Hi. anyone face this problem?
Downloading files
The Microsoft ActiveSync connection server has failed.
Please make sure Microsoft ActiveSync is running and retry the download by Rebuild All or Update Remote Output File(s).
Also make sure that you have selected the correct platform.
Failed downloading.
It seem that this problem was not new when i google this problem but no solution was given. Hope some kind souls will shed some light on this matter. =)
ps: btw i using the code from the code project as a sample view
Pocket PC 2003 Filetransfer - The OBEX way
By MBuehrer
I had a similar problem when my old McAffee antivirus was active. It took a long time to scan the pocket pc (?) and dropped the activesync connection.
Best regards,
thx. it nt the anti virus. i solve the problem. the device OS i using is Pocket PC 2002 while my embedded VC is using Pocket PC2003 SDK. so when i use another with Pocket PC2003 OS, it work.
I have a long string.
-c:Tow:UDOP,0.2:dN:dE,0.005:L1P Sats,3
I have put this whole string in a CArray<cstring, cstring=""> csaColumns.
Now i need to seperate out the numbers from this array.
I want to do something like this.
for(i=0; i
How about:
CString str = "-c:Tow:UDOP,0.2:dN:dE,0.005:L1P Sats,3";
for (int x = 0; x < str.GetLength(); x++)
if (isdigit(str[x]))
"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed." - Mark Twain
"There is no death, only a change of worlds." - Native American Proverb
As you said, I am trying to do the following
int nLimit;
CString csChar;
for(int n=0;n < csaColumns.GetSize();n++)
nLimit = atoi(csaOutputColumns.GetAt(n));
csChar = csaOutputColumns[n];
But i have an error: error C2664: 'isdigit' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'class CString' to 'int'
No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
Error executing cl.exe.
What do you think might be going wrong?
-- modified at 14:09 Thursday 2nd March, 2006
GetAt() returns a CString object, but isdigit() is expecting a single char /int . You need to also use the [] operator.
"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed." - Mark Twain
"There is no death, only a change of worlds." - Native American Proverb
Hello. I'm curious how you call an executable from within a VC project? So I have a .exe that i want to call to generate some files from within my program. Would like to be able to do something like this:
void Do ()
Call ("foo.exe", "command line args") ;
How do I do this? Is there a windows equivalent or similar?
I need to pass it command line arguments.
ANSI standard c++ for console programs would be system("foo.exe command line args"); . I would assume that it would be valid for use in VC++.
sincerely, Brett Peirce - PolerBear
To err is human; To forgive: divine.
Use CreateProcess() or ShellExecute() . WinExec() can be used for 16-bit systems, and system() is an antiquated function brought over from Unix.
"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed." - Mark Twain
"There is no death, only a change of worlds." - Native American Proverb
hi plz can someone help me
plz can someone send me the code for a working chat at TREEMinceMeat@hotmail.com
help me plz
-- modified at 12:44 Thursday 2nd March, 2006
I'm sure someone has posted such a thing on what we call 'the internet'.
Frankly, I don't thing anyone's going to send you something like that, but
if you're smart you would try such a program yourself and then ask us
how to fix wherever you get stuck.
That might help getting where you want to get.
mechalien wrote: plz can someone send me the code for a working chat at TREEMinceMeat@hotmail.com
buddy.. thats not easy task!...
"Opinions are neither right nor wrong. I cannot change your opinion. I can, however, change what influences your opinion." - David Crow
Alok Gupta
VC Forum Q&A :- I/ IV
MSDN has a sample program, CHATSERVER which has code and shows you how to do it.
- Ed.
I would appreciate any information someone might have on how to save the console's output buffer so that I can have another screen temporarily display it's contents and then restore the former contents as though nothing happened. I would prefer any code or class references to be ANSI (Dev c++ compatible) but I will take any kind of suggestions anyone can offer. Thank you greatly!
sincerely, Brett Peirce - PolerBear
To err is human; To forgive: divine.
When you create the child process (i.e., CreateProcess() ), just redirect its standard output handle. See here and here.
"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed." - Mark Twain
"There is no death, only a change of worlds." - Native American Proverb
Thanks for the idea.
I am hesitant to go that route for a few reasons, though. I was hoping that it would be possible to accomplish without using windows.h and other such things - hoping for pure console-type code. Aside from that, though, I haven't used handles or child processes or a few other things in that code before, and it's very daunting to look at it and challenging to understand it.
Would you have any other ideas or a link to some reading material that might help me understand all that a little better? Also: I noticed the use of printf() in that code. Is it possible to use streams (cout and cin ) or at least getch() and such with that code? I appreciate your time and knowlege.
sincerely, Brett Peirce - PolerBear
To err is human; To forgive: divine.
I might have been a bit premature in my reply. Looking at both of your posts, I don't have a firm grasp of what it is that you are trying to do. Do you have one console application that needs to start another?
The use of CreateProcess() does not necessarily mean the application has a GUI. You can use it in a console application (to start another console application or a GUI application).
"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed." - Mark Twain
"There is no death, only a change of worlds." - Native American Proverb
    I am not attempting to start another application or window or process, unless that is the only way to accomplish my goal.
    My goal is to basically have a splash screen or menu or notification box or anything, pop up in the middle of an application, getting a response from the user, and then disappearing, leaving the former output intact.
    This is an ideal situation - I know it must be possible, because I have seen it in several DOS applications. I assume that they were written in c++ or that this function can be emulated or reproduced in c++ in some way.
    It is not necessary to the function of the program, but looks a lot nicer than clearing the screen or buffer. Also, I think it must be easier to save and restore the buffer (that is, whatever may be displayed on the console screen at the time) than it would be to figure out whatever may be displayed and restoring it manually.
    I don't want to open another window or start another program, I want to more or less simulate what windows shows with menus or dialog boxes (except extremely simplified) in a single console/DOS window or from the command prompt.
sincerely, Brett Peirce - PolerBear
To err is human; To forgive: divine.
If what I'm thinking of is what you are after, I'm going way back in my brain to retrieve it. If this "splash screen" is part of the console window, as opposed to a GUI splash screen, you need to read 4,000 bytes from memory address 0xb8000000. That is the starting address of the video display. Something like:
char far *pDisplay = (char far *) 0xb8000000;
char sBuffer[4000];
char far *pTemp = pDisplay;
for (int x = 0; x < sizeof(sBuffer); x += 2)
sBuffer[x] = *pTemp++;
sBuffer[x+1] = *pTemp++;
for (x = 0; x < sizeof(sBuffer); x += 2)
*pTemp++ = sBuffer[x];
*pTemp++ = sBuffer[x+1];
} Am I way off track here?
"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed." - Mark Twain
"There is no death, only a change of worlds." - Native American Proverb
Sorry I took so long to respond. This looks like basically what I'm after, assuming I can figure it out (and the memory address is correct) - It'll take me a bit to figure it out. Thanks for your help; I hope I get it working - we'll see. I appreciate your time.
sincerely, Brett Peirce - PolerBear
To err is human; To forgive: divine.
can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here?
CString SelectedFile (passed into function)
ofstream OutputFileStream;
OutputFileStream.open (fileBrowser.GetFileName(), ios::out);
ldsdbomber wrote: OutputFileStream<<"FileName;"<<selectedfile<<endl;< blockquote="">
"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed." - Mark Twain
"There is no death, only a change of worlds." - Native American Proverb
Thanks. I thought that might work, but it just looks wrong. I guess I just couldn't believe that you couldn't throw a CString into a stream without messing about