hi,.....hhow can v load any movie clip in opengl?....`i have seen the tutorial in nehe..but it is not going wid the program i have developed..not showing the animation of the movie instead showing conflicts with already made tecxtures GL_TEXTURES_2D..how can v resolve dis?
In the OnAccept() handler you need to accept the incoming socket.
Hi any1 can help me how do i can make the curve mountain area in my game terrain...
Thx Regards
yup using OpenGl...n in tool visual C++..how can i do dis..make the curve shape of mountains making its textures>.....
Get the Redbook. What you ask is not a trivial question.
Please do not get offended...
There are free spell checkers you can use on your posts even in the browser, I also don't have English as my natural language, if you can't make your thoughts understandable, the ratio of replies will be smaller...
/// HACK: Don't PANIC ...
Does anyone know of a class that parses C/C++ code (like the classview tree in VS)?
ññòòïðïðB A start
Parse how? You mean a lexer?
earl wrote: Parse how? You mean a lexer?
I'm not sure what it's called else I would have googled it.... I want to extract structs, typedefs, classes, externs, globals, etc. the same way the class-view tree does in Visual Studio. I don't know what the act of doing such is called, other than "parsing".
ññòòïðïðB A start
Man, that's not a trivial thing to do.
To start you'll need a lexer -- takes text and determines if it's valid C++. This alone takes some doing, cause C++ isn't the most syntactically pretty language around. Don't try and do it yourself or you'll die of old age; instead, write a grammer and lean on a lexer.
Then you'll need a parser; it takes the output from a lexer and typically gives you a structure tree.
Grab the dragon book and read about compiler construction; you're building the first two or three stages of one.
For available tools, try lex, yacc, and bison.
Parsing C++ is insanely difficult.
You could try hacking the gcc parser (hard) or maybe take a look at this[^]. It's a long time since I looked at PCCTS but IIRC, it seemed to work
I use CCCC[^] for metrics sometimes and that has a parser as well.
0 bottles of beer on the wall, 0 bottles of beer, you take 1 down, pass it around, 4294967295 bottles of beer on the wall.
Awasu 2.2.2 [^]: A free RSS/Atom feed reader with support for Code Project.
I have a list control item with a given amount of columns and respective headers. I would now like to add some sorting functionality, where, upon clicking the header of the respective column, it sorts alphabetically. Are there any functions to accomplish this?
BOOL SortItems(<br />
PFNLVCOMPARE pfnCompare,<br />
DWORD_PTR dwData <br />
You'll have to create a compare function to handle how it will sort the items, but after that you can just call SortItems. See the MSDN documentation for details and an example.
If you decide to become a software engineer, you are signing up to have a 1/2" piece of silicon tell you exactly how stupid you really are for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week
aafcls wrote: Are there any functions to accomplish this?
See here.
"The largest fire starts but with the smallest spark." - David Crow
"Judge not by the eye but by the heart." - Native American Proverb
okay but what action item will take care of the header clicking functionality, because from there I can call sorting method.
In your CListView /CListCtrl -derived class, provide a handler for the HDN_ITEMCLICK notification. Call the SortItems() method from there. See here for more.
"The largest fire starts but with the smallest spark." - David Crow
"Judge not by the eye but by the heart." - Native American Proverb
FarPointer wrote: Please check this out :-
Why (send this to me)? I know very well how to sort a list control.
"The largest fire starts but with the smallest spark." - David Crow
"Judge not by the eye but by the heart." - Native American Proverb
Well to first add the notification for HDN_ITEMCLICK is tough:-
why because the on notify macro is as follows
ON_NOTIFY( wNotifyCode, id, memberFxn ) and the id of the header control is zero unless explicitly set .
FarPointer wrote: Well to first add the notification for HDN_ITEMCLICK is tough:-
Compared to what, chewing gum? It gets added to the message map just like any other. How's that tough?
FarPointer wrote: why because the on notify macro is as follows
ON_NOTIFY( wNotifyCode, id, memberFxn )
Yeah, so?
FarPointer wrote: ...the id of the header control is zero unless explicitly set .
Of course it's zero, and has been since the control's inception. Why would it need to be anything else?
"The largest fire starts but with the smallest spark." - David Crow
"Judge not by the eye but by the heart." - Native American Proverb
Well not compared to chewing gum
ya my mistake i was expecting the message map to be like this:-
but it will be like this i guess