examine the exception of type CInternetException* thrown by CInternetSession
never say die
In my previous post I told that I am getting an exception for Invalid handle value. Any other guess ?
Somethings seem HARD to do, until we know how to do them.
_AnShUmAn_ wrote: if(myFile->AddRequestHeaders ("Text CR/LF"))
Not sure that is correct http headers take the form of:
content-type: Text CR/LF
with CRLF termination
I want to hide the window move the exe to the tray after executing the dialog based appliction.
And also i want to show the window when double clicking the exe from tray.
any one pls tel me how can i do this???
Dream bigger... Do bigger...Expect smaller
I have a pblm with property sheet and static dialog.
I just add a static dialog to a property sheet . Now I want to scroll this dialog.
How can I make it?
thanks in advance......
Vinod A Sankaranarayanan wrote: static dialog.
Static Dialog??
"Opinions are neither right nor wrong. I cannot change your opinion. I can, however, change what influences your opinion." - David Crow
Alok Gupta
VC Forum Q&A :- I/ IV
Support CRY- Child Relief and You
I am writing an application where the user can enter multiple occurences of an edit control or a combo-box. I keep adding new Edit controls whenever the user fills the previous one. On order to allocate these edit controls, I use the "new" operator. However, when I need to add a new CEdit control, I would need something like a "renew" operator (much like the realloc routine). Does anyone know how to do this? I could of course allocate a completely new set of Edit controls, and then copy the properties of the already used ones, but this seems like a rather clumsy way of doing things!
Thanks in advance.
1) If you are talking about C++ syntax, there is the method called "placement new" for you to new the objects at the specified address (in this case, the address of previous newed objects).
2) After new, you should "create" the edit controls to create the windows ...
Maxwell Chen
Why don't you use one of MFC's or STL's containers? They will grow/shrink without having to worry about memory management.
"Money talks. When my money starts to talk, I get a bill to shut it up." - Frank
"Judge not by the eye but by the heart." - Native American Proverb
didn't get enought sleep ???
codito ergo sum
Normally if we create a dialog with few buttons..In order to edit the code for the particular buuton.We double click the button,then there will be a popup dialog that automatically it will give a function name,if we need then we can change the name of the function and we code there.
But in my application,if i double click the button,it does not pop up anything.It simply stays as it is.
For writing code,I moved to ClassWizard,then i click the ID of the button..and i continue coding like this only.
Is there any settings to pop up that dialog when i double click the button or any other?
In my context menu,there is no option as "Add on Event Handler"What can i do?Is there any option pls
Or add this code to your program
Hope I understood your question
void CYourclass::OnBnClickedButton1()
afx_msg void OnBnClickedButton1();
I can write this..But its not my question..When i click the button or any other control it will ask
Add Member Function
Member Function Name:
One dialog will appear with this details know.
But in my dialog it does not ask like this.My problem is this only?
But my ID's are in classWizard Object IDs.
-- modified at 6:29 Tuesday 18th July, 2006
Anu_Bala wrote: For writing code,I moved to ClassWizard,then i click the ID of the button..and i continue coding like this only.
Is there any settings to pop up that dialog when i double click the button or any other?
Some time clw file get corrupted so you have to delete that file and instruct the Studio to create new!
"Opinions are neither right nor wrong. I cannot change your opinion. I can, however, change what influences your opinion." - David Crow
Alok Gupta
VC Forum Q&A :- I/ IV
Support CRY- Child Relief and You
I did as u said.I delete clw file and again it ask me to create classs wizard,now class wizard created.
But when i double click the button..It shows error as
Cannot add new member.
What is this?
One cause would be The member is already be existing for that control
Somethings seem HARD to do, until we know how to do them.
1)just take class wizard and select the button ID
2)Select the message BN_CLICKED
3)then press buttons Add Function and Edit Code
Dream bigger... Do bigger...Expect smaller
With ClassWizard open, just click the Add Function button. It will suggest a function name for you that can be changed.
"Money talks. When my money starts to talk, I get a bill to shut it up." - Frank
"Judge not by the eye but by the heart." - Native American Proverb
How will I know programmatically, software installed in the system? How to check whether the installed software is correct version? Is there any article related to this?
Which software ? Your software or another one ?
If it is your software, you can simply add a registry key in the windows registry (that's what a lot of application are doing). You can also store the version in the registry (and some other parameters like the install path).
Cédric Moonen
Software developer
Charting control
I mean not my software. I want to check whether certain softwares(Visual Studio, SQL Server like that) are installed in the system or not?