Hello All,
i need help about how i implement a TabView(e.g. in an application) to use property sheets like the time site.
It would be a great help for me if anyone has an example.
Sorry for my bad english.
Hi All,
I would like to develop a Remote Task Manager utility, which reads the Tasks running on a remote machine(s). Does anybody give me a hint, how it can be done in C++/MFC.
Thanks in Advance
You can implement this using tool-help library... For more information search MSDN with "tool-help Library". Rest is sockets.
Hope this will help you.
Try this:
Thanks Guys )
I am making an application for Pocket PC using dialog based MFC on embedded VC++.
I try to attach an application like Word, Excel on dialog.
I used "SetParent" to attach the application on dialog.
The code is like this.
::SetParent(dlg.m_hSWnd, m_hWnd);
"dlg.m_hSWnd" is the handle of application that I want to attach on dialog.
"m_hWnd" is the handle of dialog.
Actually, applications are shown on dialog well.
However, it is shown without command bar that the application originally has.
What I hope to know is how to show the command bar.
If you know something about this kind of problem, help me please..
this code is what I tried
CDlgSelect dlg;
if ( IDOK == dlg.DoModal() )
::SetParent(dlg.m_hSWnd, m_hWnd);
CMenu *a=CMenu::FromHandle(dlg.m_hSMenu);
SetMenu( a );
::CommandBar_Show(dlg.m_hSWnd, true);
-- modified at 5:55 Tuesday 24th January, 2006
I'm not sure it's 100% relevant, but you could search MSDN for "dsoframer". Perhaps that will give you some ideas.
Mike Stephenson
i was stuck up in the project where a string is to be supplied to the notepad so that it can be saved anywhere else,
can anyone who knows the answer help me,
appreciation in advance,
-- modified at 5:44 Tuesday 24th January, 2006
For non-user interaction:
cant you just save the string to a file with .txt extention? is it specific to the notepad application?
For user-interaction required:
You can also (maybe consider) use the clipbord to put the text data there and the user can then say paste to put the content whereever the user wants to paste.
This way you dont have to open a notepadd application all the time for each text that needs to be tranfered.
thanks for ur reply,
the situation is there is a string that should be displayed, when i press a button in the dialog box, in the text file(notepad), later the user can save the text file wherever he wants,.
if you write the explanation in detail that would be nice,
thanks in advance,
-- modified at 8:42 Friday 27th January, 2006
Can someone tell me how to override the explorers implementation of Drop event for a specific case? More elaborately, I need to provide a custom implementation of the Drop event when a file is dragged from my namespace extension to a Windows folder.
Thanks and Regards,
do you want to transfer a file from your namespace system to windows file system rite?
And your namespace system does not contain windows filesystem data?
Exactly!! What is supposed to happen is I will give the details of the file as well as the directory to which it is to be downloaded to an Applet and it will do what is necessary. Can you help me with this?
Thanks and Regards,
Humm, it is difficult to hook on to someone else implementation of the drag drop.
This is what i did,
1.I had a service running the background which simulated my application specific clipboard.
2.Implement ICopyHook[^], The service implements this hook
3. Specify a directory name which is very unique, like C:\program files\<guidno>
4. When you want to drag drop, put this unique directory name in the clipboard and send other files that needs to be copied to the service that is running the background.
5. When the files are droped, windows will try to copy the files, now we hook that copy operation at the directory level, check that this is the unique directory, so the src data belongs to us.
6. dismiss the copy operation so that windows does not do any copying stuff, now the service has the src files, and destination direcotry.
7. Start your custom copy operation.
Complecated But i could not find any other solution, but it worked very nicely.
Actually i did not test this for drag-drop, i have tested this for copy-paste task.
Hope this helps you in someway.
Hi:this is my codes:
class CIPerson
int m_nID;
class CStudent:public CIPerson
int m_nOld;
class CIPersonInfo
virtual CIPerson & search()=0;
class CStudentInfo:public CIPersonInfo
CStudent & search(){}
can you tell me why "CStudent & search(){}" is error?CStudent is derived from CIPerson
your friend:bobi
firstly, why do you create two new classes xxxInfo for the search methods ?
secondly, what is the error returned ?
thirdly, did you notice that your base classes data members were private (where they should be protected) ?
TOXCCT >>> GEII power [toxcct][VisualCalc 2.20][VCalc 3.0 soon...]
-- modified at 5:47 Tuesday 24th January, 2006
You have an empty body of Search() method. You should return a CStudent object. toxcct has pointed other things which are equally valid as well.
You can't override functions only by return type. Both search() methods need to return exactly the same type. It doesn't matter that one is derived from the other, they must be *exactly* the same.
The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity. - Harlan Ellison
Awasu 2.2 [^]: A free RSS/Atom feed reader with support for Code Project.
signature of the virtual functions in base and derived
class must be same .but their returns types can be different only if both returns have base and derived relation ship
class CBase
virtual CBase* func1(int,char);
class CDerived
CDerived *func19int,char);
never say die
yes,I think you have understand, I want to know it is right that virtual functions's returns types can be different only if both returns have base and derived relation ship,but follow codes is error in Visual C++ 6.0:
class CBase
virtual CBase* func1(int,char);
class CDerived:public CBase
CDerived *func1(int,char);
can you tell me why?
your friend:bobi
pls tell me the error
Also have define function func1 for base and for derived as well.
never say die
class CBase
virtual CBase* func1(int,char);
class CDerived:public CBase
CDerived *func1(int,char);
I complier codes in VC 6.0 and diplay follow error:
error C2555: 'CDerived::func1' : overriding virtual function differs from 'CBase::func1' only by return type or calling convention
because CDerived derived from CBase, I think CDerived::func1 can return CDerived's pointer.do you think so ?
your friend:bobi
Hello guys,
Do you know any simple report generator control ?
I need it for printing out some data in Grid form.
I have already seen Johan Rosengrens Report Generator[^] and I am having some issues with it.
Any other recommendations would be appreciated
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - W.Churchill
-- modified at 5:49 Tuesday 24th January, 2006