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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: SetScrollInfo() not calling OnSize() of CDialog Pin
girishog28-Apr-09 1:04
girishog28-Apr-09 1:04 
QuestionScreeshot in wince Pin
ujjawal kumar28-Apr-09 0:15
ujjawal kumar28-Apr-09 0:15 
QuestionRe: Screeshot in wince Pin
David Crow28-Apr-09 3:09
David Crow28-Apr-09 3:09 
QuestionI want to sell the antitheft software with source code, can you help? Pin
samdecosta27-Apr-09 23:57
samdecosta27-Apr-09 23:57 
AnswerPlease, don't pollute the forum with advertising. Pin
CPallini28-Apr-09 0:03
mveCPallini28-Apr-09 0:03 
GeneralRe: Please, don't pollute the forum with advertising. Pin
samdecosta30-Apr-09 3:09
samdecosta30-Apr-09 3:09 
GeneralRe: Please, don't pollute the forum with advertising. Pin
CPallini30-Apr-09 3:16
mveCPallini30-Apr-09 3:16 
GeneralRe: Please, don't pollute the forum with advertising. Pin
samdecosta30-Apr-09 19:23
samdecosta30-Apr-09 19:23 
GeneralRe: Please, don't pollute the forum with advertising. [modified] Pin
CPallini30-Apr-09 22:18
mveCPallini30-Apr-09 22:18 
AnswerRe: I want to sell the antitheft software with source code, can you help? Pin
Chandrasekharan P28-Apr-09 0:03
Chandrasekharan P28-Apr-09 0:03 
Questionenviromental access problem Pin
Mogaambo27-Apr-09 23:39
Mogaambo27-Apr-09 23:39 
AnswerRe: enviromental access problem Pin
Garth J Lancaster27-Apr-09 23:53
professionalGarth J Lancaster27-Apr-09 23:53 
AnswerRe: enviromental access problem Pin
Stuart Dootson28-Apr-09 6:03
professionalStuart Dootson28-Apr-09 6:03 
QuestionActivex Control Setfont &Get font Pin
girishog27-Apr-09 23:36
girishog27-Apr-09 23:36 
AnswerRe: Activex Control Setfont &Get font Pin
Stephen Hewitt28-Apr-09 0:07
Stephen Hewitt28-Apr-09 0:07 
GeneralRe: Activex Control Setfont &Get font Pin
girishog28-Apr-09 0:53
girishog28-Apr-09 0:53 
GeneralRe: Activex Control Setfont &Get font Pin
Stephen Hewitt28-Apr-09 4:57
Stephen Hewitt28-Apr-09 4:57 
AnswerRe: Activex Control Setfont &Get font Pin
CPallini28-Apr-09 0:12
mveCPallini28-Apr-09 0:12 
GeneralRe: Activex Control Setfont &Get font Pin
girishog28-Apr-09 0:36
girishog28-Apr-09 0:36 
GeneralRe: Activex Control Setfont &Get font Pin
CPallini28-Apr-09 3:56
mveCPallini28-Apr-09 3:56 
AnswerRe: Activex Control Setfont &Get font Pin
girishog28-Apr-09 21:13
girishog28-Apr-09 21:13 
QuestionHow To use WUA for remote machine Pin
ashish8patil27-Apr-09 21:27
ashish8patil27-Apr-09 21:27 
Questioninitial a string why this new string has strange character at begin [modified] Pin
jeansea27-Apr-09 21:20
jeansea27-Apr-09 21:20 
AnswerRe: initial a string why this new string has strange character at begin Pin
CPallini27-Apr-09 21:58
mveCPallini27-Apr-09 21:58 
GeneralRe: initial a string why this new string has strange character at begin [modified] Pin
Michael Schubert27-Apr-09 22:07
Michael Schubert27-Apr-09 22:07 

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