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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: image size and type Pin
CPallini26-Sep-09 11:16
mveCPallini26-Sep-09 11:16 
QuestionHow can I correct MFC focus problem after closing HtmlHelp window? Pin
Tom M26-Sep-09 2:51
Tom M26-Sep-09 2:51 
AnswerRe: How can I correct MFC focus problem after closing HtmlHelp window? Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Sep-09 3:50
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Sep-09 3:50 
QuestionGoogle map from lat/long Pin
colemans26-Sep-09 2:50
colemans26-Sep-09 2:50 
AnswerRe: Google map from lat/long Pin
Stuart Dootson26-Sep-09 4:35
professionalStuart Dootson26-Sep-09 4:35 
GeneralRe: Google map from lat/long Pin
tiresias226-Sep-09 11:37
tiresias226-Sep-09 11:37 
GeneralRe: Google map from lat/long Pin
Stuart Dootson26-Sep-09 11:59
professionalStuart Dootson26-Sep-09 11:59 
GeneralRe: Google map from lat/long Pin
tiresias226-Sep-09 13:06
tiresias226-Sep-09 13:06 
GeneralRe: Google map from lat/long Pin
Stuart Dootson26-Sep-09 13:09
professionalStuart Dootson26-Sep-09 13:09 
GeneralRe: Google map from lat/long Pin
tiresias227-Sep-09 12:09
tiresias227-Sep-09 12:09 
QuestionWhat is the key code for PowerOff/SwitchOff button for Windows mobile.. [modified] Pin
Rushikesh12326-Sep-09 1:35
Rushikesh12326-Sep-09 1:35 
Questionrtd client Pin
trioum26-Sep-09 0:30
trioum26-Sep-09 0:30 
AnswerRe: rtd client Pin
CPallini26-Sep-09 2:22
mveCPallini26-Sep-09 2:22 
GeneralRe: rtd client Pin
trioum26-Sep-09 2:47
trioum26-Sep-09 2:47 
AnswerRe: rtd client Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian26-Sep-09 9:36
professionalRajesh R Subramanian26-Sep-09 9:36 
Questionwin mobile 6.1 whether or not Support audio compression manager? Pin
wgh1689925-Sep-09 19:41
wgh1689925-Sep-09 19:41 
Questionprohibit some character on edit box VC 6.0[solved] Pin
Eka Candra25-Sep-09 19:25
Eka Candra25-Sep-09 19:25 
AnswerRe: prohibit some character on edit box VC 6.0 Pin
theCPkid25-Sep-09 19:58
theCPkid25-Sep-09 19:58 
GeneralRe: prohibit some character on edit box VC 6.0 Pin
Eka Candra25-Sep-09 20:25
Eka Candra25-Sep-09 20:25 
AnswerRe: prohibit some character on edit box VC 6.0[solved] Pin
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer25-Sep-09 20:52
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer25-Sep-09 20:52 
AnswerRe: prohibit some character on edit box VC 6.0[solved] Pin
David Crow26-Sep-09 17:40
David Crow26-Sep-09 17:40 
QuestionVC or Turbo C 2.0 & Partition when empty OS Pin
tuan111125-Sep-09 18:10
tuan111125-Sep-09 18:10 
AnswerRe: VC or Turbo C 2.0 & Partition when empty OS Pin
Richard MacCutchan25-Sep-09 23:47
mveRichard MacCutchan25-Sep-09 23:47 
AnswerRe: VC or Turbo C 2.0 & Partition when empty OS Pin
CPallini26-Sep-09 11:29
mveCPallini26-Sep-09 11:29 
QuestionHandling DNA sequence data as text Pin
Er1cS25-Sep-09 12:18
Er1cS25-Sep-09 12:18 

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