Use a 'database' , 'query' it or 'update' the 'tables'.
I hope you heard all those words in your last class.
dunlapjw wrote: So I need to be able to add an inmate to the fingerprint system and my new program on a seperate computer automatically add this information...
Do you have control over this "fingerprint system" such that it can send your program the data?
dunlapjw wrote: ...when I add info on my program I make in sends it to the fingerprinting system via network..
Do you have control over this "fingerprint system" such that it can receive data from your program?
"Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw later in life what you have deposited along the way." - Unknown
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
I work in windows xp with visual studio c++ 6, by default byte alignment is 8, and qt 3.2.2. i have a program with the default byte alignment that work well.
I need to change byte alignement of my qt program to 4. Changing alignemnt of the program result in a popup error window, in the call of the show qt function of the window. If i don't call the show function the program doesn't produce no error and run ok .
I've tried both: changing byte alignemnt of all the projects (in the settings dialog), and just changing the alignment of a struct by writting pragma pack(4) before definition of the class.
OK - I'll bite - couple of questions first:
- Why change the alignment?
- Can you show us the call-stack resulting when the exception is raised?
Java, Basic, who cares - it's all a bunch of tree-hugging hippy cr*p
1.because i have another application that work in byte alignment 4. this other application receive msg from another computer that work in byte alignement
2.No i can't, i'll just copy a few line of it.
but i didn't see something interesting in the call stack;
qt-mt322! an address
qt-mt322! an address
qt-mt322! an address
When installing qt, it compile it, must i compile qt from scrath with flag zp4 ?
yaronillouz wrote: 1.because i have another application that work in byte alignment 4. this other application receive msg from another computer that work in byte alignement
Is the message received from the other application a Qt object? If not, I fail to see why altering the packing of a single non-Qt structure should cause a problem.
yaronillouz wrote: When installing qt, it compile it, must i compile qt from scrath with flag zp4 ?
Looking at the call stack, I'd say your issue is Qt related, which could well mean that you're giving the Qt DLL an object with an alignment it's not expecting.
Java, Basic, who cares - it's all a bunch of tree-hugging hippy cr*p
When execute the MDI application (Created purely by framework), the first child frame window is always created automatically!!! Anyone know how to disable this ?
Thanks and Regards!
In your MyApp::InitInstance, there will a line line:
CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo))
return FALSE;
Put the following in between:
if (cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand == CCommandLineInfo::FileNew)
cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand = CCommandLineInfo::FileNothing;
Hope that helps!
In the process of moving to Sweden for love (awwww).
If you're in Scandinavia and want an MVP on the payroll (or happy with a remote worker), give me a job! http://cv.imcsoft.co.uk/[ ^]
It worked, thank you very much!
I've considered these lines of code while searching for the answer, but didn't care much because i don't know anything about command line parsing.
In your class derived from CWinApp , add the indicated line between the definition of cmdInfo and the call to ParseCommandLine in the InitInstance method:
CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
cmdInfo.m_nShellCommand = cmdInfo.FileNothing;
Java, Basic, who cares - it's all a bunch of tree-hugging hippy cr*p
Thank you too! These all answers fixed my problem.
nick2reg wrote: Anyone know how to disable this ?
Yes, consult this.
"Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw later in life what you have deposited along the way." - Unknown
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
I'm stumped on this one
I have a class, with a private unsigned char array.
I have a class method which is const. It is trying to write to the private unsigned char array, but I get the assignment of read only location.
I can't touch the headers/remove the const because it is an inherited virtual function. How do I access the unsigned char array?
modified on Wednesday, May 6, 2009 12:40 PM
jeweladdict wrote: private unsigned char array
I presume it's private in your derived class (it's difficult to tell, as you haven't posted the code...). In that case, declare it as mutable . That way you can modify it even in a const method.
However, unless (say) the array is a cache, is the design correct?
Java, Basic, who cares - it's all a bunch of tree-hugging hippy cr*p
you sir, are a god
Saved me a lot of coding...
1. Hãy tổ chức lớp và viết chương trình ứng dụng cho phép nạp và hiển thị các loại tập tin ảnh có phần mở rộng thuộc một trong các loại .jpg, .bmp, .dib, .gif. Chương trình có chức năng thay đổi ảnh như lật ngang, dọc (mirror), quay 900, đổi sang mức xám, lấy âm bản, lấy sai biệt của hai ảnh và chức năng lưu trữ sang dạng khác (nhưng vẫn là một trong các dạng kể trên).
Yêu cầu: Tổ chức theo tư tưởng hướng đối tượng. Có thể lập trình trong môi trường Windows. Không xử dụng hàm static như ví dụ trong phần lý thuyết, không dùng switch, case trong chương trình.
2. Một “đầu vào thư mục” là một thư mục hoặc một tập tin, một thư mục gồm nhiều “đầu vào thư mục”. Ổ dĩa là một trường hợp đặc biệt của thư mục. Hãy tổ chức lớp để có thể biểu diễn khái niệm máy tính, ổ dĩa, thư mục, tập tin với các mối quan hệ như trên. Viết chương trình ứng dụng cho phép xem nội dung các loại đối tượng trên theo dạng tương tự như chức năng Tree của phần mềm NC.
