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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: READ or WRITE .XLS File Pin
Richard MacCutchan28-Jun-11 6:55
mveRichard MacCutchan28-Jun-11 6:55 
Questionmissing zero in ostringstream format [modified] Pin
ed welch28-Jun-11 3:58
ed welch28-Jun-11 3:58 
AnswerRe: missing zero in ostringstream format Pin
enhzflep28-Jun-11 5:24
enhzflep28-Jun-11 5:24 
GeneralRe: missing zero in ostringstream format Pin
ed welch28-Jun-11 5:31
ed welch28-Jun-11 5:31 
GeneralRe: missing zero in ostringstream format Pin
enhzflep28-Jun-11 5:56
enhzflep28-Jun-11 5:56 
Question_atoi64 in VS10 Pin
gomathylakshmanan28-Jun-11 3:43
gomathylakshmanan28-Jun-11 3:43 
AnswerRe: _atoi64 in VS10 PinPopular
Chuck O'Toole28-Jun-11 5:21
Chuck O'Toole28-Jun-11 5:21 
QuestionON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
_Flaviu27-Jun-11 22:06
_Flaviu27-Jun-11 22:06 
QuestionRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
David Crow28-Jun-11 3:27
David Crow28-Jun-11 3:27 
GeneralRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
_Flaviu28-Jun-11 4:40
_Flaviu28-Jun-11 4:40 
GeneralRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
enhzflep28-Jun-11 5:04
enhzflep28-Jun-11 5:04 
GeneralRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
_Flaviu28-Jun-11 8:06
_Flaviu28-Jun-11 8:06 
GeneralRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
enhzflep28-Jun-11 9:12
enhzflep28-Jun-11 9:12 
GeneralRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
David Crow28-Jun-11 16:57
David Crow28-Jun-11 16:57 
GeneralRe: ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX called twice Pin
enhzflep28-Jun-11 21:19
enhzflep28-Jun-11 21:19 
QuestionHow to get clsid from GUID of a class Pin
gtag27-Jun-11 21:21
gtag27-Jun-11 21:21 
QuestionRe: How to get clsid from GUID of a class Pin
CPallini27-Jun-11 21:34
mveCPallini27-Jun-11 21:34 
QuestionDispatchID Failed... Pin
yaxiya27-Jun-11 16:25
yaxiya27-Jun-11 16:25 
AnswerRe: DispatchID Failed... Pin
barneyman27-Jun-11 17:40
barneyman27-Jun-11 17:40 
GeneralRe: DispatchID Failed... Pin
yaxiya27-Jun-11 19:32
yaxiya27-Jun-11 19:32 
QuestionStopping Morse code - overriding pending event function - how to? Pin
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 14:28
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 14:28 
AnswerRe: Stopping Morse code - overriding pending event function - how to? Pin
Albert Holguin27-Jun-11 15:18
professionalAlbert Holguin27-Jun-11 15:18 
GeneralRe: Stopping Morse code - overriding pending event function - how to? Pin
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 17:01
Vaclav_27-Jun-11 17:01 
GeneralRe: Stopping Morse code - overriding pending event function - how to? Pin
Albert Holguin28-Jun-11 4:49
professionalAlbert Holguin28-Jun-11 4:49 
AnswerRe: Stopping Morse code - overriding pending event function - how to? Pin
Vaclav_28-Jun-11 3:43
Vaclav_28-Jun-11 3:43 

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