Roland Pibinger wrote: Hm, at least "EXTEIDE is freeware". It's an announcement rather than advertising or soliciting.
not in VC++ forum.
This forum is for posting C++ questions, not advertising software.
------- sig starts
"I've heard some drivers saying, 'We're going too fast here...'. If you're not here to race, go the hell home - don't come here and grumble about going too fast. Why don't you tie a kerosene rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass..." - Dale Earnhardt
"...the staggering layers of obscenity in your statement make it a work of art on so many levels." - Jason Jystad, 10/26/2001
And you have made sure people don't trust that site with the way you have acted.
The tigress is here
For some reason, I cant get any simple program, using
the new visual studio 2005, to compile if it has a CString
as a variable or if I use #include <fstream>.
I am extremely perplexed. I know that CString is equivalent
to const char * and I guess I could use that, but I really
liked being able to use CString and am hoping I still can
somehow. Also, if I want to open an ascii file and close
it, I use the #include <fstream> header, but I keep getting
an error with that line.
Any ideas?? Please, any response any one can give me will
be greatly appreciated.
Danielle Brina (an overworked graduate student)
DanYELL wrote: For some reason, I cant get any simple program...to compile...
DanYELL wrote: ...but I keep getting
an error with that line.
Why? What errors are you receiving?
"The words of God are not like the oak leaf which dies and falls to the earth, but like the pine tree which stays green forever." - Native American Proverb
Here is a common error I get using CString:
error C2664: 'strcpy' : cannot convert parameter 2 from
'CString' to 'const char *'
I use to pass a CString, but it doesnt recognize CString
anymore. If I pass const char *, it works?
If I type #include <fstream.h>, I get:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'fstream.h': No such file or directory
If I type #include <fstream>, I get more errors.
So Im stumped. Its a very simple program that compiles in
Visual C++ 6.0, but using Visual Studio 2005, I get errors that
I cant seem to get past.
Please, any response any one can give me will be greatly
Danielle Brina (an overworked graduate student)
DanYELL wrote: If I type #include , I get:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'fstream.h': No such file or directory
Does the file exist on your machine? Are your paths (environment variables and IDE) set up correctly? One way to check is to right-click on the #include statement and select the "Open Document..." option.
DanYELL wrote: Here is a common error I get using CString:
error C2664: 'strcpy' : cannot convert parameter 2 from
'CString' to 'const char *'
What does the statement look like?
"The words of God are not like the oak leaf which dies and falls to the earth, but like the pine tree which stays green forever." - Native American Proverb
> Does the file exist on your machine? Are your paths (environment
> variables and IDE) set up correctly? One way to check is to right-
> click on the #include statement and select the "Open Document..."
> option.
Shockingly, when I right-click on the include statement, it doesnt
seem to exist. Do I have to copy and paste that file in? It doesnt
make sense. Under the older compiler, it just existed. I didnt
have to add that class to the project.
Please, any response you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
Danielle Brina (an overworked graduate student)
Here are 2-snippets of code that generate errors with CString:
return 2 * ps->PointSize;
Here I get:
'strlen' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'CString' to 'const char *'
It doesnt recognize the CString.
And here:
LPCSTR CPage::SetFont(LPCSTR FontName)
static char buff[40];
if(FontName != NULL)
return buff;
I get:
'strcpy' : cannot convert parameter 2 from 'CString' to 'const char *'
DanYELL wrote: if(strlen(ps->Text)==0)
return 2 * ps->PointSize;
Why are you not using CString::GetLength() here?
In any case, if you must use strcpy() and strlen() , you'll need to use the Unicode version, or the macros defined in tchar.h :
_tcscpy()<br />
"The words of God are not like the oak leaf which dies and falls to the earth, but like the pine tree which stays green forever." - Native American Proverb
1. I guess you are trying to include fstream, using "#include <fstream.h>". fstream.h is not a C++ header, but fstream is. Use it like this, "#include <fstream>"
2. Visual Studio 2005 C++ projects defaults to UNICODE. So CString in that build will convert to wchar_t not to char. Either change your project settings or use wchar_t version of strcpy.
Orhun Birsoy
DanYELL wrote: Cannot open include file: 'fstream.h':
The C++ std library headers ending in ".h" are very old, and apparently VC8 finally removed them. You should be using the STL version of any header file ("fstream", no extension).
Visual C++ MVP
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Strange things are afoot at the U+004B U+20DD
Michael Dunn wrote: The C++ std library headers ending in ".h" are very old, and apparently VC8 finally removed them
I'm surprised to hear that (I'm still using VC6). If true I'm sure we'll here some moaning from people when they upgrade to VC8.
I understand that I should try to write some codes that I know them firstly.
I understand that I should write my message carefully(there are people for check spelling)
I use search engine webpages like google instead of codeproject(there are people for making decision)
But because in IRAN students don't have anything that you have.
But because in IRAN students don't have technology.
But because in IRAN students don't have open sources document.
But because in IRAN students don't have original books.
and lablablab...