3. Cho các loại đối: hình tròn, hình ellipse, đa giác, hình bán nguyệt, hình cánh quạt, hình thoi, hình bình hành, hình thang, hình chữ nhật, hình vuông, hình tam giác, tam giác vuông, tam giác vuông cân. Viết chương trình ứng dụng cho phép tạo (hoặc nhập) hai hình thuộc một trong các hình kể trên. In thông báo cho biết hai hình có giao nhau không, nếu có to màu phần giao và tô đậm đương biên của phần giao. Người sử dụng có thể bấm các phím mũi tên để di chuyển một trong hai hình, phím +, -, để phóng to thu nhỏ một trong hai hình. Chương trình có thể hoạt động với các loại thiết bị xuất khác nhau: Chế độ đồ hoạ, chế độ văn bản (mỗi dấu ‘*’ là một pixel luận lý). Chương trình có khả năng zoom với pixel luận lý, khi chuyển từ chế độ đồ hoạ sang văn bản hoặc ngược lại, người sử dụng không thấy các đối tượng bị to khổng lồ hoặc bé tí hon.
4. Một đường Polyline gồm nhiều đường (line), mỗi đường có thể là một đoạn thẳng (strait line), cung (arc), bezier hoặc một polyline. Tổ chức các lớp cần thiết, thiết lập mối quan hệ giữa các lớp và viết chương trình cho phép tạo các polyline, tạo bản sao của polyline, phóng to, thu nhỏ, quay polyline, phân rã polyline (tách các polyline con bên trong một polyline thành các đường đơn (line, arc, bezier), hàm xác định hai polyline có cắt nhau hay không?
English, please.
It is a crappy thing, but it's life -^ Carlo Pallini
modified on Saturday, May 9, 2009 2:14 AM
trongduy wrote:
1. Be organized classes and write the application to allow load and display all kinds of image files with the extensions in the following categories. Jpg,. Bmp,. Dib,. Gif. Programs that change the image as horizontal turn, vertical (mirror), dial 90 degree, the gray level to get the sound, get the wrong picture of the two special functions and stored into different (but still one of the significantly above).
Requirements: The thought by the audience. Can be programmed in the Windows environment. Do not use static function as eg in the theory, does not switch, in the case.
2. An "input directory" is a folder or a file, a directory of many "input folder". Drive is a special case of the directory. Be organized classes to perform concept computer, disk drive, folder, file with the relationship as over. Write the application for permission to view the content of the object type as similar functions of the software Tree NC.
3. For the types: circle, ellipse image, the polygon, crescent,'s wings, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezium, rectangle, square, triangle, triangle square, square triangle needed. Write a program that allows applications to create (or enter) the two pictures in one of the above. Notice in two pictures that are not intersecting, if any color to the bowl and the dark sea of the interface. The user can press the arrow keys to move one of two pictures, the +, - to zoom out one of the two pictures. Programs can work with all kinds of equipment in different graphics modes, text mode (each a '*' is a moral pixels). Program can zoom to pixel morally, from the graphics mode to text or vice versa, users do not see the object to be exhaustive or bé tí hon.
4. A road of many road Polyline (line), each line can be a straight section (Strait line), and (ARC), or a bezier polyline. Organization of classes necessary, establish the relationship between class and write a program that allows to create polyline, create a copy of the polyline, zoom in, zoom out, turn polyline, polyline separation (separation of the polyline in the a polyline into the road (line, arc, bezier), define two functions have polyline cross or not?
1. Be organized classes and write the application to allow load and display all kinds of image files with the extensions in the following categories. Jpg,. Bmp,. Dib,. Gif. Programs that change the image as horizontal turn, vertical (mirror), dial 900, the gray level to get the sound, get the wrong picture of the two special functions and stored into different (but still one of the significantly above).
Requirements: The thought by the audience. Can be programmed in the Windows environment. Do not use static function as eg in the theory, does not switch, in the case.
2. An "input directory" is a folder or a file, a directory of many "input folder". Drive is a special case of the directory. Be organized classes to perform concept computer, disk drive, folder, file with the relationship as over. Write the application for permission to view the content of the object type as similar functions of the software Tree NC.
3. For the types: circle, ellipse image, the polygon, crescent,'s wings, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezium, rectangle, square, triangle, triangle square, square triangle needed. Write a program that allows applications to create (or enter) the two pictures in one of the above. Notice in two pictures that are not intersecting, if any color to the bowl and the dark sea of the interface. The user can press the arrow keys to move one of two pictures, the +, - to zoom out one of the two pictures. Programs can work with all kinds of equipment in different graphics modes, text mode (each a '*' is a moral pixels). Program can zoom to pixel morally, from the graphics mode to text or vice versa, users do not see the object to be exhaustive
4. A road of many road Polyline (line), each line can be a straight section (Strait line), and (ARC), or a bezier polyline. Organization of classes necessary, establish the relationship between class and write a program that allows to create polyline, create a copy of the polyline, zoom in, zoom out, turn polyline, polyline separation (separation of the polyline in the a polyline into the road (line, arc, bezier), define two functions have polyline cross or not?
