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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Auto Saving of Clipboard image as Jpeg file Pin
Code-o-mat25-Apr-10 22:46
Code-o-mat25-Apr-10 22:46 
Question_bstr_t to std::string Pin
gmallax25-Apr-10 20:39
gmallax25-Apr-10 20:39 
AnswerRe: _bstr_t to std::string Pin
Stuart Dootson25-Apr-10 20:47
professionalStuart Dootson25-Apr-10 20:47 
GeneralRe: _bstr_t to std::string Pin
gmallax25-Apr-10 20:59
gmallax25-Apr-10 20:59 
GeneralRe: _bstr_t to std::string Pin
Nemanja Trifunovic26-Apr-10 5:14
Nemanja Trifunovic26-Apr-10 5:14 
GeneralRe: _bstr_t to std::string Pin
Stuart Dootson26-Apr-10 6:14
professionalStuart Dootson26-Apr-10 6:14 
GeneralRe: _bstr_t to std::string Pin
Nemanja Trifunovic26-Apr-10 6:44
Nemanja Trifunovic26-Apr-10 6:44 
GeneralRe: _bstr_t to std::string Pin
Stuart Dootson26-Apr-10 7:23
professionalStuart Dootson26-Apr-10 7:23 
Questionhow to pass Cstring to vb dll fuction in vc++ Pin
Member 365375125-Apr-10 20:28
Member 365375125-Apr-10 20:28 
AnswerRe: how to pass Cstring to vb dll fuction in vc++ Pin
Stuart Dootson25-Apr-10 20:55
professionalStuart Dootson25-Apr-10 20:55 
QuestionRe: how to pass Cstring to vb dll fuction in vc++ Pin
CPallini25-Apr-10 20:58
mveCPallini25-Apr-10 20:58 
QuestionOnInitialUpdate in FormView Pin
hellogany25-Apr-10 18:34
hellogany25-Apr-10 18:34 
QuestionFFMPEG on Visual studio 2008 Pin
Game-point25-Apr-10 18:04
Game-point25-Apr-10 18:04 
AnswerRe: FFMPEG on Visual studio 2008 Pin
Saurabh.Garg25-Apr-10 19:47
Saurabh.Garg25-Apr-10 19:47 
AnswerRe: FFMPEG on Visual studio 2008 Pin
Saurabh.Garg25-Apr-10 19:47
Saurabh.Garg25-Apr-10 19:47 
QuestionWhy me program in ras for WinCE is return Error and Exit Thread? Pin
patrick15525-Apr-10 17:51
patrick15525-Apr-10 17:51 
AnswerRe: Why me program in ras for WinCE is return Error and Exit Thread? Pin
Stuart Dootson25-Apr-10 20:40
professionalStuart Dootson25-Apr-10 20:40 
GeneralRe: Why me program in ras for WinCE is return Error and Exit Thread? Pin
patrick15525-Apr-10 20:46
patrick15525-Apr-10 20:46 
GeneralRe: Why me program in ras for WinCE is return Error and Exit Thread? Pin
patrick15525-Apr-10 20:47
patrick15525-Apr-10 20:47 
Questionlong long with swprintf / Win32 Pin
Fareed Rizkalla25-Apr-10 8:35
Fareed Rizkalla25-Apr-10 8:35 
AnswerRe: long long with swprintf / Win32 [modified] Pin
Michel Godfroid25-Apr-10 8:51
Michel Godfroid25-Apr-10 8:51 
AnswerRe: long long with swprintf / Win32 Pin
Chris Losinger25-Apr-10 9:08
professionalChris Losinger25-Apr-10 9:08 
JokeRe: long long with swprintf / Win32 Pin
Michel Godfroid25-Apr-10 10:13
Michel Godfroid25-Apr-10 10:13 
GeneralRe: long long with swprintf / Win32 Pin
Chris Losinger25-Apr-10 13:42
professionalChris Losinger25-Apr-10 13:42 
AnswerRe: long long with swprintf / Win32 Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Apr-10 11:21
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Apr-10 11:21 

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