thanks for your guidance and support ,but please help me what function use to display text and icon on button....
according to the documentationt set icon on button use CButton:SetIcon method,that have i already used...as you know also is not working fine...
I just tested this on my system and it works fine, using the BM_SETIMAGE message. I am not sure how you would do that in MFC but I guess in much the same way.
sir you tested this on XP?
sir i already told so many times os version upper than XP, my code also working fine,
the problem is just about XP and lower version...
I have managed to get my XP VM set up and have run a number of tests but cannot make this work. Having a look around with Google it seems that this feature does not work on XP, despite the fact that the MSDN documentation states that this should work on versions from Windows 2000 and above. It looks like you are stuck, and the only solution is to decide whether to use text or icon in your product.
yes sir thanks...
i am using now NM_CUSTOMDRAW and its solve my problem...
Hello Everybody,
I hope i have choosen the right forum for my Question.
I have a little application which starts another programm with a specific path (a txt-file).
Yes, easy and simple, it works fine with ShellExecute, but i have a problem with some Executables(I have to test a few programs). One Executable opens correct but it don´t opens the given path. I don´t understake whats wrong, because if I drag and drop the txt-file manualy on the executable it works.
So my Question is, are ShellExecute and Drag&Drop two different things to open a programm? Does anybody know a way to fix my problem ?
Thanks in advance,
You need to show the section of the code that tries to start the program and explain exactly what part of it is not working.
void StartEXE (String^ path)
TCHAR prog[] = TEXT("C:\\...\\....");
string p ;
MarshalString(path, p);
std::string str= p;
TCHAR *param=new TCHAR[str.size()+1];
const TCHAR open[] = TEXT("runas")
ShellExecute( NULL, open, prog, param, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
void MarshalString ( String ^ s, string& os )
using namespace Runtime::InteropServices;
const char* chars =
(const char*)(Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(s)).ToPointer();
os = chars;
This is the code i use. I call StartEXE with a String like C:\\test.txt , the programmpath is fix in the code.
The Programm i want to open opens but it don´t open the path.
This happens only by one Programm, if i want to open another programm this code works.
Any Ideas?
Without seeing the actual parameters and the code of the executing program it's impossible to guess what may be happening. It would probably be a good idea to add some debug code to the called program so you can see exactly what parameters it is trying to deal with. What is the "runas" parameter supposed to do?
You might also want to consider asking for help here.
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That should only work if the application you want to start supports command line parameters, or if it the default application for starting the document type you're trying to open.
Thats what i wanted to hear
The "runas" is to start a exe with admin rights.
Is it right that open a Programm with ShellExecute is different to Drag&Drop way ? Because if i drag and drop a textfile on the Program i want to open it works. btw the program is a finished one done not by myself.
Is there a way to drag&drop the textfile to the program via code?
Starting a program by command line and drag&drop are different things. An application can implement any (or neither). You cannot simulate drag&drop from code if that application is not handling the drop.
Thank you for the answer.
The Application i want to open supports drag&drop.
How can i implement the drag&drop function in my program?
Do you have any Ideas ?
Not exactly sure what may be causing your problem... but the unix/linux calls (also supported by Windows) usually work pretty well for me.
Try them out (required header is in documentation)...
I'm trying to sign data using dsa private key using openSSL. I want to use a private key that is stored in a file. Can any one please suggest me how to get privae key from a file.
Thanks in advance.
Read the file and extract the key. You need to explain exactly how this key is stored in the file and what problem you are having reading it out.
My private key file is a text file and it contains the data
FCA6 82CE 8E12 CABA 26EF CCF7 110E 526D B078 B05E DECB CD1E B4A2 08F3 AE16 17AE 01F3 5B91 A47E 6DF6 3413 C5E1 2ED0 899B CD13 2ACD 50D9 9151 BDC4 3EE7 3759 2E17.
962E DDCC 369C BA8E BB26 0EE6 B6A1 26D9 346E 38C5.
6784 71B2 7A9C F44E E91A 49C5 147D B1A9 AAF2 44F0 5A43 4D64 8693 1D2D 1427 1B9E 3503 0B71 FD73 DA17 9069 B32E 2935 630E 1C20 6235 4D0D A20A 6C41 6E50 BE79 4CA4.
06CE 2BF2 3F33 FDCD 3F22 1301 4F56 1152 69F6 FA4D.
Here BIG x is the private key and I need this key to sign my data.
IICTECH wrote: Here BIG x is the private key and I need this key to sign my data. So what is your problem?