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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: How to Send/Post Message to a CDocument object? Pin
Richard MacCutchan27-Jun-11 22:17
mveRichard MacCutchan27-Jun-11 22:17 
AnswerRe: How to Send/Post Message to a CDocument object? Pin
Albert Holguin27-Jun-11 11:41
professionalAlbert Holguin27-Jun-11 11:41 
GeneralRe: How to Send/Post Message to a CDocument object? Pin
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 13:44
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 13:44 
GeneralRe: How to Send/Post Message to a CDocument object? Pin
Albert Holguin27-Jun-11 15:15
professionalAlbert Holguin27-Jun-11 15:15 
Questionstandard way to parse command line from a string Pin
Ribhi Kamal27-Jun-11 8:59
professionalRibhi Kamal27-Jun-11 8:59 
AnswerRe: standard way to parse command line from a string [modified] Pin
CPallini27-Jun-11 9:48
mveCPallini27-Jun-11 9:48 
AnswerRe: standard way to parse command line from a string Pin
David Crow27-Jun-11 10:05
David Crow27-Jun-11 10:05 
AnswerRe: standard way to parse command line from a string Pin
Richard MacCutchan27-Jun-11 22:07
mveRichard MacCutchan27-Jun-11 22:07 
QuestionIO Completion Ports and windows sockets Pin
csrss27-Jun-11 7:19
csrss27-Jun-11 7:19 
AnswerRe: IO Completion Ports and windows sockets Pin
jschell27-Jun-11 8:14
jschell27-Jun-11 8:14 
GeneralRe: IO Completion Ports and windows sockets Pin
csrss27-Jun-11 8:44
csrss27-Jun-11 8:44 
AnswerRe: IO Completion Ports and windows sockets [modified] Pin
Mark Salsbery27-Jun-11 13:18
Mark Salsbery27-Jun-11 13:18 
GeneralRe: IO Completion Ports and windows sockets Pin
csrss27-Jun-11 14:04
csrss27-Jun-11 14:04 
GeneralRe: IO Completion Ports and windows sockets Pin
Mark Salsbery27-Jun-11 14:13
Mark Salsbery27-Jun-11 14:13 
GeneralRe: IO Completion Ports and windows sockets Pin
csrss27-Jun-11 14:31
csrss27-Jun-11 14:31 
QuestionSOLVED MoveWindow dynamically - how to determine the destination? Pin
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 6:35
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 6:35 
AnswerRe: MoveWindow dynamically - how to determine the destination? Pin
Richard MacCutchan27-Jun-11 7:30
mveRichard MacCutchan27-Jun-11 7:30 
GeneralRe: MoveWindow dynamically - how to determine the destination? Pin
Albert Holguin27-Jun-11 8:19
professionalAlbert Holguin27-Jun-11 8:19 
GeneralRe: MoveWindow dynamically - how to determine the destination? Pin
Richard MacCutchan27-Jun-11 21:52
mveRichard MacCutchan27-Jun-11 21:52 
GeneralRe: MoveWindow dynamically - how to determine the destination? Pin
Albert Holguin28-Jun-11 3:36
professionalAlbert Holguin28-Jun-11 3:36 
AnswerRe: MoveWindow dynamically - how to determine the destination? Pin
Albert Holguin27-Jun-11 7:30
professionalAlbert Holguin27-Jun-11 7:30 
GeneralRe: MoveWindow dynamically - how to determine the destination? Pin
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 13:38
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 13:38 
GeneralRe: MoveWindow dynamically - how to determine the destination? Pin
Albert Holguin27-Jun-11 15:14
professionalAlbert Holguin27-Jun-11 15:14 
Questionlocalizing MFC feature pack (VS 2008) resources. Pin
kle8vi27-Jun-11 1:09
kle8vi27-Jun-11 1:09 
QuestionError while using A_StringFromGUID2 Pin
Pranit Kothari26-Jun-11 23:01
Pranit Kothari26-Jun-11 23:01 

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