Can you be more specific in the class name or some thing. The one that you have mentioned "CYourStandardKindOfView" is it a MFC class? I dont find any with this name.
Sorry for the trouble.
Does anybody know how to count all the files on a windows environment.
Currently i have a recursive method that goes through all the folders counting the number of files. It takes too long
Any faster method would be appreciated
Thank You
Fate pays tax to know man
theprinc wrote: Currently i have a recursive method that goes through all the folders counting the number of files.
AFAIK this is the only way.
Nibu thomas
Software Developer
Something makes me think there is no faster way. I mean if there was one why would it take Explorer so long to count the number of files when you invoke Properties command for a particularly huge directory?
Try optimizing your recursive function instead. After all, it gets called over and over again and if by chance it contains unoptimized code... well, it'll slow down for a reason.
I Second NIBU!
"Opinions are neither right nor wrong. I cannot change your opinion. I can, however, change what influences your opinion." - David Crow
Alok Gupta
VC Forum Q&A :- I/ IV
theprinc wrote: Currently i have a recursive method that goes through all the folders counting the number of files. It takes too long
Any faster method would be appreciated
Show us the function and maybe we can make suggestions.
"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed." - Mark Twain
"There is no death, only a change of worlds." - Native American Proverb
Hi there,
I wish to know when printer settings are changed and which printer (in a users session), in a server environment (win2k3), I know about WM_SETTINGSCHANGE but lparam seems to get only "devices" and not the printer name.
What I can do is enumarate all printers and keep track of their DEVMODE and each time the notification WM_SETTINGSCHANGE happens i will enumrate AGAIN all printers and compare with the previous list of devmodes to check if a setting has chhanged. As you can see this is very inefficient.
In your opinion are there other ways to this, at least detect from which user this change has happened, so to check only his/her printers.
I made a program that used the gethostbyname(hostname); function in MFC. it worked fine. now when i tried to do the same in a win32 project it is returning null. before this i added the header file "winsock2.h". which showed some errors as redefinition of this xxxxxxx . then i removed it and added the ws2_32.lib reference, after which, it showed no errors but at gethostbyname(hostname); function it returns NULL. have i done anything wrong ? the hostname string contains a genuine hostname. Please answer this
Try to find the error that occurred using WSAGetLastError .
Go through this[^] to find out what happened.
Nibu thomas
Software Developer
Thank you, it helped me ,it was a silly error i didnot call WSAStartup() :->
thanks again
Imediatly after filling a listview with all my data I wish to set the first item as selected.
I use the folowwing:
ListView_SetItemState(GetDlgItem(hwnd,ID_DATA_LIST),0,LVIS_FOCUSED ,LVIS_FOCUSED);
This is setting the list item as selected, but it does not give it the focus. i.e. Selected items usualy are highlighted in blue, but mine are simply highlighted in grey until the item is clicked.
Is there something I am missing?
You should have to call the SetFocus function of the list view control.
I understand that I need to use the SetFocus function, but where exactly should it be called?
WM_SETFOCUS // doesn't work
WM_INITIALIZE // doesn't work
When text is being updated within contols via WM_SETTEXT, would that cause a loss of focus? I thought these sort of procedures would pass the focus back if set at all.
u should have to set focus to the list control before you set an items selection state.
a) There is a style flag for listview that forces it to show selection in blue even when the control is out of focus
b) I guess you can call SetFocus(hwndOfYourListView) in WM_CREATE handler
WM_SETTEXT causes no loss of focus I believe.
waldermort wrote: I understand that I need to use the SetFocus function, but where exactly should it be called?
If it's a dialog then OnInitDialog
If it's a view then OnInitialUpdate
Nibu thomas
Software Developer
according to MSDN:
The selection, if any, is always shown, even if the control does not have the focus.
This is true but it isn't highlighted in blue. Nomatter where I place the SetFocus call, nothing is happening. I have tried before setting item state, after setting state, beginning and end of WM_INITDIALOG, WM_CREATE, WM_SETFOCUS, WM_IMNOTGIVINGYOUFOCUSHAHAHA. Infact the only place it is working is within WM_PAINT, but this is just wrong.
This control is on a dialog along with sevral other controls. The only other thing I can think of is to change the tab order, but still, SetFocus should be unrelated to the tabs.
Is this a dialog? If so then you must return FALSE from OnInitDialog if you are explicitly setting focus or else focus will be set to first control in the dialog.
Nibu thomas
Software Developer
Nibu, You're the best
"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed." - Mark Twain
"There is no death, only a change of worlds." - Native American Proverb
Hehe, Thats what I would normaly do, but since it wasn't working as I wanted I decided to break it into two lines to attempt to determine what exactly was wrong :p
When you right click a CD/DVD-ROM, windows will show a menu, and one of its menuitem is just the "Eject"! I want to control the flow of eject action,when user click the menuitem, it will go into my codes.
I use the ModifyMenu function to modify the "eject" menuitem, but how could i know if the current menuitem is "eject",just as what i want? If use the MF_BYPOSITION flag, it is impossible to get the position of the "eject" menuitem. If use MF_COMMAND, after a long trace to code, i find the ID of "eject" menuitem can be case 31014://normal
case 30757://folder view
case 47://tree view while using folder mode
case 31078://short cut
case 102:// quick launch
case 38://tree view in the application of winrar
case 39://toolbar on taskbar
I have to use a switch statement to handle the condition.
I don't konw if the "eject" ID have other value, and if i find it, i have to modify my code, it boring me so much. Could someone help me to fix this trouble? All codes are place at function
HRESULT CXXXXXX::QueryContextMenu ( HMENU hmenu, UINT uMenuIndex,
UINT uidFirstCmd, UINT uidLastCmd, UINT uFlags ).
Could anybody, plz tell me the list of third party controls available, which can be used in an MFC Application.
Is there any third party control like XmlEditView?
Thanx a lot
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Nibu thomas
Software Developer