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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: stl list::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
Christian Graus5-Jan-06 12:11
protectorChristian Graus5-Jan-06 12:11 
QuestionRe: stl list::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
tbrake5-Jan-06 12:29
tbrake5-Jan-06 12:29 
AnswerRe: stl list::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
Christian Graus5-Jan-06 12:32
protectorChristian Graus5-Jan-06 12:32 
GeneralRe: stl list::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
tbrake5-Jan-06 12:43
tbrake5-Jan-06 12:43 
GeneralRe: stl list::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
Christian Graus5-Jan-06 12:46
protectorChristian Graus5-Jan-06 12:46 
AnswerRe: stl list<>::iterator for derived classes ?!? Pin
Christian Graus5-Jan-06 12:55
protectorChristian Graus5-Jan-06 12:55 
QuestionGet Status of Comm Port Pin
tj_cts5-Jan-06 9:00
tj_cts5-Jan-06 9:00 
AnswerRe: Get Status of Comm Port Pin
KellyR5-Jan-06 9:12
KellyR5-Jan-06 9:12 
GeneralRe: Get Status of Comm Port Pin
tj_cts5-Jan-06 10:12
tj_cts5-Jan-06 10:12 
GeneralRe: Get Status of Comm Port Pin
Blake Miller5-Jan-06 12:31
Blake Miller5-Jan-06 12:31 
QuestionHow to submit information from an application? Pin
kevincwong5-Jan-06 8:47
kevincwong5-Jan-06 8:47 
AnswerRe: How to submit information from an application? Pin
Office Lineman5-Jan-06 9:19
Office Lineman5-Jan-06 9:19 
GeneralRe: How to submit information from an application? Pin
kevincwong6-Jan-06 11:50
kevincwong6-Jan-06 11:50 
GeneralRe: How to submit information from an application? Pin
Office Lineman6-Jan-06 12:19
Office Lineman6-Jan-06 12:19 
GeneralRe: How to submit information from an application? Pin
kevincwong6-Jan-06 19:15
kevincwong6-Jan-06 19:15 
QuestionDate Time Control Pin
LCI5-Jan-06 8:30
LCI5-Jan-06 8:30 
AnswerRe: Date Time Control Pin
Office Lineman5-Jan-06 8:54
Office Lineman5-Jan-06 8:54 
QuestionCFtpConnection trouble Pin
Anacreon5-Jan-06 7:44
Anacreon5-Jan-06 7:44 
I am having some trouble on one machine, with an application written using CFtpConnection. I narrowed it down in a test program to a Cmd Prompt app that has the following code inside its tmain():

cerr << "Starting\n";
CInternetSession *pInetSession = new CInternetSession;
cerr << "Got session\n";
CFtpConnection *pFtpConn =
cerr << "Got connection\n";
while (true);

On the control PC this program does what's expected -- prints the three lines and then hangs (if servername is a valid machine name) or prints two lines and exits with an "Abnormal termination" message (if servername is not valid). On the machine where I'm having trouble, regardless of servername the program will print two lines and then exit with no status message. Could WININET have some kind of corruption? Everything was working fine on this computer until this morning and I can't see what changed in the mean time. I can run ftp from the prompt and establish a connection fine. Any ideas? I am tearing my hair out here.

AnswerRe: CFtpConnection trouble Pin
David Crow5-Jan-06 7:55
David Crow5-Jan-06 7:55 
GeneralRe: CFtpConnection trouble Pin
Anacreon5-Jan-06 8:01
Anacreon5-Jan-06 8:01 
GeneralRe: CFtpConnection trouble Pin
David Crow5-Jan-06 8:10
David Crow5-Jan-06 8:10 
AnswerRe: CFtpConnection trouble Pin
Office Lineman5-Jan-06 8:14
Office Lineman5-Jan-06 8:14 
GeneralRe: CFtpConnection trouble Pin
Anacreon5-Jan-06 8:27
Anacreon5-Jan-06 8:27 
AnswerRe: CFtpConnection trouble Pin
Anacreon6-Jan-06 3:53
Anacreon6-Jan-06 3:53 
QuestionSound Capture Pin
rajeev825-Jan-06 5:57
rajeev825-Jan-06 5:57 

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