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Question[Message Deleted] Pin
S.C.Wong7-Jan-06 6:08
S.C.Wong7-Jan-06 6:08 
AnswerRe: How to add an ActiveX control in another ActiveX control? Pin
Prakash Nadar7-Jan-06 18:05
Prakash Nadar7-Jan-06 18:05 
Questionhow to pass a class ,object to a function by using pointers? Pin
neodeaths7-Jan-06 4:32
neodeaths7-Jan-06 4:32 
AnswerRe: how to pass a class ,object to a function by using pointers? Pin
Prakash Nadar7-Jan-06 4:46
Prakash Nadar7-Jan-06 4:46 
GeneralRe: how to pass a class ,object to a function by using pointers? Pin
neodeaths7-Jan-06 4:56
neodeaths7-Jan-06 4:56 
GeneralRe: how to pass a class ,object to a function by using pointers? Pin
Prakash Nadar7-Jan-06 5:09
Prakash Nadar7-Jan-06 5:09 
GeneralRe: how to pass a class ,object to a function by using pointers? Pin
neodeaths7-Jan-06 5:14
neodeaths7-Jan-06 5:14 
GeneralRe: how to pass a class ,object to a function by using pointers? Pin
Kevin McFarlane7-Jan-06 5:14
Kevin McFarlane7-Jan-06 5:14 
GeneralRe: how to pass a class ,object to a function by using pointers? Pin
Prakash Nadar7-Jan-06 5:17
Prakash Nadar7-Jan-06 5:17 
GeneralAny One Care To Explain Why My Messages are Voted Down? Pin
Prakash Nadar7-Jan-06 21:17
Prakash Nadar7-Jan-06 21:17 
GeneralRe: Any One Care To Explain Why My Messages are Voted Down? Pin
#realJSOP8-Jan-06 3:05
professional#realJSOP8-Jan-06 3:05 
GeneralRe: Any One Care To Explain Why My Messages are Voted Down? Pin
Trollslayer8-Jan-06 3:50
mentorTrollslayer8-Jan-06 3:50 
GeneralRe: Any One Care To Explain Why My Messages are Voted Down? Pin
Prakash Nadar8-Jan-06 4:15
Prakash Nadar8-Jan-06 4:15 
GeneralRe: Any One Care To Explain Why My Messages are Voted Down? Pin
#realJSOP8-Jan-06 7:13
professional#realJSOP8-Jan-06 7:13 
GeneralRe: Any One Care To Explain Why My Messages are Voted Down? Pin
ThatsAlok9-Jan-06 17:30
ThatsAlok9-Jan-06 17:30 
GeneralRe: Any One Care To Explain Why My Messages are Voted Down? Pin
Prakash Nadar9-Jan-06 17:50
Prakash Nadar9-Jan-06 17:50 
GeneralRe: Any One Care To Explain Why My Messages are Voted Down? Pin
ThatsAlok9-Jan-06 17:56
ThatsAlok9-Jan-06 17:56 
GeneralRe: Any One Care To Explain Why My Messages are Voted Down? Pin
ThatsAlok9-Jan-06 17:59
ThatsAlok9-Jan-06 17:59 
GeneralRe: how to pass a class ,object to a function by using pointers? Pin
Kevin McFarlane7-Jan-06 5:14
Kevin McFarlane7-Jan-06 5:14 
QuestionRe: how to pass a class ,object to a function by using pointers? Pin
David Crow7-Jan-06 17:17
David Crow7-Jan-06 17:17 
Questionlist iterator for all derived class (of a parent class) Pin
tbrake7-Jan-06 3:30
tbrake7-Jan-06 3:30 
QuestionIntegrating MFC application login with Windows login Pin
mohanrajh7-Jan-06 2:27
mohanrajh7-Jan-06 2:27 
AnswerRe: Integrating MFC application login with Windows login Pin
#realJSOP7-Jan-06 2:40
professional#realJSOP7-Jan-06 2:40 
GeneralRe: Integrating MFC application login with Windows login Pin
mohanrajh7-Jan-06 19:38
mohanrajh7-Jan-06 19:38 
GeneralRe: Integrating MFC application login with Windows login Pin
#realJSOP8-Jan-06 3:07
professional#realJSOP8-Jan-06 3:07 

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