nbgangsta wrote: But what if I want to add a manifest? IDM_MAN MANIFEST
"file.manifest" ends up with a folder called "Manifest" (including quotes,
which does not happen with ICON and BITMAP).
It usually ends up looking something like:
1 24 MOVEABLE PURE "res\\MyApp.exe.manifest"
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"Some people are making such thorough preparation for rainy days that they aren't enjoying today's sunshine." - William Feather
nbgangsta wrote: But a choice has to be made between the two (in c#).
... not really...
You could (like me) use the icon resource in c sharp for the icon and then use something like:
If NativeMethod.IsProcessElevated = False Then
Dim proc As New ProcessStartInfo
proc.UseShellExecute = True
proc.WorkingDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory
proc.FileName = Application.ExecutablePath
proc.Verb = "runas"
Using AppProcess As New Process
AppProcess.StartInfo = proc
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New Exception("UAC Authorization Failed")
End Try
End Using
End If
I run this in a Main method ... so your version may need to be modified ... Also I am more familiar with VB ... so have left you to convert it to c#
... Also you will need to download the Microsoft UAC project from here[^] for this to work
Have anybody know how to set an VC6 editor behaviuor on Ctrl+Tab at an standard MDI application ? A MDI application roll on window after window on Ctrl+Tab, if I release Ctrl key or not, but VC6 editor (and any other editor) show previuous child window if I release Ctrl key ... any ideas ? Thanks.
hi, how can i get all the windows handle from a point?
For example if in (100,100) i have two windows overlapped, i want to get the handle of the topmost window and the handle of the other window.
WindowFromPoint, ChildWindowFromPointEx.
For windows under windows, you'll have to EnumWindows and do your own hit testing.
/* Charles Oppermann */
Use EnumWindows to enumerate the windows.
Use GetWindowRect to get the rectangle of the window.
Then use PtInRect to check if the point of interest lies within the window rectangle.
Additionally to what the others have said, the "get the rectangle and check if the point is inside it" method might not work with non-rectangular windows (layered windows with per-pixel alpha (see here[^]) or windows with a non-rectangular window region (see here[^]). I wonder if sending these kinds of windows the WM_NCHITTEST[^] message could tell you if the point is on the window or not.
> The problem with computers is that they do what you tell them to do and not what you want them to do. <
> If it doesn't matter, it's antimatter.<
That's what RealChildWindowFromPoint handles.
/* Charles Oppermann */
Load and Display a Dialog Box from Simple Win32 DLL with No MFC support
Don't you like DialogBox function[^]?
If the Lord God Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon the Creation, I would have recommended something simpler.
-- Alfonso the Wise, 13th Century King of Castile.
This is going on my arrogant assumptions. You may have a superb reason why I'm completely wrong.
-- Iain Clarke
[My articles]
I have declared a global coblist in my Snapshot.CPP file on the top of the file.
CObList SnapList;
void CSnapShot::OnDelete()
int index = 2; //Want to delete some item from the list
pos = SnapList.FindIndex(index);
CSnp *pSnp = (CSnp*)SnapList.GetAt(pos);
delete pSnp;
My question is: Is it a must to delete the object after removing the pos from the SnapList using the statement:
SnapList.RemoveAt(pos); delete pSnp;
we can just remove the statement
delete pSnp;
from the above code.
manoharbalu wrote: Is it a must to delete the object after removing the pos from the SnapList Yes, when the list is the owner (single holder) of its entries
They sought it with thimbles, they sought it with care;
They pursued it with forks and hope;
They threatened its life with a railway-share;
They charmed it with smiles and soap.
What Eugen said is correct: it depends who is considered the 'owner' of this object, i. e. for allocating and deallocating the required resources.
If you have references to that same object outside the list, then you must make sure that either these are not being used after deleteing your object, or you must choose another owner, because in this case the list must not delete its elements! But that means that whatever other object (or function) owns the elements, it is that object (or function) which is responsible for deleting the objects to prevent memory leaks.
Sorry... I didnot get your point.
In my example, I am going to remove the element from the list, becaue I dont need the element anymore in future.
My only question is....
Is it enough that I just remove the element just by using
Should I Save the old pointer for deletion and remove the element from list and then delete the object as below in 3 steps.
CSnp *pSnp = (CSnp*)SnapList.GetAt(pos);
delete pSnp;
Pl tell me which one is correct... the first one with one step or the second one with 3 steps.
