You do not need to know the buffer size before recieving the data, although it would help. C++ solves many problems like this by providing [classes like] the vector template class. What I am trying to say is that you can declare a vector to recieve the data, and just keep calling push_back(...) to stuff the bytes into the buffer. If you have a good idea of how many bytes of data you expect to recieve, then set the initial size to that many bytes (as an added safety measure you might double the number, but why waste memory). The reason you want to set a minimum (or maximum) for expected bytes of data, is that you want to avoid forcing the code to reallocate a new memory block that is large enough to hold all the data.
You can do the same thing in C, but C does not provide nice little pieces of code to do it for you.
Every thing is relative...
how can i read a text file which is in client's system and print it at client's default printer.
Your question is a bit vague, so this is the best I can come up with:
ShellExecute(NULL, "print", "file.txt", ...);
"The words of God are not like the oak leaf which dies and falls to the earth, but like the pine tree which stays green forever." - Native American Proverb
Hello again.
This is Matthias form germany. I've a problem with my printer. For a few letters i've to get another tray on my printer but i've no idea how to do.
I post you my actually print initialisation:
CPrintDialog dlgPrint(FALSE,PD_ALLPAGES,this);
if (dlgPrint.DoModal() == IDOK)
CDC pDC_print;
DOCINFO myPrintJob;
myPrintJob.cbSize = sizeof(myPrintJob);
myPrintJob.lpszDocName = "test";
myPrintJob.lpszOutput = NULL;
myPrintJob.lpszDatatype = NULL;
myPrintJob.fwType = NULL;
but how can I set the tray, that the user hasn't to choose it in the printDialog?
Did you try changing the dmDefaultSource in the DEVMODE and then try?
Vipin - MVP
yes, of course.
the problem is, that the initialisation is before i set the new flag to DEVMODE structure.
CPrintDialog prtDlg(FALS......)
if ( prtDlg.DoModal() == IDOK )
prtDlg.m_pd.dmDeviceSource = 2;
the flag in the structure was set but he takes the normal default paperSource
You got to set the DEVMODE in CPrintDialog before you call DoModal(...) making a call afterwards will not work.
How can I draw some arrows and some lines in the ClistView?
When I click one item in the ClistView, the item's color turns red, how can I do?
help me,thank you very much!
A wonderful article by Michael Dunn..
Love Forgives--Love Gives--Jesus is Love <marquee direction="up" height="50" scrolldelay="1" step="1" scrollamount="1" style="background-color:'#44ccff'">
--Owner Drawn
--Nothing special
--Defeat is temporary but surrender is permanent
--Never say quits
--Jesus is Lord
thank you very much.It is very helpful for me.
Dear Owner drawn,I want to ask you if it is the best method when I draw some arrows and some lines in the ClistView?how to do it effectively?thank you very much!
Anyone familiar with the TB_CUSTOMIZE message?
I'm looking for an example in Win32 C++ code.
Thanks in advance,
LRESULT MsgNotify(HWND hwnd, UINT uMessage, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
static UINT i=0;
LPNMHDR lpnmhdr;
lpnmhdr = (LPNMHDR)lparam;
if (lpnmhdr->code == TBN_QUERYINSERT || lpnmhdr->code ==
return TRUE;
if (lpnmhdr->code == TBN_GETBUTTONINFO)
char szBuffer [20];
if (lpTbNotify->iItem < 12)
lpTbNotify->tbButton = tbButtonNew[lpTbNotify->iItem];
4000+ lpTbNotify->iItem,
szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)/sizeof(szBuffer[0]));
hr = StringCchCopy
szBuffer );
lpTbNotify->cchText =
TODO: Write error handler.
return TRUE;
return 0;
return 0;
Love Forgives--Love Gives--Jesus is Love <marquee direction="up" height="50" scrolldelay="1" step="1" scrollamount="1" style="background-color:'#44ccff'">
--Owner Drawn
--Nothing special
--Defeat is temporary but surrender is permanent
--Never say quits
--Jesus is Lord
This was what I already found myself on the msdn site. But it is not a very complete example, is it?
