I am using visual studio .net 2003 and get the results I mentioned earlier, I guess it may be different in 2005 but I cannot find any information on the setting.
Darka [Xanya]
I am creating a Win32 DLL, using VS.NET. I build the project and want to use functions from dll, but i am wondering where is the .lib file. the dll file is there in debug folder of project.
any pointer will be helpful
Thanks in advance
Abhishake Lahare
there may not be one, a dll is a dynamic library and a lib is a static library.
Darka [Xanya]
-- modified at 5:42 Wednesday 12th July, 2006
also a .lib file can be a type library for a .dll
1)how can we confirm that it do not generate any lib file?
2)Whether that means you cannot statically link?
Abhishake Lahare
When you create the project for a DLL, you can specify whether you want to produce the .lib file too (export symbols checkbox) but i can't remember how you modify an existing project to do this.
Darka [Xanya]
see Property Pages / Configuration Properties / Linker / Advanced. put the path to the file you want to create in the field labeled "Import Library" (ex. "./Debug/MyDLL.lib")
Cleek | Image Toolkits | Thumbnail maker
Can you explain this
"Difference in threads & multithreads"
Thank you
Nirmal Khatri wrote: Can you explain this "Difference in threads & multithreads"
The word "multi." They both imply more than one thread.
"The largest fire starts but with the smallest spark." - David Crow
"Judge not by the eye but by the heart." - Native American Proverb
Hi All,
Can someone provide a good link that relates to the designing and development of code for creating efficient user interfaces.(Only Win32)
I tried googling for the same without any satisfactory results.
Some good articles on codeproject or some where else.
Somethings seem HARD to do, until we know how to do them.
Sometimes it difficult to define efficent. i have experienced in many cases where i have to change the efficent UI( from functional and user point of view), but customer does'nt need that UI.
I know it sound silly, but just designed what customer wants
Abhishake Lahare
Thanks Nave for Good source
Abhishake Lahare
Can you show your error i cant load your address(jpg)
take it:
errer C2039:'IDD': Is not a member of 'DigStatic'
error C2065:'IDD':undeclared identifier
Whats DigStatic CDialog and do you incldue h file and if this isnt your answer can you show your code that has error,please
I see you include #include "Digistatic.h" in digitaldlg.h
wheres class CDigistatic(i think i had like this error already)
In your .h file
you must have deleted the enum
something like this
// Dialog Data
where IDD_MYAPP_DIALOG is a dialog box template
Abhishake Lahare
No, I haven't deleted it here is the code:
<br />
<br />
#pragma once<br />
#include "Digistatic.h"<br />
#include "afxwin.h"<br />
<br />
class CDigitalDlg : public CDialog<br />
{<br />
public:<br />
CDigitalDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL);
<br />
enum { IDD = IDD_DIGITAL_DIALOG };<br />
protected:<br />
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);
<br />
<br />
protected:<br />
HICON m_hIcon;<br />
<br />
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();<br />
afx_msg void OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam);<br />
afx_msg void OnPaint();<br />
afx_msg HCURSOR OnQueryDragIcon();<br />
public:<br />
CDigiStatic m_LedText;<br />
};<br />
The error came from the "DigStatic" class not from the CDigitalDlg. Plz show the header of DigStatic class
yes my guess is DigStatic
its a little bit big but ok:
<br />
#if !defined(AFX_DIGISTATIC_H__F77484C2_745F_11D3_A718_87712333104C__INCLUDED_)<br />
#define AFX_DIGISTATIC_H__F77484C2_745F_11D3_A718_87712333104C__INCLUDED_<br />
<br />
