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GeneralRe: To read a complete string Pin
Pankaj D.Dubey12-May-09 20:16
Pankaj D.Dubey12-May-09 20:16 
GeneralRe: To read a complete string Pin
«_Superman_»12-May-09 21:05
professional«_Superman_»12-May-09 21:05 
GeneralRe: To read a complete string Pin
Madhu Nair12-May-09 21:14
Madhu Nair12-May-09 21:14 
GeneralRe: To read a complete string Pin
Pankaj D.Dubey12-May-09 21:28
Pankaj D.Dubey12-May-09 21:28 
GeneralRe: To read a complete string Pin
Chandrasekharan P12-May-09 21:54
Chandrasekharan P12-May-09 21:54 
GeneralRe: To read a complete string Pin
«_Superman_»12-May-09 21:55
professional«_Superman_»12-May-09 21:55 
GeneralRe: To read a complete string Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian12-May-09 22:39
professionalRajesh R Subramanian12-May-09 22:39 
GeneralRe: To read a complete string Pin
«_Superman_»12-May-09 22:49
professional«_Superman_»12-May-09 22:49 
GeneralRe: To read a complete string Pin
Pankaj D.Dubey12-May-09 22:40
Pankaj D.Dubey12-May-09 22:40 
GeneralRe: To read a complete string Pin
«_Superman_»12-May-09 22:56
professional«_Superman_»12-May-09 22:56 
GeneralRe: To read a complete string Pin
Pankaj D.Dubey12-May-09 23:04
Pankaj D.Dubey12-May-09 23:04 
QuestionCustomised Browse for folder dialog problem Pin
VC++Maniac12-May-09 18:47
VC++Maniac12-May-09 18:47 
QuestionCut and Drag and Drop File/Folder Path Pin
MsmVc12-May-09 18:19
MsmVc12-May-09 18:19 
AnswerRe: Cut and Drag and Drop File/Folder Path Pin
enhzflep12-May-09 19:46
enhzflep12-May-09 19:46 
GeneralRe: Cut and Drag and Drop File/Folder Path Pin
MsmVc12-May-09 21:06
MsmVc12-May-09 21:06 
GeneralRe: Cut and Drag and Drop File/Folder Path Pin
MsmVc12-May-09 21:53
MsmVc12-May-09 21:53 
GeneralRe: Cut and Drag and Drop File/Folder Path [LONG POST] Pin
enhzflep12-May-09 22:18
enhzflep12-May-09 22:18 
GeneralRe: Cut and Drag and Drop File/Folder Path [LONG POST] Pin
MsmVc12-May-09 22:22
MsmVc12-May-09 22:22 
QuestionRe: Cut and Drag and Drop File/Folder Path Pin
David Crow13-May-09 3:27
David Crow13-May-09 3:27 
QuestionWin32 web service client over SSL Pin
eight12-May-09 18:00
eight12-May-09 18:00 
How do I access a web service over SSL?

My client app works with "http://..." but doesn't work with "https://...". I've managed to create a proxy class with "https://..." but calling any function gives me "SOAPCLIENT_SEND_ERROR".

Solutions found by google tells me that I should either use Wininet function or CInternetSession but I'm reluctant to make major changes such as rewriting the proxy class generated by VS2005.
AnswerRe: Win32 web service client over SSL Pin
eight12-May-09 22:33
eight12-May-09 22:33 
QuestionOne or many libraries? Pin
Mauro Leggieri12-May-09 14:54
Mauro Leggieri12-May-09 14:54 
AnswerRe: One or many libraries? Pin
«_Superman_»12-May-09 16:31
professional«_Superman_»12-May-09 16:31 
GeneralRe: One or many libraries? Pin
Mauro Leggieri13-May-09 2:37
Mauro Leggieri13-May-09 2:37 
QuestionCreating and Deleting a New Window Pin
BobInNJ12-May-09 12:28
BobInNJ12-May-09 12:28 

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