Add unicode support for your application
my word is unicode already.....I don't know why it can't display in the list box????
How you use them?
i want to know that how spin control can be attached to its buddy that is some edit control
and i want to know that CWnd *pParent is used in dialpog based. if we use pParent in pWndbuddy in followng statement:
m_spin.SetBuddy(CWnd *pWndbuddy)
then it gives error so tellme wat can i use here.
Ashish Dogra
You can set the buddy for the spin control as
//m_spinCtrl is variable for the spin control and m_editctrl for edit box
m_spinCtrl .SetBuddy (m_editctrl.GetWindow(IDC_EDIT1));
Somethings seem HARD to do, until we know how to do them.
sir thanks for reply
but it does not work as i use this in oninitdialog function
whwre m_spin is variable of spin control
and m_edit is variable of edit control.
Ashish Dogra
You need to override the function for OnDeltaposSpin1:
void CTestDlg::OnDeltaposSpin1(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
LPNMUPDOWN pNMUpDown = reinterpret_cast<LPNMUPDOWN>(pNMHDR);
CString s;s.Format ("%d",pNMUpDown->iPos );
m_edit.SetWindowText (s);
*pResult = 0;
Somethings seem HARD to do, until we know how to do them.
sir where is this OnDeltaposSpin1 function
as this is not in the classwizard or message handler
Ashish Dogra
In message map add
//add in the header file
afx_msg void OnDeltaposSpin1(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult);
and copy and paste the code for the implementation of the function as in my above post.
You can right click on the spin control if you are working with an MFC Dialog based application and then go to property window to implement this function.
Declaring functions/definitions are more error prone if they are done by hand and are not recommended.
Somethings seem HARD to do, until we know how to do them.
thanks sir
can we use this methode to add function
and why this function is not in the message handler
Ashish Dogra
Yes we can use this method to add a function but it is not recommended as with this method there are more chances of committing an error and then creating troubles.You can't remember the prototypes for all the handler's etc.
Somethings seem HARD to do, until we know how to do them.
When you Rclick in Spin control and use Event HAndle then you can see UDN_DELTAPOS
hi can explain clearly ..
and if u r using the exact code in ur program then it won't work,
remove the CWnd* and use pWndbuddy alone
ya thanks
as in many function that include CWnd pointer
and i check in application the CWnd pointer is *pParent
what when i use this one it gives error
Ashish Dogra
I have SetWinEventHook for my MFC application, but the WinEventProc is not getting called?
g_hWinEvent = SetWinEventHook(EVENT_MIN,
Thanks in advance,
Abhishake Lahare.
See Here[^] maybe it is some helpful to you
If I want to limit the maximized size of a window (dialog based) while the user clicks the Maximize button, which WM_ message or CWnd member can I use? Thanks!
Maxwell Chen
Maxwell Chen wrote: If I want to limit the maximized size of a window (dialog based) while the user clicks the Maximize button, which WM_ message or CWnd member can I use? Thanks!
Nibu thomas
A Developer
Programming tips[^] My site[^]
Nibu babu thomas wrote: WM_GETMINMAXINFO
Thank you!
-- modified at 5:23 Friday 14th July, 2006
Thank you! It's working.
Maxwell Chen
What is "Tracking size" ?
-- modified at 5:17 Friday 14th July, 2006
I figured it out. The size + cursor size (when outside the screen).
Maxwell Chen
Handle WM_SIZE, the handler for WM_SIZE will have three parameters.
Use the first parameter 'nType' and handle accordingly
Parthi_appu wrote: WM_SIZE will have three parameters
I always overrided the cx value with a constant despite what nType is. It's not working. And WM_SIZE is called when the dialog has been fully maximized.
Maxwell Chen
See Here[^] maybe it is some helpful to you
BTW, I did not get the email notification ...
Maxwell Chen