dear all,I have a question,when I write files,like pdf,i want to popup a dialog with animation to show
that the writing operation is working.
I don't know how to do with that ,it may need a avi file ,use CAnimateCtrl,is it need multithread,please
help me.this is my code
void CMainFrame::OnExportPdf()
CExportPro* ExPro;
ExPro = new CExportPro();
CString fileName;
CString filePath;
if(dlg.DoModal()==IDOK )
filePath = dlg.GetPathName();
m_filepathname = dlg.GetPathName();
if ( !filePath.IsEmpty())
CFile file;
CString str(TEXT("hello this is the test for write process"));
while (i<1000000)
BOOL CExportPro::OnInitDialog()
m_avi.Play(0,-1, -1);
return TRUE;
I know It is not my means,but how can do ,when writing it display avi.
Where exactly are you stuck?
Perform all your file writing operations in a background thread, and compute and post messages on the operation progress from the worker thread to your main window. Your main window procedure should handle this message and display the progress accordingly.
"Real men drive manual transmission" - Rajesh.
modified 4-Jan-13 6:20am.
Thanks,but I use CAnimateCtrl,this is a control,I initial it in dialog CExportPro::OnInitDialog(),I think
when modalless diaolog appear,the control should be appear ,but the fact is that when writing it appear modalless diaolog without CAnimateCtrl,and after writing,the CAnimateCtrl show,why,it maybe the thread
hang_up.how to do with it.
My current task is to develop C/C++ project for running on Linux (Ubuntu). My Windows PC has Visual Studio Express, Eclipse and Cygwin installed.
I have worked with C/C++ on MS Windows years but I am new to the situation above.
Could anyone help me to configure and show me step by step how to create and build a project (I need to work
all on MS Windows 7)?
I mean how to develop C/C++ project on Windows environment described as above and the built file can run on Linux.
Thanks in advance.
You cannot run Windows unmanaged programs on Linux. You can do the base development as long as your code is POSIX compliant, but you would be better getting access to a Linux system and using the Linux development tools.
One of these days I'm going to think of a really clever signature.
People, I met a rather strange situation. I deleted a small memory block and after it was not able to allocate another one. Operator "new" presented me with "out of memory" exception. But without previous call of "delete" "new" gave me what I asked it for (I'm talking about small blocks, something like 10KB). At that very time VirtualAlloc() successfully allocated required memory. How could it be?
Corrupted heap springs to mind.
Yeah, of course I thought about it, but was not able to detect where this sorrowful situation took place. Usually when I wrote something outside of allocated memory block, I got a message when "delete" operator was called, but not now. I tried to check surrounding memory, allocated larger then I needed block, wrote canary words before and after memory that I used and found that these canary words remained intact.
Without seeing the relevant code, I'm afraid we cannot help you.
Veni, vidi, vici.
Situation is worse, than I expected. Some malicious code is running at my comp. For the beginning, my Visual Studio 2005 refused to create the Project Property window and gave me something like "failed to create Net. Framework property grid". Trying to understand, why my prog refuses to open files, which it was able to open some days ago I found that in my process's address space was downloaded libraries like urlmon.dll, netapi.dll, crypt32.dll and modemInst.dll (!!!). People, I write prog which is intended to work with aerial images and I have no intention to counteract with the Net. The most interesting is the last library- it was taken not from system32 catalog, but from folder where HSPA USB Modem was placed.
Is there any tool to findout memory leaks in an ActiveX (build using C++/MFC). This ActiveX is loaded through a webpage in IE. I want to find out leaks at run time on certain operation in the ActiveX specially during unload. I tried bound checker but there is no such option to attach IE with it.
Manish Agarwal
manish.k.agarwal @ gmail DOT com
Hi Manish K,
There is a similar question found on the following website with details:
Please take a look at it, you may find it beneficial
With Kind Regards,
Comm100 - Leading Live Chat Software Provider
modified 27-May-14 8:33am.
It is more helpful if you make your links clickable. Use the "link" or "[^]" button above the edit control.
One of these days I'm going to think of a really clever signature.
Hello Mr. Agarwal,
With regards to your post, a tool that aids in finding memory leaks in an ActiveX (build using C++/MFC)at run time on certain operation during upload is the following:
Please visit the following:
There a solutions listed.
With Kind Regards,
Comm100 - Leading Live Chat Software Provider
modified 27-May-14 8:30am.
I am not looking simply memory leak finding tools but I am trying to deal with a special case when there is a memory leak inside an ActiveX. I know this is simply as a Leak inside a DLL but ActiveX case is some different as it is loaded by IE using JavaScript object tag and it is also unloaded by IE. I want to track leaks at unloading time.
Manish Agarwal
manish.k.agarwal @ gmail DOT com
I need code to tell me when a file is baing created I noticed there is a managed class FileSystemWatcher that would do the trick from my research seems like it lives
in system.dll
My question is the following is it possible to use managed code meaning using namespace System along with System::IO With the Visual C++ 6.0 compiler
or this compiler is old and doesn't support managed code
I remember in the old days there was like export statements to use methods exposed
in DLL's and maybe with this compiler this the way to go
Any Direction would be appreciated
No managed code with VC6 ... way too old.
Nihil obstat
i have thousands of VC++ 6 Projects, now i want to batch upgrade and build them to VC++ 2010.
i don't know how to do that.
Any body can help me?
Thank you so much for your reply. But, can you post the Script which can work for VC++ 2010?
Because I'm not using VC++ .Net.
Falconapollo wrote: i want to batch upgrade and build them to
I doubt that is realistic.
There is no reasonable scenario in which a QA department could be expected to verify those and no way that Operations/Support could be expected to put thousands into production at the same time.
Thus a planned rollout involving small sets is required. And small sets can be upgraded manually.
Even if everything went smoothly with say the first 100 one would still want to have a grace period between production and the next batch to insure that some serious problem didn't develop. Attempting to rollback tens versus thousands of apps is obviously very different.
jschell wrote:
I doubt that is realistic.
Why is it not realistic ?
It might be part of a bigger process to upgrade their code-base to a newer compiler/system; maybe a year long process (not uncommon for large systems).
Maybe they have a unit test system in place to validate all their code and system tests to validate the outputs.
I think thinking about a way to automatize converting their project files is good thinking; I would not want to have to double click on 1000s of dsw/dsp in VS2010 and manually upgrade the project files.
Nihil obstat