Is it possible to access DMA from the user-mode (driver or application)? If yes, what are the APIs provided by Windows? Thanks.
Maxwell Chen
I can give you a 99% confident answer of NO.
You can't access IRQs, or even "real" memory, both of which you'd need for DMA.
This is the job of kernel mode drivers, and they're a whole nasty territory. I have written a couple, and debugging was a PAIN! Never did get the hang of debugging them, and it (used to be) serial only for a remote computers.
Good luck,
In the process of moving to Sweden for love (awwww).
If you're in Scandinavia and want an MVP on the payroll (or happy with a remote worker), give me a job!
Maxwell Chen
Holy sh*t! Just noticing the name. When are you back? I thought you were dead. May be you have the right to think the same on me. I'm back after 2 years. . So how's life?
He never answers anyone who replies to him. I've taken to calling him a retard, which is not fair to retards everywhere.-Christian Graus
Uhm... Pardon the intrusion... But I see a THHB's action in progress here...
If the Lord God Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon the Creation, I would have recommended something simpler.
-- Alfonso the Wise, 13th Century King of Castile.
This is going on my arrogant assumptions. You may have a superb reason why I'm completely wrong.
-- Iain Clarke
[My articles]
Oh come in Pallini no probs. Yeah I just figured it out he's been farting around for a while.. but see it looks like he's back to his cave again.
He never answers anyone who replies to him. I've taken to calling him a retard, which is not fair to retards everywhere.-Christian Graus
The cave[^] is fun! But my cell phone was not capable enough to handle that nearly complete dark though.
Maxwell Chen
I come back only when I have questions ... Actually I got laid off last October, and then started my new job by the end of last year. Programming the audio stuffs is completely new to me. I've been quite busy getting myself familiar with everything of this job these days.
Maxwell Chen
Can you mail me your personal id? I'm sure you aren't using the old one. the h*tmail id
He never answers anyone who replies to him. I've taken to calling him a retard, which is not fair to retards everywhere.-Christian Graus
I've never had any hotmail id...
Maxwell Chen
Sorry the yahoo. S*****r@yahoo.com
He never answers anyone who replies to him. I've taken to calling him a retard, which is not fair to retards everywhere.-Christian Graus
That's for hot girls.
Maxwell Chen
Sh*t! Okay anyway it looks like you are not using the id anymore and hence no girls are near you anymore. looser
He never answers anyone who replies to him. I've taken to calling him a retard, which is not fair to retards everywhere.-Christian Graus
Maxwell Chen
Hello friend,
I need to show one small "Please Wait.." image screen whenewer some back end processing is in progress.
For e.g. whenever user changing his ip adress and port, before going checking and establishing the connection, I want to show a "Please wait ..." image.But while going for connection browser gets hangs because of connection and after connection checking is completed. It goes for next page.
I am using IWebBrowser2 interface through which, I am getting pointer of browser.Then I am using IHTMLELement through which I am getting pointer of current html content.After that I am using IHTMLImageElement to add one img tag inside current html page for please wait screen.
Please give me some suggestions.
Waiting for the positive reply
Thank you.
When im using the below code
sh.hwnd = GetSafeHwnd();
sh.wFunc = FO_DELETE;
sh.pFrom = L"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Myid\\Local Settings\\Temp\\Tester";
sh.pTo = NULL;
sh.hNameMappings = 0;
sh.lpszProgressTitle = NULL;
SHFileOperationW (&sh);
im getting the error...
cannot delete file:Cannot read from the source file or disk...
and when im using the SHFILEOPSTRUCTA it is deleting.... can u plesase tell me what"s the difference in these two ....(SHFILEOPSTRUCTW and SHFILEOPSTRUCTW)...and i have to use unicode only.....
modified on Monday, March 23, 2009 4:23 AM
p_1960 wrote: and when im using the SHFILEOPSTRUCTA it is deleting.... can u plesase tell me what"s the difference in these two ....(SHFILEOPSTRUCTW and SHFILEOPSTRUCTW)...and i have to use unicode only.....
both are same.
Well, Why do you choose unicode or Ansi version by yourself? just use SHFILEOPSTRUCT + SHFileOperation() and enclose strings in _T() macro. So that the unicode or ansi version will be selected automatically. For instance,
sh.hwnd = GetSafeHwnd();
sh.wFunc = FO_DELETE;
sh.pFrom = _T( "C:\\Documents and Settings\\ICS400758\\Local Settings\\Temp\\Tester");
sh.pTo = NULL;
sh.hNameMappings = 0;
sh.lpszProgressTitle = NULL;
SHFileOperation (&sh);
http://weseetips.com[ ^] Visual C++ tips and tricks. Updated daily.
Thanks for ur reply.....
Even i used the code which u gave im getting the same error
cannot delete file:Cannot read from the source file or disk...
Please help me out...
Please show us the code that is working.
If the Lord God Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon the Creation, I would have recommended something simpler.
-- Alfonso the Wise, 13th Century King of Castile.
This is going on my arrogant assumptions. You may have a superb reason why I'm completely wrong.
-- Iain Clarke
[My articles]
I think I may have found your issue...
MSDN wrote: pFrom
Address of a buffer to specify one or more source file names. These names must be fully qualified paths. Standard DOS wild cards, such as "*", are permitted in the file-name position. Although this member is declared as a null-terminated string, it is used as a buffer to hold multiple file names. Each file name must be terminated by a single NULL character. An additional NULL character must be appended to the end of the final name to indicate the end of pFrom.
You don't give an additional NULL, so the shell operation carries on looking for the next string... which will be gobbledegook at best. I think the compiler is adding padding, which is why the next character stands a better chance of being NULL in the ansi version then the unicode version. This theory is very handwavy and untested, but you are not following the manual either way.
So, try:
sh.pFrom = T("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Myid\\Local Settings\\Temp\\Tester\0");
Less importantly, I'd write
sh.hNameMappings = NULL;
MSDN wrote: ...Treat hNameMappings as a pointer to a structure...
It's the same thing really, but it will help you in a years time and you come back to read the code...
Hope that helped,
In the process of moving to Sweden for love (awwww).
If you're in Scandinavia and want an MVP on the payroll (or happy with a remote worker), give me a job!
modified on Monday, March 23, 2009 5:57 AM
sh.hwnd =GetSafeHwnd();
Please let me know What exactly the above line of code indicates...
If I'm not mistaken, didn't *you* write the code that you're now asking me about?
Shouldn't you be telling *me* what it means?
It's all well and good cutting and pasting code from other places, but you need to read the documentation first. I can forgive missing the extra NULL at the end of the string - it's a bit subtle, but I can't forgive not bothering to read the manual for a function you're having trouble using.
If you don't have MSDN installed on your PC... follow this link:
and then read the hwnd part.
Good luck,
In the process of moving to Sweden for love (awwww).
If you're in Scandinavia and want an MVP on the payroll (or happy with a remote worker), give me a job!
Hi All
How can i create and call multithreading?i am try to call a function through thread more than one time.Plz help me
NewVC++ wrote: How can i create and call multithreading
No you don't create something known as multithreading or neither call it. It's a concept where you instantiate multiple threads, allow them to run, synchronize them and blah blah....
You will find some excellent articles on multithreading on Code Project. Just use the search window
If you are calling the same function on the same thread than it is not multi threading.
You can use a while loop inside the thread function and call the required function as many times as you need.
You need to google first, if you have "It's urgent please" mentioned in your question.
Can you give me some code example?