Please if you have a time to make a contact with me, here it's: vatanpoor@gmail.com
Best Regards,
You're programming. You said you have a book. So you have technology and a book.
Lucky you; I could not afford books during college, I've never opened a computer science book in my life. And I had to use crappy old lab computers to program at 2am during the rare moments that some computers were actually free. You have plenty of the things that we have.
Just try to do your homework next time before asking other people how to do it, that's all. You'll learn more that way, anyway, so it will benefit you more in the end. Nobody likes to see reliance on others for help when an attempt hasn't been made by the reliant individual to solve the problem in the first place.
If you did try to do the assignment and you were not able to, then great job. Good luck and if you have any specific questions please feel free to email them to me.
Kelly Ryan
Lucky you; I could not afford books during college, I've never opened a computer science book in my life. And I had to use crappy old lab computers to program at 2am during the rare moments that some computers were actually free. You have plenty of the things that we have.
From these words of Mr Kelly Ryan ,it has flared me up to work harder and committed to my work.Finally I am thankful to god for facilties he has provided me.
never say die
-- modified at 3:23 Saturday 7th January, 2006
pvatanpour wrote: But because in IRAN students don't have anything that you have.
Do you lack desire, ambition, and initiative?
pvatanpour wrote: But because in IRAN students don't have technology.
You have e-mail and Internet access. Is that no longer considered technology?
pvatanpour wrote: But because in IRAN students don't have open sources document.
I fail to see what that has to do with your homework assignment.
pvatanpour wrote: But because in IRAN students don't have original books.
As opposed to what, non-original books? You do not need a book to complete your homework.
"The words of God are not like the oak leaf which dies and falls to the earth, but like the pine tree which stays green forever." - Native American Proverb
pvatanpour wrote: But because in IRAN students don't have technology.
Do you have access to the internet?
If yes, then you have a access to the same technology. At least from a programming point of view.
pvatanpour wrote: But because in IRAN students don't have open sources document.
That does not make sence, if you have access to the internet then you have access to open source documents.
pvatanpour wrote: But because in IRAN students don't have original books.
I do not know about books, just having access to the internet means I do not purchase as many books as I used to. The real problem is finding the information.
I recommend looking at the CP membership list, there is more than one member from your region (part of the world). May be one of them will understand your problem, or can point you in the right direction.
As a general rule: we are programmers (not polititians), sharing knowledge is what we do. Pesonaly, I do not care what your contry of origin is (or your religion).
Every thing is relative...
I would like to create a top menu item with a submenu. I am able to create the topmenu item, but not the submenu unser it. This is used in a SDI app.
<br />
void CMyView::CreateOperationMenu()<br />
{<br />
CMainFrame* pMainFrame = (CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd();<br />
CMenu* pMainMenu = pMainFrame->GetMenu();<br />
<br />
if (!pMainMenu->InsertMenu(2, MF_BYPOSITION, 0, "Operation"))<br />
return;<br />
<br />
CMenu* pSubMenu = pMainMenu->GetSubMenu(2);<br />
<br />
}<br />
I'm not exactly sure but I think you need to use MF_POPUP for the top menu item, then create a new menu and insert a menu item into it, then call SetMenuItemInfo() on the top menu item with the MIIM_SUBMENU flag. (for regular Win32 programming anyway, it might be a little different for whatever library (MFC/WTL?) you are using...)
// The code fragment below shows how to create a new menu for the
// application window using CreateMenu() and CreatePopupMenu().
// Then, the created menu will replace the current menu of the
// application. The old menu will be destroyed with DestroyMenu().
// NOTE: The code fragment below is done in a CFrameWnd-derived class.
// Create a new menu for the application window.
// Create a "File" popup menu and insert this popup menu to the
// new menu of the application window. The "File" menu has only
// one menu item, that is, "Exit".
m_FileMenu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING, ID_APP_EXIT, (LPCTSTR)"E&xit");
m_NewMenu.AppendMenu(MF_POPUP, (UINT) m_FileMenu.m_hMenu, "&File");
// Remove and destroy the old menu.
CMenu* old_menu = CMenu::FromHandle(m_hMenuDefault);
// Add a new menu.
// Assign a default menu.
m_hMenuDefault = m_NewMenu.m_hMenu;
FAILURE is the first step towards SUCCESS
-- modified at 0:50 Saturday 7th January, 2006
I posted an article here on the very topic of dynamically building menus.
------- sig starts
"I've heard some drivers saying, 'We're going too fast here...'. If you're not here to race, go the hell home - don't come here and grumble about going too fast. Why don't you tie a kerosene rag around your ankles so the ants won't climb up and eat your candy ass..." - Dale Earnhardt
"...the staggering layers of obscenity in your statement make it a work of art on so many levels." - Jason Jystad, 10/26/2001
One more question (I hope it will be the last one). How can I repaint the menu? When I dynamicly add menu item to the menu, the new menu is draw only when I point the mouse over it. And things get worst why I delete the menu item. The old menu item still paint under the other until the app is hide and show again.
I have try to invalidate the mainframe, send WM_PAINT message but none of theses work.
Any ideas ?