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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: WinTECH opc client Pin
Richard MacCutchan20-Mar-18 22:43
mveRichard MacCutchan20-Mar-18 22:43 
Questionporting _beginthreadex from VS2005 to VS2017 Pin
jimNLX20-Mar-18 5:13
jimNLX20-Mar-18 5:13 
AnswerRe: porting _beginthreadex from VS2005 to VS2017 Pin
Jochen Arndt20-Mar-18 5:43
professionalJochen Arndt20-Mar-18 5:43 
GeneralRe: porting _beginthreadex from VS2005 to VS2017 Pin
jimNLX6-Apr-18 9:03
jimNLX6-Apr-18 9:03 
AnswerRe: porting _beginthreadex from VS2005 to VS2017 Pin
leon de boer20-Mar-18 8:00
leon de boer20-Mar-18 8:00 
GeneralRe: porting _beginthreadex from VS2005 to VS2017 Pin
jimNLX6-Apr-18 9:06
jimNLX6-Apr-18 9:06 
GeneralRe: porting _beginthreadex from VS2005 to VS2017 Pin
jimNLX11-Apr-18 9:03
jimNLX11-Apr-18 9:03 
GeneralRe: porting _beginthreadex from VS2005 to VS2017 Pin
leon de boer17-Apr-18 21:45
leon de boer17-Apr-18 21:45 
GeneralRe: porting _beginthreadex from VS2005 to VS2017 Pin
jimNLX18-Apr-18 3:49
jimNLX18-Apr-18 3:49 
GeneralRe: porting _beginthreadex from VS2005 to VS2017 Pin
leon de boer18-Apr-18 15:27
leon de boer18-Apr-18 15:27 
GeneralRe: porting _beginthreadex from VS2005 to VS2017 Pin
jimNLX9-May-18 9:18
jimNLX9-May-18 9:18 
GeneralRe: porting _beginthreadex from VS2005 to VS2017 Pin
leon de boer9-May-18 16:11
leon de boer9-May-18 16:11 
GeneralRe: porting _beginthreadex from VS2005 to VS2017 Pin
jimNLX11-May-18 6:23
jimNLX11-May-18 6:23 
QuestionOpenCL bit-matrix multiplication (implementing tiling in local memory) Pin
User 1370349219-Mar-18 19:19
User 1370349219-Mar-18 19:19 
AnswerRe: OpenCL bit-matrix multiplication (implementing tiling in local memory) Pin
leon de boer19-Mar-18 23:47
leon de boer19-Mar-18 23:47 
GeneralRe: OpenCL bit-matrix multiplication (implementing tiling in local memory) Pin
User 1370349220-Mar-18 1:02
User 1370349220-Mar-18 1:02 
GeneralRe: OpenCL bit-matrix multiplication (implementing tiling in local memory) Pin
leon de boer20-Mar-18 3:12
leon de boer20-Mar-18 3:12 
GeneralRe: OpenCL bit-matrix multiplication (implementing tiling in local memory) Pin
User 1370349220-Mar-18 10:09
User 1370349220-Mar-18 10:09 
GeneralRe: OpenCL bit-matrix multiplication (implementing tiling in local memory) Pin
leon de boer20-Mar-18 15:27
leon de boer20-Mar-18 15:27 
GeneralRe: OpenCL bit-matrix multiplication (implementing tiling in local memory) Pin
User 1370349221-Mar-18 3:50
User 1370349221-Mar-18 3:50 
GeneralRe: OpenCL bit-matrix multiplication (implementing tiling in local memory) Pin
leon de boer21-Mar-18 4:25
leon de boer21-Mar-18 4:25 
GeneralRe: OpenCL bit-matrix multiplication (implementing tiling in local memory) Pin
User 1370349221-Mar-18 7:00
User 1370349221-Mar-18 7:00 
GeneralRe: OpenCL bit-matrix multiplication (implementing tiling in local memory) Pin
leon de boer21-Mar-18 16:12
leon de boer21-Mar-18 16:12 
GeneralRe: OpenCL bit-matrix multiplication (implementing tiling in local memory) Pin
User 137034921-Apr-18 18:05
User 137034921-Apr-18 18:05 
GeneralRe: OpenCL bit-matrix multiplication (implementing tiling in local memory) Pin
leon de boer2-Apr-18 18:56
leon de boer2-Apr-18 18:56 

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