You can set the maximum text limit by sending the edit control an EM_LIMITTEXT message.
The Rob Blog Google Talk: robert.caldecott
...and to complete robert answer,
you can do this also thru the resource editor, by setting the right property of your edit box control.
m_myedit.SendMessage(EM_LIMITTEXT, (WPARAM)10, (LPARAM)NULL);
Nibu thomas
Software Developer
Hello people ,
i have a rather unique problem. in my application i have two tierd property sheets. (on the main dialog i have a property sheet with some pages and on each of the pages i have a property sheet and some pages)
all the property sheets are created at run time and the program wortks fine.
The problem starts when i try to add any control on the base dialog. in case a control is added, the program just doesnt pop any windows (file dialog for example) the whole application just hangs .
Can somebody tell me as to why this may be happening and what may be the possible solution.
The Debugger
Here’s my problem:
• I have an existing exe application that has Doc/View architecture (say A.exe).
• This needs to be converted into a DLL while retaining Doc/View architecture (say A.dll).
• All the resources and event handlers should reside in the dll.
• The second application (say B.exe) which needs to invoke above (A.dll) DLL also has its own Doc/View classes. The basic idea here is that both A and B should share the same data loaded in memory.
• User should be able to work independently on both A & B, means they should me modeless dialogs.
any body know which is header and library file for using
Bankey Khandelwal
Software Engineer
Nibu thomas
Software Developer
it is right but which library file i have to link
Bankey Khandelwal
Software Engineer
looking at the MSDN[^], shell32.dll...
i have an assignment: write a program to translate simple words in English to another language such as Filipino. I don't know how to make such code... please help me.. thank you in advance.
Do you need to translate sentences or just individual words?
If you need to translate sentences, you'll need to develop an understanding of the grammatical syntax of the language (simple things like putting adjectives before or after nouns need to be sorted out). If you need only to translate individual words, you're basically just going to effectively be looking it up in a database of some kind and replacing the text with whatever you have in your database.
i juz need to translate individual words... what should i use to it? thanks...
It's almost exactly the same as the morse code program. I gave you a complete solution to that problem - now I suspect I was actually doing your homework.
Stephen Hewitt wrote: now I suspect I was actually doing your homework.
>> i have an assignment <<
you were
To post I was refering to made no mention of assignments.
a source writed by vc6 and can work fine under vc6.
but with vc7 some error come out.
some tut or links introduce some detail converting vc6 source to vc7?? thanks
What errors do you get? Compiler output?
_outp(0x64, 0xAD);
__asm mov al, 0xAD __asm out 0x64, al
do the same... but what do they do??
(doesn't work on NT)
something like : can not instantiate abstract interface class.
what is the exact compiler message ?
on what class does this happen ?
it says that you are instantiating an abstract class.
that means that you are creating an object of a class that either provides no public constructors or have some pure virtual functions.
give us some true helps if you want some feedback. we cannot guess what you're doing wrong without your code, compiler output.
it is surprise it work with vc6 .
error list:
1. error C2440: at ON_MESSAGE(WM_LOADTHEMEOK,OnThemeLoadOk)
2. error C2259 : at throw new CException;because of “CException::~CException(void)” :
i want to make a application which show image by using drag and drop mechanism,
and am new with this type of application i have no idea about this so can anybody have idea how is it possible please answer me .
Bankey Khandelwal
Software Engineer
Take a look at WM_DROPFILES
This[^] will help you too.
Nibu thomas
Software Developer
thanks for giving some information,
but right now i am trying to rebuild this project this give errors if you have any idea to remove these errors please give me ASAP.
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.cpp(61) : error C2065: 'CLSID_DragDropHelper' : undeclared identifier
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.cpp(61) : error C2065: 'IID_IDropTargetHelper' : undeclared identifier
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.cpp(70) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'IDropTargetHelper'
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.h(22) : see declaration of 'IDropTargetHelper'
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.cpp(70) : error C2227: left of '->Release' must point to class/struct/union
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.cpp(107) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'IDropTargetHelper'
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.h(22) : see declaration of 'IDropTargetHelper'
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.cpp(107) : error C2227: left of '->DragEnter' must point to class/struct/union
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.cpp(137) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'IDropTargetHelper'
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.h(22) : see declaration of 'IDropTargetHelper'
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.cpp(137) : error C2227: left of '->DragOver' must point to class/struct/union
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.cpp(163) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'IDropTargetHelper'
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.h(22) : see declaration of 'IDropTargetHelper'
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.cpp(163) : error C2227: left of '->Drop' must point to class/struct/union
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.cpp(173) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'IDropTargetHelper'
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.h(22) : see declaration of 'IDropTargetHelper'
E:\Tool_Bankey\drag_drop\MultiFiler_demo\Dialog with drop target\MyDropTarget.cpp(173) : error C2227: left of '->DragLeave' must point to class/struct/union
Error executing cl.exe.
MultiFiler.exe - 12 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Bankey Khandelwal
Software Engineer
// app
#include <windows.h>
extern "C" void fun();
// dll
#include <iostream>
extern "C"
_declspec(dllexport) void fun()
std::cout<<"fun() call in Dll\n";
_stdcall DllMain()
std::cout<<"dllmain() \n";
derek7 wrote: _stdcall DllMain()
This is not the signature for DLLMain
DWORD fdwReason,
LPVOID lpvReserved
); More Information[^]
Nibu thomas
Software Developer