I'm sure GDI+ can do that.
Sorry I can't provide any details, I have trouble catching the nuances of the Vietnamese language.
trongduy wrote:
1. Be organized classes and write the application to allow load and display all kinds of image files with the extensions in the following categories. Jpg,. Bmp,. Dib,. Gif. Programs that change the image as horizontal turn, vertical (mirror), dial 900, the gray level to get the sound, get the wrong picture of the two special functions and stored into different (but still one of the significantly above).
Requirements: The thought by the audience. Can be programmed in the Windows environment. Do not use static function as eg in the theory, does not switch, in the case.
2. An "input directory" is a folder or a file, a directory of many "input folder". Drive is a special case of the directory. Be organized classes to perform concept computer, disk drive, folder, file with the relationship as over. Write the application for permission to view the content of the object type as similar functions of the software Tree NC.
3. For the types: circle, ellipse image, the polygon, crescent,'s wings, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezium, rectangle, square, triangle, triangle square, square triangle needed. Write a program that allows applications to create (or enter) the two pictures in one of the above. Notice in two pictures that are not intersecting, if any color to the bowl and the dark sea of the interface. The user can press the arrow keys to move one of two pictures, the +, - to zoom out one of the two pictures. Programs can work with all kinds of equipment in different graphics modes, text mode (each a '*' is a moral pixels). Program can zoom to pixel morally, from the graphics mode to text or vice versa, users do not see the object to be exhaustive or bé tí hon.
4. A road of many road Polyline (line), each line can be a straight section (Strait line), and (ARC), or a bezier polyline. Organization of classes necessary, establish the relationship between class and write a program that allows to create polyline, create a copy of the polyline, zoom in, zoom out, turn polyline, polyline separation (separation of the polyline in the a polyline into the road (line, arc, bezier), define two functions have polyline cross or not?
trongduy wrote: 1. Be organized classes and write the application...
Which means that YOU are supposed to write it, not someone else.
"Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw later in life what you have deposited along the way." - Unknown
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
trongduy wrote: 1. Be organized classes and write the application to allow load and display all kinds of image files with the extensions in the following categories. Jpg,. Bmp,. Dib,. Gif. Programs that change the image as horizontal turn, vertical (mirror), dial 900, the gray level to get the sound, get the wrong picture of the two special functions and stored into different (but still one of the significantly above).
Requirements: The thought by the audience. Can be programmed in the Windows environment. Do not use static function as eg in the theory, does not switch, in the case.
2. An "input directory" is a folder or a file, a directory of many "input folder". Drive is a special case of the directory. Be organized classes to perform concept computer, disk drive, folder, file with the relationship as over. Write the application for permission to view the content of the object type as similar functions of the software Tree NC.
3. For the types: circle, ellipse image, the polygon, crescent,'s wings, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezium, rectangle, square, triangle, triangle square, square triangle needed. Write a program that allows applications to create (or enter) the two pictures in one of the above. Notice in two pictures that are not intersecting, if any color to the bowl and the dark sea of the interface. The user can press the arrow keys to move one of two pictures, the +, - to zoom out one of the two pictures. Programs can work with all kinds of equipment in different graphics modes, text mode (each a '*' is a moral pixels). Program can zoom to pixel morally, from the graphics mode to text or vice versa, users do not see the object to be exhaustive or bé tí hon.
4. A road of many road Polyline (line), each line can be a straight section (Strait line), and (ARC), or a bezier polyline. Organization of classes necessary, establish the relationship between class and write a program that allows to create polyline, create a copy of the polyline, zoom in, zoom out, turn polyline, polyline separation (separation of the polyline in the a polyline into the road (line, arc, bezier), define two functions have polyline cross or not?
See point 9 of this[^] post:
Chris Maunder wrote:
Nếu bạn có một trường đại học của trường hoặc chuyển nhượng, cho rằng giáo viên của bạn hoặc lecturer cũng đọc các diễn đàn.
I want my dialog backgroung color to be grey thus i'm using OnCtlColor event but the problem is that the controls like combo box or edit control are also geting colored with grey. Please tell me how can i change the color of my controls to white????
i used the below code where CBrush m_Brush;
HBRUSH CCTLColorDlg::OnCtlColor(CDC* pDC, CWnd* pWnd, UINT nCtlColor)
HBRUSH hbr = CDialog::OnCtlColor(pDC, pWnd, nCtlColor);
//if(pWnd->GetDlgCtrlID() == IDC_COMBO1)
//if(pWnd->GetDlgCtrlID() == IDC_EDIT1)
return m_Brush;
BOOL CCTLColorDlg::OnInitDialog()
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
If you check out the documentation[^], you learn that the nCtlColor parameter tells you what is asking for the color, so you can filter out the queries.
> The problem with computers is that they do what you tell them to do and not what you want them to do. <
> Life: great graphics, but the gameplay sux. <