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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Problem in precedence of operators. Pin
Jochen Arndt7-Jul-17 22:15
professionalJochen Arndt7-Jul-17 22:15 
AnswerRe: Problem in precedence of operators. Pin
Victor Nijegorodov8-Jul-17 11:13
Victor Nijegorodov8-Jul-17 11:13 
GeneralRe: Problem in precedence of operators. Pin
jschell10-Jul-17 4:33
jschell10-Jul-17 4:33 
Questionwhat is pla.h ? Pin
Flaze077-Jul-17 6:45
Flaze077-Jul-17 6:45 
AnswerRe: what is pla.h ? Pin
jeron17-Jul-17 7:20
jeron17-Jul-17 7:20 
AnswerRe: what is pla.h ? Pin
David Crow7-Jul-17 7:25
David Crow7-Jul-17 7:25 
GeneralRe: what is pla.h ? Pin
Flaze078-Jul-17 16:16
Flaze078-Jul-17 16:16 
Question(latest VS2017) Using the C++ Core Check (code analysis) trigger warning on corrected code. Pin
Maximilien6-Jul-17 5:56
Maximilien6-Jul-17 5:56 
AnswerRe: (latest VS2017) Using the C++ Core Check (code analysis) trigger warning on corrected code. Pin
Michael_Davies6-Jul-17 7:33
Michael_Davies6-Jul-17 7:33 
GeneralRe: (latest VS2017) Using the C++ Core Check (code analysis) trigger warning on corrected code. Pin
Maximilien7-Jul-17 5:30
Maximilien7-Jul-17 5:30 
GeneralRe: (latest VS2017) Using the C++ Core Check (code analysis) trigger warning on corrected code. Pin
Michael_Davies7-Jul-17 5:49
Michael_Davies7-Jul-17 5:49 
GeneralRe: (latest VS2017) Using the C++ Core Check (code analysis) trigger warning on corrected code. Pin
Richard Andrew x647-Jul-17 6:35
professionalRichard Andrew x647-Jul-17 6:35 
GeneralRe: (latest VS2017) Using the C++ Core Check (code analysis) trigger warning on corrected code. Pin
Michael_Davies7-Jul-17 8:27
Michael_Davies7-Jul-17 8:27 
QuestionAccess Driver in Embedded Standard OS Pin
divya036-Jul-17 0:48
divya036-Jul-17 0:48 
AnswerRe: Access Driver in Embedded Standard OS Pin
Richard MacCutchan6-Jul-17 1:02
mveRichard MacCutchan6-Jul-17 1:02 
GeneralRe: Access Driver in Embedded Standard OS Pin
divya036-Jul-17 1:42
divya036-Jul-17 1:42 
GeneralRe: Access Driver in Embedded Standard OS Pin
Richard MacCutchan6-Jul-17 2:25
mveRichard MacCutchan6-Jul-17 2:25 
GeneralRe: Access Driver in Embedded Standard OS Pin
divya036-Jul-17 2:31
divya036-Jul-17 2:31 
GeneralRe: Access Driver in Embedded Standard OS Pin
Richard MacCutchan6-Jul-17 2:41
mveRichard MacCutchan6-Jul-17 2:41 
GeneralRe: Access Driver in Embedded Standard OS Pin
divya036-Jul-17 3:06
divya036-Jul-17 3:06 
GeneralRe: Access Driver in Embedded Standard OS Pin
Munchies_Matt6-Jul-17 6:44
Munchies_Matt6-Jul-17 6:44 
GeneralRe: Access Driver in Embedded Standard OS Pin
divya036-Jul-17 22:36
divya036-Jul-17 22:36 
GeneralRe: Access Driver in Embedded Standard OS Pin
Munchies_Matt7-Jul-17 0:25
Munchies_Matt7-Jul-17 0:25 
GeneralRe: Access Driver in Embedded Standard OS Pin
Randor 10-Jul-17 9:00
professional Randor 10-Jul-17 9:00 
QuestionRe: Access Driver in Embedded Standard OS Pin
David Crow6-Jul-17 4:34
David Crow6-Jul-17 4:34 

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