->Rectangle::getLen()* 4);
void Square::PrintName()const
void Square::translate(const double &x1, const double &y1)
this->Rectangle::translate(x1, y1);
void Square::reflectX()
void Square::reflectY()
double Square::getArea()const
return(this->Rectangle::getLen()* this->Rectangle::getLen());
string Square::getName()const
return name;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int size = 5;
Shape** shapes = new Shape*[size];
Point* centre = new Point(5,5);
Rectangle* rectangle1 = new Rectangle(*centre, 4, 3); shapes[0] = rectangle1;
shapes[1] = new Rectangle (*new Point(10, -10), 4, 4);
Rectangle* rectangle3 = new Square(*new Point(-8.5,-10), 2.5);
shapes[2] = rectangle3;
Square* square2 = new Square (*new Point(-1,-1), 1.5);
shapes[3] = square2;
Circle* circle = new Circle(*new Point(100,100), 25.4);
shapes[4] = circle;
cout << "\n11111111111111111111111111\n";
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
shapes[i] -> display();
return 0;
modified 22-Jul-17 15:46pm.
Do not repost questions, you have already posted the same question here, Class shape and related functions. If someone is active to answer your question, they will do it. If there is no one, reposting the question doesn't help at all.
The sh*t I complain about
It's like there ain't a cloud in the sky and it's raining out - Eminem
~! Firewall !~
What kind of errors do you get ?
See Afzaal's reply above.
kumn1d wrote: This is the output I am supposed to get but I am getting errors please help me
What error? The compiler ones? - Then show us the errors.
Or you meant the incorrect output? - Then try to debug your code.
I corrected the entire code , but the only thing now I dont know is how to implement this Print four Vertices function .
I want to know how to implement anf declare this function . Beside that , I corrected the rest of code
There does not seem to be a Rectangle::printFourVertices() method. There is a redundant assignment operator in the Point::setX() method.
Short of that, what's the issue? "I am getting errors" is meaningless.
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." - James D. Miles
I corrected the entire code , but the only thing now I dont know is how to implement this Print four Vertices function .
I want to know how to implement anf declare this function . Beside that , I corrected the rest of code
How would you do it using pencil and paper? If you coded up everything that calculates said vertices, printing them should be a non-issue, yes?
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." - James D. Miles
Hello. It my first message here, I'll try to do it the right way.
The programming is my hobby (MinGW 32bit). About topic. I would like to represent my C++ code for buffer scroll. Perhaps I designing another bike, but still... What I mean about scrolling. For example, I have some buffer in which data starts somewhere in the middle:
char * buffer = "World!Hello, ";
But I need:
char * buffer = "Hello, World!";
So I need to cut out data at the end, move the rest of data to the end of buffer and paste cutted data to the beginning. This is "lossless buffer scrolling" of what I am talking about.
This is a trivial job if ones use temporary buffer not less than half of the *buffer's length, few memcpy() statements and so on. But this is not my case.
Condition 1. Source buffer size is very large (1/2 or 2/3 of total physical ram). So it is not good idea to allocate temporary buffer.
Condition 2. I can not use data storage like HDD drive. I can not use any kind of swap techniques. (It will produces temporary system freeses.)
Condition 3. I am not what to use virtual addressing techniques to virtually scroll buffer.
Condition 4. The buffer size and scroll distance is arbitrary (sets as function parameters).
So I created a scrolling buffer by permutation, which source code I would like to public. It is quite tested by brutte-force method (buffer size and scrolling distance were alternated, the result is compared with alternative scrolling techniques). In my opinion, the implementation of the method is unusual (or, at least, interesting).
Here it is:
namespace CommonTools
#ifdef DEBUG
uint32_t scroll_raw_buffer_last_rounds = 0;
void scroll_raw_buffer (void *data , const uint32_t buffer_size, uint32_t distance)
#ifdef DEBUG
scroll_raw_buffer_last_rounds = 0; #endif
if (buffer_size >= INT_MAX)
throw CommonTools::Errors::Simple (CommonTools::Errors::StE_Overflow, __PLACE__);
if ( (!data) || (buffer_size < 2)) return;
distance %= buffer_size;
if (!distance) return;
TRAP_in_DEBUG (distance >= buffer_size, msg_interror)
uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *) data;
const uint32_t shift_value = distance;
#ifdef DEBUG
static const size_t max_stack_buffer = 256;
static const size_t max_stack_buffer = 1024;
if (buffer_size <= max_stack_buffer)
uint8_t *tmp_buf = (uint8_t *) alloca (buffer_size);
memcpy (tmp_buf, buf, buffer_size);
memcpy (buf + shift_value, tmp_buf, buffer_size - shift_value);
memcpy (buf, tmp_buf + buffer_size - shift_value, shift_value);
#ifdef DEBUG
scroll_raw_buffer_last_rounds = 1;
uint32_t bytes_left = buffer_size, bytes_per_round = 0;
uint32_t total_rounds = 0;
uint32_t round_number = 1; uint8_t *next_data_buffer = 0;
uint32_t dest_index;
#ifdef DEBUG
const uint8_t * const out_of_buffer = buf + buffer_size;
do {
const uint32_t round_start_offset = round_number - 1;
dest_index = round_start_offset;
if (dest_index >= buffer_size) dest_index -= buffer_size;
uint8_t next_data = buf[dest_index];
dest_index += shift_value; if (dest_index >= buffer_size) dest_index -= buffer_size;
register uint8_t &destination = buf [dest_index];
swap (destination, next_data);
while (dest_index != round_start_offset);
if (!bytes_left) break;
if (round_number == 1)
bytes_per_round = buffer_size - bytes_left;
total_rounds = buffer_size / bytes_per_round;
#ifdef DEBUG
scroll_raw_buffer_last_rounds = total_rounds;
TRAP_in_DEBUG (buffer_size % bytes_per_round, msg_bogus_state)
if (!next_data_buffer) next_data_buffer = (uint8_t *) alloca (max_stack_buffer);
for (;round_number < total_rounds;) {
const uint32_t rounds_left = total_rounds - round_number + 1;
const size_t block_size = min_ct (max_stack_buffer, rounds_left);
const uint32_t round_start_offset = round_number - 1;
dest_index = round_start_offset;
if (dest_index >= buffer_size) dest_index -= buffer_size;
TRAP_in_DEBUG (buf + dest_index + block_size >= out_of_buffer, msg_interror)
memcpy (next_data_buffer, buf + dest_index, block_size);
TRAP_in_DEBUG (bytes_left < bytes_per_round*block_size, msg_interror)
do {
dest_index += shift_value; if (dest_index >= buffer_size) dest_index -= buffer_size;
register uint8_t *destination = buf + dest_index;
memswap (destination, next_data_buffer, block_size);
} while (dest_index != round_start_offset);
bytes_left -= bytes_per_round * block_size;
round_number += block_size;
} } while (bytes_left > 0);
Important notes:
1. If ones need negative direction you can use distance=buffer_size-1 as -1 direction.
2. swap() is just variables swapping, min_ct() function returns the minimum value from two arguments.
3. TRAP_in_DEBUG() or TRAP() are macroses to terminate program with message if first parameter is true (message is in 2nd parameter, like ASSERT() but little different way).
4. Function has size limit of scrolling buffer (up to INT_MAX, about 2 Gb in my case).
5. If someone would like to use this code, I will be pleasured if my name is mentioned somewhere in credits..
modified 22-Jul-17 11:27am.
Quote: This looks more like a Tip than a question and would be better posted at Submit a new Article[^].
I'll do it, when I have read about rules.
yes it belongs in tips but I also have a little tip for you.
memmove from the C/C++ standards library can deal with source and destination memory overlapping and it can do it with no extra buffers at all.
So you really only need the string search parts of your code and then use memmove to do the shuffle replacing the memcpy's
memmove ensures that the original source bytes in the overlapping region are copied before being overwritten.
It was probably a good learning excercise and you can rate how you went against a standards library and here is the code
public source Implementation of memcopy[^]
It's never wasted time to learn the standards libraries
In vino veritas
modified 22-Jul-17 7:22am.
Quote: memmove from the C/C++ standards library can deal with source and destination memory overlapping and it can do it with no extra buffers at all
I know it. But I can not implement memmove() to my task. memmove() will ovewrite some part of my buffer (or I have to use temporary buffer to store that part) so I'll loose some data. Perhaps there is a way to use it, but I do not yet know how.
Quote: you really only need the string search parts of your code
char * buffer = "World!Hello, ";
It was only the small example to illustrate what I meaning under "buffer scrolling" term. In real code I have more that 100Mb binary (non-text) raw data which I have got from external device.
I do not know (in advance) the size, and I do not know the move distance.
modified 22-Jul-17 11:21am.
SOCKETS - SERVER & CLIENT in c++ code for making a project on server & client site plzzz tell me
Use any boost or Qt libraries. They both offer networking capabilities for your applications, that you can use and build the apps that support networking features. Server and clients are just the applications that either take control of communication, or are guests. Network Examples | Qt Network 5.9 see this for examples on this. They might have something as a working sample, but you will still require some tweaks.
One thing, do not go onwards toward ACE framework — it is just painful, I am currently trying to get it to work and say hello, but it does not even work at all. If someone ever offers you the code, just away from it.
Qt | Cross-platform software development for embedded & desktop
Boost C++ Libraries
The sh*t I complain about
It's like there ain't a cloud in the sky and it's raining out - Eminem
~! Firewall !~
Single Server With Multiple Clients : a Simple C++ Implementation[^]
"the debugger doesn't tell me anything because this code compiles just fine" - random QA comment
"Facebook is where you tell lies to your friends. Twitter is where you tell the truth to strangers." - chriselst
"I don't drink any more... then again, I don't drink any less." - Mike Mullikins uncle
Read #2 here.
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." - James D. Miles
I found the source of problem the exception occurred when I did CAsncSocket::Receive(CString*,int) I has previously done a GetBufferSetLength to a large enough size so I don't
understand why I got an exception
Check the documentation: CAsyncSocket::Receive[^]. The first parameter should be a pointer to a byte buffer, which CString* is not.
The CString class is not thread safe but using CAsyncSocket indicates that you are using multiple threads.
When using GetBuffer[Xxx] , the string object is locked until ReleaseBuffer is called (which must be called from the same thread).
As Richard already noted, you need a byte buffer. While this can be achieved by using CStringA , I recommend to rethink your design. Don't use string classes for binary data and ensure thread safety.
Are you to
CByteArray if so how can I ensure the size
You should just use a simple array of bytes, which is what the socket method requires.
You probably don't need an array class if you just want to copy data and do not need inserting or removing of items. If you know the (max.) size in advance just use a plain array allocated with new . If not, you can still grow by allocating a new array, copying data from the old, and delete the old.
CByteArray is also an MFC class which is probably also not thread safe. But it is impossible to help without knowing what your code is doing.
The question are (you may ask and solve them yourself):
Does my array require special modification functions besides copying?
Which functions use my array under which conditions (read only, write only, both)?
Where is may array allocated (this might be at different code points if resizing is necessary)?
Where it is deleted?
Do I need thread safety?
I'm reading this excellent book. I considered to use steering behavior in our MMORPG game server project.
but if we use it all,it would consume a lot of cpu time which would be unacceptable for a server project.
does any one have any experience on this topic?How could I find a proper way to use steering behavior in MMORPG server?
Thank you very much.