It is somewhat the only example I was able to find on the Internet.
But thanks anyway,
Yeah it is complete with the one that I didn't paste. Search in MSDN documentation for the other one.
The search is titled "Using toolbar controls".
It has got a comprehensive coverage of what you want. I just pasted the interesting(for me) part.
Love Forgives--Love Gives--Jesus is Love <marquee direction="up" height="50" scrolldelay="1" step="1" scrollamount="1" style="background-color:'#44ccff'">
--Owner Drawn
--Nothing special
--Defeat is temporary but surrender is permanent
--Never say quits
--Jesus is Lord
Ok, I will give it an in depth look
Where is TB_CUSTOMIZE event used or processed here?
TB_CUSTOMIZE is to be send to the toolbar itself. The toolbar then sends notifications to the sender of TB_CUSTOMIZE.
When you properly return data on these notifications, a customize dialog pops up. But this last part is the trickiest.
This is what i got after doing a brif search in google hope its useful
Display the Customize dialog for a toolbar
The standard windows customization dialog for toolbars can be displayed by sending the toolbar the TB_CUSTOMIZE message.
SendMessage(hwndToolbar, TB_CUSTOMIZE, 0, 0);
You must remember to handle the TBN_QUERYDELETE and TBN_QUERYINSERT notifications, and return non-zero for both of these. Without them, the customize dialog will appear very briefly and then vanish.
This I already found by myself.
But thanks anyway for doing the trouble to do the search.
in a video stream, user will select an region/object in the first frame
i an in need of algorithm to set the all the pixel to BLUE except the selected region , in all the frames of the video stream,
can any of u suggest me, or help me in finding some useful links/algori/free source/lib for it. vc++(mfc)6.0
I am devloping an application for Window CE.NET device running on x86 board.I want to debug my program in my workstation(a window xp based pc)by conecting the target device through eVC++'s platform manager.HOW COULD I CONNECT THE TARGET DEVICE USING TCP/IP FOR WINDOW CE?
I have selected the startup server as manual server,then the platfom manager dialogg box gave some file names to be present in my target device and told to run a command line to run in my target device.I ahve searched for those files,ofcourse they are present there in my target device but that command line is not working in my target device.PLZ help me...
thanx in advance.
CyberG India
I'm looking for the easiest way to find the folder of a file. I have a string that represent the path to a file, something like:
From that path I want to retrieve the folder of the file, which is:
Ok, so far so good, not very difficult to do. But now, the path can also be relative, so it can take one of the following form:
File.txt (if the file is in the working directory)<br />
The purpose is to append to the resulting string another filename or folder:
Is there any simple way of doing that (without having to check every possible case) ? Maybe something like opening the file and then from that retrieve its folder...
Any suggestion are welcome
Create an absolute or full path name for the specified relative path name.
char *_fullpath(
char *absPath,
const char *relPath,
size_t maxLength
wchar_t *_wfullpath(
wchar_t *absPath,
const wchar_t *relPath,
size_t maxLength
Each of these functions returns a pointer to a buffer containing the absolute path name (absPath). If there is an error (for example, if the value passed in relPath includes a drive letter that is not valid or cannot be found, or if the length of the created absolute path name (absPath) is greater than maxLength) the function returns NULL.
Love Forgives--Love Gives--Jesus is Love <marquee direction="up" height="50" scrolldelay="1" step="1" scrollamount="1" style="background-color:'#44ccff'">
--Owner Drawn
--Nothing special
--Defeat is temporary but surrender is permanent
--Never say quits
--Jesus is Lord
That's funny because I just figured it out how to do it (the same as you) and I wanted to post a message here to explain.
And to complete what you said, I can then call _splitpath to retrieve the drive letter and combining it to the directory path to obtain what I'm looking for.
But thanks for your answer