If you create an object on the heap using new , then you must call delete on it at some point. So, to answer your question, the second option is correct. The first option will only remove the pointer from the list, making it inaccessible - but the object will still exist on the heap. Option 2 is not the only option though, and that is why I talked about the concept of 'owner' and suggested alternate ways.
Regarding the concept of 'ownership':
As a general rule, to minimize the risks of memory leaks or memory corruption, you should always make sure that each object created on the heap 'belongs' to some function or other object. What this means is, in case of a function 'owner', you make sure that at the end of that function you delete the created object; or, in case of another object, you call delete on the created object inside the destructor of the owner object.
By following this rule you will always be able to find the delete statement belonging to a new very quickly, and that way you can make sure it's not gone missing!
I assume in your code you instantiated a CSnp object and added a pointer to it to the Snaplist. The Snaplist just contains the pointer, calling removeAt on it will remove the pointer but not the allocated memory that it points to. So yes you will need to manually call delete on it! Or else you will get a memory leak.
It's syntax that we have to put '&' right before pointer to member function.
For example here.
class Test;
typedef void (Test::*fpop)();
class Test
void Op1(){}
int main(){
fpop pFunc;
pFunc = &Test::Op1;
return 0;
However, when I take a look at ON_COMMAND(or any other messages) in MFC, it seems a bit different from what I think is right.
VS6.0 is okay. It follows the right syntax as you see below.
You can clearly see & before memberFxn.
#define ON_COMMAND(id, memberFxn) \
{ WM_COMMAND, CN_COMMAND, (WORD)id, (WORD)id, AfxSig_vv, (AFX_PMSG)&memberFxn },
But in VS2008, it goes a bit weird. There is no & before memberFxn.
#define ON_COMMAND(id, memberFxn) \
{ WM_COMMAND, CN_COMMAND, (WORD)id, (WORD)id, AfxSigCmd_v, \
static_cast<AFX_PMSG> (memberFxn) },
Moreover, in spite of the fact that there is no & before memberFxn,
each line below works perfectly.
1. ON_COMMAND(ID_APP_ABOUT, CSingleApp::OnAppAbout) // &
2. ON_COMMAND(ID_APP_ABOUT, &CSingleApp::OnAppAbout) // no &
I tried to find why, and I was curious if it could be because of static_cast<> but it turned out that static_cast has nothing to do with it.
So I am wondering why in VS2008 I have 2 choices where I put & or I don't have to put &.
It goes waaaay back to the original C language of the 1970's. In the first edition of "The C Programming Language",
Kernighan and Ritchie wrote: ... an identifier which is declared "function returning ...", when used except in the function-name position of a call, is converted to "pointer to function returning ...".
In the second edition, the wording has changed to
... and expression of type "function returning T," except when used as the operand of the & operator, is converted to "pointer to function returning T."
In other words, the & has always been optional.
Software rusts. Simon Stephenson, ca 1994.
First of all, Thanks you so much for answering my question.
I think that case that you mentioned is about just "pointer to function."
Peter_in_2780 wrote: the & has always been optional.
But when using "pointer to MEMBER function", the & is not optional, but necessary as you see below.
class Test;
typedef void (Test::*fpop)();
class Test
void Op1(){}
int main(){
fpop pFunc;
pFunc = Test::Op1; return 0;
I know that MFC's message pump consists of Pointer to member function, which needs the &.
Could you explain why?
Digging a bit deeper, I came across this[^] right here on CP. Seems VC6 and VC7 break the rules as you noticed... See just after the second code block below the heading "Member Function Pointers".
Way too much information in that article for me! But if I ever need to go there...
Software rusts. Simon Stephenson, ca 1994.
That looks like a great article... Looks like I have some reading ahead of me...
It's a simple problem.
At First, the massage map is implemented by an array with a structure.
Secondly, the syntax error is actually a kind of warning.
Third and finally, The massage map function starts with disabling the warning by a macro PTM_WARNING_DISABLE
So, you may assign the function to a pointer without reference operator &.
Here is an example,
fpop pFunc[1] = {Test::Op1};
However, an interest problem occurs when you call the function with the function pointer.
And the problem is all yours.
modified on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 5:42 AM
did you mean to send this message to the OP? ...because I didn't ask the question...
GetCharABCWidthsFloat returns different values on XP, Vista and Windows 7. How can I solve this problem?
Is there a workaround method to handle this?