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AnswerRe: how can i create worker and UI thread in single application Pin
Anilkumar K V5-Jan-06 18:05
Anilkumar K V5-Jan-06 18:05 
QuestionHow to create an independent thread for reading data from buffer of Serial Port ??? Pin
QuangDien5-Jan-06 15:17
QuangDien5-Jan-06 15:17 
AnswerRe: How to create an independent thread for reading data from buffer of Serial Port ??? Pin
Anilkumar K V5-Jan-06 17:14
Anilkumar K V5-Jan-06 17:14 
QuestionQuick ideas for activation Pin
Alex Korchemniy5-Jan-06 14:57
Alex Korchemniy5-Jan-06 14:57 
AnswerRe: Quick ideas for activation Pin
TheGreatAndPowerfulOz5-Jan-06 20:20
TheGreatAndPowerfulOz5-Jan-06 20:20 
GeneralRe: Quick ideas for activation Pin
Sebastian Schneider5-Jan-06 20:37
Sebastian Schneider5-Jan-06 20:37 
AnswerRe: Quick ideas for activation Pin
TheGreatAndPowerfulOz5-Jan-06 20:33
TheGreatAndPowerfulOz5-Jan-06 20:33 
GeneralRe: Quick ideas for activation Pin
Alex Korchemniy6-Jan-06 7:32
Alex Korchemniy6-Jan-06 7:32 
Questionresolve crossed-bounds text Pin
s o v a n n5-Jan-06 14:51
s o v a n n5-Jan-06 14:51 
QuestionRetrofitting an MFC app to ActiveX Pin
Graham Reeds5-Jan-06 12:57
Graham Reeds5-Jan-06 12:57 
AnswerRe: Retrofitting an MFC app to ActiveX Pin
John R. Shaw5-Jan-06 13:20
John R. Shaw5-Jan-06 13:20 
GeneralRe: Retrofitting an MFC app to ActiveX Pin
Graham Reeds5-Jan-06 13:27
Graham Reeds5-Jan-06 13:27 
GeneralRe: Retrofitting an MFC app to ActiveX Pin
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 17:17
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 17:17 
Questionstl list<>::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
tbrake5-Jan-06 11:49
tbrake5-Jan-06 11:49 
AnswerRe: stl list<>::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
Christian Graus5-Jan-06 11:58
protectorChristian Graus5-Jan-06 11:58 
GeneralRe: stl list::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
tbrake5-Jan-06 12:08
tbrake5-Jan-06 12:08 
GeneralRe: stl list::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
Christian Graus5-Jan-06 12:11
protectorChristian Graus5-Jan-06 12:11 
QuestionRe: stl list::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
tbrake5-Jan-06 12:29
tbrake5-Jan-06 12:29 
AnswerRe: stl list::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
Christian Graus5-Jan-06 12:32
protectorChristian Graus5-Jan-06 12:32 
GeneralRe: stl list::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
tbrake5-Jan-06 12:43
tbrake5-Jan-06 12:43 
GeneralRe: stl list::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
Christian Graus5-Jan-06 12:46
protectorChristian Graus5-Jan-06 12:46 
AnswerRe: stl list<>::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
Christian Graus5-Jan-06 12:55
protectorChristian Graus5-Jan-06 12:55 
QuestionGet Status of Comm Port Pin
tj_cts5-Jan-06 9:00
tj_cts5-Jan-06 9:00 
AnswerRe: Get Status of Comm Port Pin
KellyR5-Jan-06 9:12
KellyR5-Jan-06 9:12 
You could try polling the printer to see when it's off. That way when a user tried to print, the status would already be off unless it just turned off a few seconds before the user tried to print.

I think you might get more responses if this post were moved to the WinCE forum? I've noticed lots and lots of function calls give me major lag on WinCE when they don't on WinXP, so you're more likely to get someone who knows how to solve the problem over there.

Kelly Ryan
GeneralRe: Get Status of Comm Port Pin
tj_cts5-Jan-06 10:12
tj_cts5-Jan-06 10:12 

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