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000<br />
#pragma once<br />
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000<br />
#include <afxtempl.h><br />
<br />
#include "RGBCOLOR.H"<br />
<br />
class CDoubleRect<br />
{<br />
public:<br />
void SetRect(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)<br />
{ left = x1; top = y1; right = x2; bottom = y2;}<br />
double Width() const{return right - left;}<br />
double Height() const{return bottom - top;}<br />
void SetRectEmpty(){left = top = right = bottom = 0.0;}<br />
public:<br />
double left, top, right, bottom; <br />
};<br />
<br />
class CDSegment<br />
{<br />
public:<br />
CDSegment();<br />
CDSegment(const CDSegment& Segment);<br />
~CDSegment();<br />
void DefPoints(const POINT* lpPoints, const BYTE* lpTypes, int nCount);<br />
void Draw(CDC *pDC,const CDoubleRect &DrawPlace, int iWidth) const;<br />
void FreeSegment();<br />
CDSegment operator=(const CDSegment &Segment);<br />
<br />
public:<br />
CPoint * m_paPoints;
BYTE * m_paTypes;
int m_nCount;
};<br />
<br />
typedef CArray< CDSegment, CDSegment> DSegmentArray;<br />
<br />
class CDigiChar<br />
{<br />
public:<br />
CDigiChar();<br />
CDigiChar(const CDigiChar& DigiChar);<br />
<br />
public:<br />
virtual void SetElementData(WORD wSegmData, int iDispStyle);<br />
void Draw(CDC *pDC, const CDoubleRect &DrawPlace, CPen *pOffPen, CPen *pOnPen,<br />
CBrush *pOffBrush, CBrush *pOnBrush, CRgn* region = NULL);<br />
void SetColor(COLORREF OffColor, COLORREF OnColor);<br />
int GetNormWidth() const;<br />
CDigiChar operator=(const CDigiChar &DigiChar);<br />
COLORREF GetColor(void) const { return m_OnColor; }<br />
<br />
protected:<br />
int m_Width;
WORD m_wSegmData;
DSegmentArray m_SegmentArray;
int m_NSegments;
COLORREF m_OffColor;
BOOL m_bNoOff;
<br />
};<br />
<br />
typedef CArray<CDigiChar, CDigiChar> DigiCharArray;<br />
<br />
<br />
class CDigiStatic : public CStatic<br />
{<br />
public:<br />
CDigiStatic();<br />
<br />
public:<br />
enum {<br />
DS_STYLE14 = 2,
DS_NO_OFF = 8,
DS_SOFT = 16
};<br />
<br />
public:<br />
<br />
<br />
public:<br />
virtual ~CDigiStatic();<br />
void SetText(LPCTSTR lpszText);<br />
void Format(LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...);<br />
void Format(UINT nFormatID, ...);<br />
void SetColor(COLORREF OffColor, COLORREF OnColor);<br />
COLORREF GetOnColor() const {return m_OnColor;}<br />
COLORREF GetOffColor() const {return m_OffColor;}<br />
void SetDrawImmediately(BOOL Enable = TRUE);<br />
COLORREF SetBkColor(COLORREF BackColor = BLACK);<br />
void SetTransparent(BOOL bSet = TRUE);<br />
BOOL ModifyDigiStyle(DWORD dwRemove, DWORD dwAdd);<br />
<br />
protected:<br />
CDigiChar * DefineChar(TCHAR cChar);<br />
void BuildString();<br />
<br />
CString m_strText;
BOOL m_Modified;
DigiCharArray m_CharArray;
COLORREF m_OffColor;
COLORREF m_BackColor;
DWORD m_DispStyle;
BOOL m_bImmediateUpdate;
BOOL m_bTransparent;
<br />
afx_msg void OnPaint();<br />
afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC);<br />
<br />
<br />
void DoInvalidate();<br />
};<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
#endif // !defined(AFX_DIGISTATIC_H__F77484C2_745F_11D3_A718_87712333104C__INCLUDED_)<br />
#pragma once<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
class DigitStatic : public CDialog<br />
{<br />
DECLARE_DYNAMIC(DigitStatic)<br />
<br />
public:<br />
DigitStatic(CWnd* pParent = NULL);
virtual ~DigitStatic();<br />
<br />
<br />
protected:<br />
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);
<br />
};<br />
Semion_N wrote: sure!
take it:
errer C2039:'IDD': Is not a member of 'DigStatic'
error C2065:'IDD':undeclared identifier
where is the "DigStatic" class in the above header?