Hi All
I have two path source(LPCSTR pF)and destination(LPCSTR pT).I am getting values in pF at the run time like this pF="C:\\Hello\\adaf\\trt" and pT="C:\\Backup."
But when code start to copy cammand then it make backup but it's not make in proper way.It's make like that(C:\\Backup\\Hello,C:\\Backup\\adaf and C:\\Backup\\trt).But i need to copy in full path like that(C:\\Backup\\Hello\\adaf\\trt).I am ueing this code.
CFileOperation fo;
CString tr=sourcepath;
int nLen = tr.GetLength();
LPCSTR lpszBuf = tr.GetBuffer(nLen);
LPCSTR pF=lpszBuf;
LPCSTR pT="C:\\Backup";
Plz help me
MsmVc wrote: CFileOperation
What is it?
MsmVc wrote: int nLen = tr.GetLength();
LPCSTR lpszBuf = tr.GetBuffer(nLen);
Why are you misusing CString::GetBuffer ?
If the Lord God Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon the Creation, I would have recommended something simpler.
-- Alfonso the Wise, 13th Century King of Castile.
This is going on my arrogant assumptions. You may have a superb reason why I'm completely wrong.
-- Iain Clarke
[My articles]
If you are use ;;ShellFileOperation you need to end the last file buffers with 2 (two) zero bytes. Read the docs from MS
Press F1 for help or google it.
Greetings from Germany
What's wrong with:
CFileOperation fo;
if (! fo.Copy(sourcepath, "C:\\Backup"))
; That aside, have you stepped into the Copy() code to see when/how it is failing?
"Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw later in life what you have deposited along the way." - Unknown
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
Hi all
The framework calls OnKillFocus() member function immediately before losing the input focus.
Just like that is there is any function that we can override when the window regains the focus.
Thanks and regards
What about OnSetFocus [^]?
If the Lord God Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon the Creation, I would have recommended something simpler.
-- Alfonso the Wise, 13th Century King of Castile.
This is going on my arrogant assumptions. You may have a superb reason why I'm completely wrong.
-- Iain Clarke
[My articles]
Is there is any message handler for this function
Is is a message handler (it handles WM_SETFOCUS ).
If the Lord God Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon the Creation, I would have recommended something simpler.
-- Alfonso the Wise, 13th Century King of Castile.
This is going on my arrogant assumptions. You may have a superb reason why I'm completely wrong.
-- Iain Clarke
[My articles]
I have an interface say
HRESULT fun ();
library PQR
coclass MyClass
[default]interface IABC;
This works fine . But i need to do #import inside a library block
(This is required for passing an argumnet to fun(RecordSetPtr *ptr) )
Now I have written my .idl as
library PQR
interface IABC
HRESULT fun ();
coclass MyClass
[default]interface IABC;
What is the diffrence between these two implementatiions..
Please provide your comments.
Perhaps this[^] will help.
pandit84 wrote: #import(..\..\..\MSADO15.dll);
You're expecting #import to work in an IDL file? Don't think so - I think you want import "MSADO15.idl";
pandit84 wrote: But i need to do #import inside a library block
(This is required for passing an argumnet to fun(RecordSetPtr *ptr) )
Really? This IDL seems to compile and build fine, even though the itnerface is outside the library declaration:
import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";
import "MSADO15.idl";
helpstring("Itest Interface"),
interface Itest : IUnknown
HRESULT GetCount([in]_Recordset* rs, [out]int* num);
helpstring("cccc 1.0 Type Library")
library ccccLib
helpstring("test Class")
coclass test
[default] interface Itest;
A quick test indicates that putting the interface definition inside the library definition makes little to no difference to the generated code.
Java, Basic, who cares - it's all a bunch of tree-hugging hippy cr*p
I have developed an application using MFC dialog based application in visual studio 2005.
I am trying to paint the title bar of my application.I have included the OXCaptionPainter
Class in my project and other related include files(OXDllExt.h, OXCaptionPainter.h, OXRegistryValFile.h, OXMainRes.h, OXHookWnd.h, utbstrop.h, UTB64Bit.h).
but Build fails showing the following error.
2>c:\program files\microsoft platform sdk for windows server 2003 r2\src\mfc\afximpl.h(145) : error C2011: 'CPushRoutingFrame' : 'class' type redefinition
2> c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\atlmfc\include\afxpriv.h(747) : see declaration of 'CPushRoutingFrame'
Kindly help me to use this class of Ultimate ToolBox 93.
Thanking in advance
I included OXCaptionPainter.h file in MainDlg.cpp class of my project.
The header files in the COXCaptionPainter.cpp class are included as below:
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include "OXCaptionPainter.h"
#include "UTBStrOp.h"
#include "UTB64Bit.h"
#include "WTypes.h"
#ifndef __OXMFCIMPL_H__
#if _MFC_VER >= 0x0700
#if _MFC_VER >= 1400
#include <afxtempl.h>
#include <..\src\mfc\afximpl.h> ********** I suppose something wrong in this line.
#include <..\src\afximpl.h>
#define __OXMFCIMPL_H__
#include "OXRegistryValFile.h"
Thanks and Regards
Did you check my link ?
So, do you or not have include guards in your OXCaptionPainter.h header file ?
I am sorry I had not seen the link earlier.
No, I did not include the gaurds in OXCaptionPainter.h file.
Is this the cause of error that I am including the OXCaptionPainter.h file twice. First time in MainDlg.cpp and
second time it is included in OXCaptionPainter.cpp.
Thanks again
NamitaS wrote: Is this the cause of error that I am including the OXCaptionPainter.h file twice. First time in MainDlg.cpp and
second time it is included in OXCaptionPainter.cpp.
Was it a question ? Anyway, the source of your error is that you didn't put include guards in your header file. The purpose of include guards is to protect against multiple inclusions. It would be really a hassle if you had to make sure your file is included only once...
Thanks a lot sir.
I really appreciate that you invested your time to look into my problem.
i have an ActiveX dll(using ATL) in webserver and i included it in my html page(using object id and codebase) ..
and when client requests for that html the dll gets installed(registered) with his permission but the issue is it"s getting successfully installed and registered on Admin machine..but in non-admin machine even the message box that prompts to install dll is not displaying.....is there any limitation for non-admin...
when i tried to register the dll using regsvr32 in nonadmin it works fine but i was unable to do it(Install and register dll) thru html...
I searched for implementing REGfreeCOM but i couldn"t get how to achieve the same....
this is nmea protocol and google map sync program
don't chage the value ..
<a href="http://www.yunpil.net/web1.zip">down</a>
yunpil wrote: this is nmea protocol and google map sync program
don't chage the value ..
what you mean to say?
"Opinions are neither right nor wrong. I cannot change your opinion. I can, however, change what influences your opinion." - David Crow Never mind - my own stupidity is the source of every "problem" - Mixture
Alok Gupta
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Could you please provide a dictionary in order to decipher you post?
If the Lord God Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon the Creation, I would have recommended something simpler.
-- Alfonso the Wise, 13th Century King of Castile.
This is going on my arrogant assumptions. You may have a superb reason why I'm completely wrong.
-- Iain Clarke
[My articles]
gps=Graphic Programming System!
Of one Essence is the human race
thus has Creation put the base
One Limb impacted is sufficient
For all Others to feel the Mace
(Saadi )