What does it have to do with creating an exe ???? It is completely different from your first question
If you want to load 3dmax files in C++, you'll have either to code it yourself (long work I think) or use some external libraries. What is exactly the purpose of what you are trying to do ? Is it for a 3D game ? If yes, I strongly suggest you to look for specific rendering engines like Ogre[^], Irrlicht[^], ...
VisuallC wrote: No answer I want a picture into exe file ok
Maybe if you asked how to do it you would have had an answer but we cannot gues what you are looking for. Be more explicit.
Now, if you want to display a picture (I think this is what you are looking for) in your program, first how do you want to display it ? Again, if it is still in a "game-oriented" fashion (that is full screen mode and this kind of things), you'd better go for one of the rendering engine I suggested you. Otherwise you'll have to work woth the .NET framework (sorry, but I don't have a lot of experience in that).
So, you want to do a game and your questions are related to that ? Is that correct ?
Please, try to be more explicit because explaining your problem in 2 lines is a little bit short... I know english is not your mother tongue (for me also) but otherwise you will never get a clear answer to your problem.
VisuallC wrote: I was created application
What exactly does this mean? Are you wanting to create an applicaton, or have you already created the application and now you want to do something else?
VisuallC wrote: Now Output application in exe file
Was a .exe file created as a result of the build process? If so, what is the question?
"The words of God are not like the oak leaf which dies and falls to the earth, but like the pine tree which stays green forever." - Native American Proverb
I sense you want to create an exe from your app. are u trying to add something to your app and then release it at runtime.
well let me know.
-- modified at 5:53 Monday 23rd January, 2006
I have to create a Transparent static text in an ATL Composite control dialog, So that the background image must see from top.
Please help!
we are developing transaction project using SDI app. its base class was a CView.recently, we got this error... and we still dont have any idea about it. its happen when we start the program (by clicking exe)
"TXDVR20.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program. An error los is being created"
help help help...
when you compiled the program and ran it, did it execute? (Without going to the .exe file). Where you able to successfully execute it before?
yes (straight away ran it thru vc++ ide) no problem at all. it s just happen in our production mode (distribution of exe file).
It could be anything... Something went wrong in your program (in general, most of the time it is because you are writing at non valid address). It is impossible for us to tell exactly what the problem is with so little information.
What you can do, to find out where the problem is, is to use the debugger: press F5 to start it and F9 to set and remove breakpoints. It will allow you to step into your code and see where is the problem (and then to find a solution).
basically, i've 1 menu program (treeview browser). while user clicking their desired program, this menu program will execute selected program using CreateProcess(...) function.
Then, somehow when CreateProcess() start to initiate program exe, window will prompt me with this error msg...and the selected program will b terminated (by window... i guess).i would say the failure might triggered by this menu program or the selected program.
problem was, when i debug or run it (both of program) from vc++ build menu, the said error msg will not happen. waaaaaaa i dont know where and when the problem was....
NasHata79 wrote: Then, somehow when CreateProcess() start to initiate program exe, window will prompt me with this error msg...and the selected program will b terminated (by window... i guess).
So, this is not in your main program that the bug appears ? You launch another program and this is this new program that crashes ? What happen if you launch this program by simply double-clicking on it ? If the bug is still there, then you'll have to debug this program instead. If the bug disapear, then it's probably due to the fact that the way you call the program is wrong.
thanx, will get my colleague to try this out! It is fine to me if d problem was d menu program itself (it is a small prog instead)... if not, my tears will keep on dripping...d other prog was a big one!!! somemore, original owner has resigned
NasHata79 wrote: original owner has resigned
Sounds like a good move!
The opinions expressed in this communication do not necessarily represent those of the author (especially if you find them impolite, discourteous or inflammatory).
Could this simply be a case of "works in debug, doesn't work in release"? You might have some bug that is being covered up by the Debug version of your project that becomes apparent in the release version.
Do a search on Google on "works in debug, crashes in release" or something like that. Basically you want to reconfigure your release project in VC so that it includes debugging information, uses the program database for edit, and you probably want to start by turning off all of the compiler optimizations. So, you start with a release version that does not use things like the debug_new memory allocator, which might be masking your problems. For example, debug_new automatically initializes all uninitialized variables to some value, release (regular new) does not.
There are a lot of good articles/posts out there on "surviving the release version" (you might also search on that phrase in Google. Joseph Newcomer has a good article on his website with that exact title I think.
Good luck.
I have a base class name as "Base " and i have a function name as Fun1()
in it ,
now i derive a class from the Base calss called as Derived and i have
the same function Fun1()
I want to call the funcition Fun1() of the base class with a pointer of
the derived class .How? Also if fun1() is defined Virtual ?
Vikas Amin
Embin Technology
hey by using pointer.
Vikas Amin
Embin Technology
hey this dont work it gives an error
class Base
virtual fun1()
cout<<"Base::fun1 \n";
class Derived: Base
virtual fun1()
void main()
Derived *der_ptr=new Derived;
Base *bas_ptr=new Base;
der_ptr->Base::fun1() ;
Vikas Amin
Embin Technology
You're missing the public keyword. Make your derived class look like this:
class Derived: public Base
This specifies public inheritence which is the "normal" choice.
Oh yeh
thank you
Vikas Amin
Embin Technology
Also, to complete the other answers, the rule with the virtual keyword is as follow: if the function is not virtual, it will call the function from which the pointer is related to. Take this example:
void main()<br />
{<br />
Base *bas_ptr=new Derived;<br />
<br />
der_ptr->fun1();<br />
} <br />
In this case, if fun1 was not declared as virtual, the function called would be the one from the base class, because your pointer is of the type Base, even if it has been created as a Derived class. Now, take the same example but instead declare fun1 as virtual, then in that case the function that will be called would be the one from the child class.
Hope it makes thing more clear