Well, Ultimately you can not. You can hide it from casual 'browsers'. The situation is still that ultimately a designated administrator for a machine is considered 'the owner' of the contents of a drive, who has as such un restricted access to all files, stored on that machine.
Anything short of that would leave the 'data Controller' unable to control the data.
I think you refer to the MS Section of the disk (invisible to WinExplorer) from which the OS can be recovered. Part of the game is, that those sectors can 'NEVER'be written to by Users, hence it cannot contain any reportable personal data.
Bram van Kampen
At the very least, anyone with admin rights will always be able to see it. If nothing else, this is necessary for virus scanners and backup programs! Why is the standard hide flag not sufficient for your purpose? Maybe your problem can be solved in another way.
when I use following function get the web info,it always takes a long time,My application can not do anything ,so how to create a thread to get the info .
void CMainFrame::GetXMLInfo(string& strweb,wstring& strErrorMsg)
CString strURL = _T("http://xxxxx.com");
CInternetSession Session(_T("MyWeb"));
CHttpFile *lpFile = NULL;
if (lpFile != NULL)
char szBuff[1024] = {0};
if ( lpFile->Read(szBuff, 1024) <= 0)
strweb += szBuff;
}catch(CInternetException* pEx)
TCHAR pszError[64];
pEx->GetErrorMessage(pszError, 64);
strErrorMsg = pszError;
delete lpFile;
lpFile = NULL;
Which framework are you using?
Try using some of the tutorials from MSDN site.
You can download them from here.
i'm making a disk(volume) backup/restore system.
i would unmount volume before backup,
but the system volume can not be unmounted.
so the change or access of system volume is worry for me while that system volume is backup.
is it possible that detect which disk sector or ntfs cluster was changed realtime?
that can be filter driver, can it be possible?
Raw sector/cluster accesses on a *LIVE* system is virtually impossible, you would be fighting against running background processes in windows which may be doing a similar task.
See Volume Shadow Copy info.
The only safe way to do raw sector/cluster copying is *offline*, boot from a DVD with a recovery environment like Windows PE (Pre-installation Environment) see Windows AIK Download or something similar.
You just can't trust what you get backed up from a live system. Some files are locked for read/write etc, hence the need for Volume Shadow Copy service or inaccessible due to filesystem/user permissions.
"It's true that hard work never killed anyone. But I figure, why take the chance." - Ronald Reagan
That's what machines are for.
Got a problem?
Sleep on it.
Hello All,
I have a MFC app in VS 6.0 in which am trying to move the postion of a button during the run time. I am calling function SetWindowPos and for some reason it's not working. I tried MoveWindow and that too didn't work.
The same code runs on a different dialog with a different (ID) button.
But for some reason the SetWindowPos & MoveWindow functions are not working in this particular dialog.
Is there any reason for that? like, all controls are locked or something....
How to resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Without seeing your code it is impossible to guess what you may be doing.
Use the best guess
Controls cannot be locked.
The reason for it not working is definitely something wrong with the code.
So as Richard said, we need to see it.
Donguy1976 wrote: all controls are locked or something....
Controls can't be locked. Show use the code...
Дан двумерный массив. Найти минимальную сумму элементов по строкам. последовательно решила, а как параллельно все это решить?
Not too difficult to figure out that this is an English language forum. And, translated your question makes little sense.
Use the best guess
It looks like homework.
find the minimum number of rows for an unspecified 2D array.
"It's true that hard work never killed anyone. But I figure, why take the chance." - Ronald Reagan
That's what machines are for.
Got a problem?
Sleep on it.
Quite, I couldnt agree more.
Nothing to say.
What is wrong on this code:
CButton* pButton = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_AMP_1);
CDC *pDC = pButton -> GetDC();
pDC->MoveTo(10, 10);
pDC->LineTo(30, 30);
I want simple draw a line on button. But tis program does not work.
Is your button created with the BS_OWNERDRAW style ?
Is the code in the DrawItem method ?
Nihil obstat
Member 9891334 wrote: CButton* pButton = (CButton*)GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_AMP_1);
Is pButton good (not NULL) after this line?
I don't do much with buttons like this, but when are you deciding to draw?
Someone else can chime in, but if you don't invalidate the button, windows will discard the drawing.
Charlie Gilley
<italic>You're going to tell me what I want to know, or I'm going to beat you to death in your own house.
"Where liberty dwells, there is my country." B. Franklin, 1783
“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” BF, 1759
using the pBtn->Invalidate() to refresh the button
I need to place a bitmap on button. I am working with eVC++.
You need to create a button with the BS_BITMAP style.
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"Show me a community that obeys the Ten Commandments and I'll show you a less crowded prison system." - Anonymous