I want to control the device with my programm.
How to get info from video capture card PEXHDCAP with no SDK or similar. I think I can only dissassemble the software / driver like hackers do.
Is there any expert who can find out how to control this device with own software ?
Is there any expert who can find out how to control this device with own software ?
While there certainly are, it could be between quite and very expensive. As reverse engineering (even for compatibility) is illegal in some jurisdictions, the one(s) performing it would have to be in a place where it's allowed. Say Europe. Then you have to factor in the very specialized skill-set and expertise in the area, and we could easily look at five digits USD.
IMO the company producing the card should at a minimum provide complete driver(s) for it, better yet complete documentation. As patented stuff like H.264 is included, they may themselves be prevented by NDA's to provide neither, making the product a burden on the environment (read: landfill ).
Anyway, my advice would be to first contact the company producing it. If that fails, I'd advice against even considering hiring someone to do the work unless you had serious dough just lying around. Better to get a simple card with working software and append x264 to the pipeline.
Hi Mike
thanks for answering
This card can be controlled with standard DirektShow routines some people answered me.
But is this fast enough ?
And all features programmable ?
I will see ...
greets Peter
Dear sir/madam,
Please share any example online website code using c++ language .I need it in my entry level engineer interview.Please help me out in this regard.
Rathnasri Adepu
If you cannot answer your interview questions by your own efforts, then the answers have no value.
"the debugger doesn't tell me anything because this code compiles just fine" - random QA comment
"Facebook is where you tell lies to your friends. Twitter is where you tell the truth to strangers." - chriselst
Member 11393333 wrote: I need it
No. What you need is a different kind of job. That would be better both for you and your prospective employee.
Seriously, ask yourself this question: what is the point of applying to a job with requirements you cannot hope to meet? Even if someone were to provide you with the example you ask for, it's likely the employee will realize it's not your work, and that you cannot be trusted. In the unlikely case he hires you anyway, you won't be able to complete any task, and you'll be fired.
Better spend your efforts in finding a job that fits your abilities!
GOTOs are a bit like wire coat hangers: they tend to breed in the darkness, such that where there once were few, eventually there are many, and the program's architecture collapses beneath them. (Fran Poretto)
Dear all:
I have two touch screens and dual monitor, I try to match touch screen for each monitor in windows xp.
I can do it in mirror mode and extended mode, but failed in span
I use the EnumDisplayMonitor to get the monitor count, but the monitor count is 1 in span mode.
How do I know my dual diplay in span mode and get the monitor count?
best regards, Victor
modified 28-Jan-15 21:59pm.
Hi All,
I am writing a program to control some I/O card under Win8.1 environment, however, initialisation winio always fail. There is no problem under WinXP or Win7, so I guess it is caused by Win8.1 UEFI blocked the WINIO.
Is there anyone who can give me a solution?
It is unlikely that anyone can give a solution, unless you provide a lot more information. Where does the failure occur, what are the conditions, what error status or message do you see ... ?
When I perform
DWORD dwMemVal;
bool bResult;
HANDLE hPhysicalMemory;
PBYTE pbLinAddr;
// Call InitializeWinIo to initialize the WinIo library.
bResult = InitializeWinIo();
the bResult keeps 0, so I cannot initialize WinIO
However, I tried to create a virtual machine with WinXP installed, using the same sourecode without any problem. Thus, I guess it is caused by Win8.1 UEFI which protect the BIOS controlled by WinIO.
Would there be anyone who can help me to fix this problem? Thanks a lot for any help.
I tried to put the same program in Win8.0 and it works without the need to sign-up WINIO.
I would like to know what is the different between Win8 and 8.1?
Hi, in a windows CE platform, I tested BitBlt() function,
I found it will take about 400 millisecdons to do:
bmpDashBoard.LoadBitmap( IDB_SCREEN_IMP );
pOldBmp = (CBitmap*)Memboard.SelectObject(&bmpBoard);
MemDC.BitBlt(0,0, 800,600,&Memboard, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
is there anyway to speed up BitBlt() function?
are you saying it takes 400ms to do all of that, or just the BitBlt?
because you can do the LoadBitmap ahead of time and just keep the CBitmap around for when you need it.
I can't get precise time, but, with old BitBlt(), not a 800*600 bitmap,
I set tick count array in program, tkCount[15]-tkCount[14] = tkCount[14] - tkCount[13] ... = tkCount[1] - tkCount[0] = 170 ms around.
Then I use new BitBlt() to load 800*600 bitmap, it gives 400ms around.
So I should say it added 230 ms.
Old BitBlt() just transport about 1/5 or 1/6 part of 800*600 bitmap.
I expected to use a 800*600(the screen area) memory DC to hold all parts changes, then BitBlt() to screen.
Now that 800*600 tooks so much time, I don't think a double buffer technique is helpful.
what do you mean "old" and "new" BitBlt ?
I doubt it's the BitBlt slowing you down that much. You probably shouldn't be loading a bitmap every single time, load it once and keep it in memory for better results.
Yes, I know redraw picture is a time-costing work.
But, the application need to update picture with the real-time data.
I do real-time drawing... bitblt() is your friend, you're probably doing something else that's slow.
The background picture is 800*600, 24 color depth, so it is about 1.44 MB.
Did you think the picture size would affect the BitBlt() speed?
I'm sure it would... but not to the extent that your numbers reflect. You're doing something else wrong (or... more precisely, you're doing something else that's slowing the process down).
How much time does it take to do the other 4 lines?
It seems 1-3 ms, based on tickcount() result
Do you handled CDC::SetStretchBltMode[^] ? Depend on this settings, you will have rendering speed or render quality ...