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AnswerRe: overriding CDialog::Create Pin
Member 348023222-Jun-09 1:03
Member 348023222-Jun-09 1:03 
Questionhow to transparent MFC activeX control Pin
B060611521-Jun-09 23:44
B060611521-Jun-09 23:44 
AnswerRe: how to transparent MFC activeX control Pin
Member 348023222-Jun-09 1:07
Member 348023222-Jun-09 1:07 
GeneralRe: how to transparent MFC activeX control Pin
B060611522-Jun-09 18:43
B060611522-Jun-09 18:43 
AnswerRe: how to transparent MFC activeX control Pin
Member 348023222-Jun-09 23:02
Member 348023222-Jun-09 23:02 
GeneralRe: how to transparent MFC activeX control Pin
B060611523-Jun-09 0:16
B060611523-Jun-09 0:16 
AnswerRe: how to transparent MFC activeX control Pin
Member 348023223-Jun-09 4:34
Member 348023223-Jun-09 4:34 
The ShowWindow API can be used inside any dialog. There is no more to it than just that. It is usually made a part of a method which also includes the SetForegroundWindow but that is all. Experiment with it. Its the only way to become familiar with something.
As for the theory:
A modeless dialog is a window that has no exclusive rights to system resources such as the cursor. It can remain on the desktop in a hidden state while the rest of the control is active and busy with other things and can be hidden and brought to the foreground at will.
I think that in your case the control is only a dialog and that is why you perceive the control to be hidden and shown. That is not true. The control cannot be hidden because running code does not subscribe to the concept of being hidden etc. Only a GUI element can go through these states and that is what ShowWindow is designed for.
QuestionProblem in output Pin
Gjm21-Jun-09 23:27
Gjm21-Jun-09 23:27 
AnswerRe: Problem in output Pin
CPallini21-Jun-09 23:32
mveCPallini21-Jun-09 23:32 
AnswerRe: Problem in output Pin
Fatbuddha 122-Jun-09 2:01
Fatbuddha 122-Jun-09 2:01 
QuestionRe: Problem in output Pin
David Crow22-Jun-09 3:44
David Crow22-Jun-09 3:44 
Question[Message Deleted] Pin
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 22:15
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 22:15 
AnswerRe: multiple comport settings to be taken Pin
chandu00421-Jun-09 22:30
chandu00421-Jun-09 22:30 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 22:34
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 22:34 
GeneralRe: multiple comport settings to be taken Pin
chandu00421-Jun-09 22:41
chandu00421-Jun-09 22:41 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 22:47
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 22:47 
GeneralRe: multiple comport settings to be taken Pin
Cedric Moonen21-Jun-09 22:51
Cedric Moonen21-Jun-09 22:51 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 23:03
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 23:03 
GeneralRe: multiple comport settings to be taken Pin
Cedric Moonen21-Jun-09 23:06
Cedric Moonen21-Jun-09 23:06 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 23:12
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 23:12 
GeneralRe: multiple comport settings to be taken Pin
Cedric Moonen21-Jun-09 23:17
Cedric Moonen21-Jun-09 23:17 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 23:21
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 23:21 
GeneralRe: multiple comport settings to be taken Pin
Cedric Moonen21-Jun-09 23:23
Cedric Moonen21-Jun-09 23:23 
General[Message Deleted] Pin
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 23:25
jitendrapothuru21-Jun-09 23:25 
GeneralRe: multiple comport settings to be taken Pin
Cedric Moonen21-Jun-09 23:28
Cedric Moonen21-Jun-09 23:28 

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