I have no idea what you're doing wrong because this works fine. I wiped up this little example in about a minute:
Private Sub TestButton_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles TestButton.MouseDown
End Sub
Private Sub TestButton_MouseUp(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles TestButton.MouseUp
End Sub
Private Sub ChangeButtonText(ByRef target As Button)
If target.Text = "0" Then
target.Text = "1"
target.Text = "0"
End If
End Sub
If you want the button to change text like a toggle, just remove the MouseUp handler.
Truthfully, I'd be creating my own button control to wrap this functionality and overriding the OnMouseDown and OnMouseUp methods to do this. I wouldn't be doing it using event handlers.
But, since this method is easier to understand, here you go...
That worked beautifully BIG THANKS M8!
Dear ammar ahmad
there was no user control name usercontrol1 in your solution.
I saw your coding,you are more expert than me.
I didnt run your program at all.
Would you please tell me what this code is for?
It is there... it should be under Form1.
This is Twitter client that I am working on.
Try changing the sub to:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Button1.Text = "0" Then
Button1.Text = "1"
Button1.Text = "0"
End If
End Sub
Oke i know this sounds a bit basic but have you checked for spaces? strings are quite picky with those. "0 " is not the same as "0" for them. tough its likely a human will read over that last space.
you could add a replace to the .text to get rid of this problem.
If Button1.Text.Replace(" ","") = "1" then
Button1.Text = "0"
Elseif Button1.Text.Replace(" ","") = "0" then
Button1.Text = "1"
End if
EDIT: oke reading some more and i hear some rumors that your using several threads. if this thing is executed in a thread you might want to enforce the update to your gui.
Private Sub updateUI()
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Me.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf updateUI))
End If
End Sub
if your using that button thing in a sub/background thread then add the above sub and try calling it after the button event is done. be aware that this isn't good code and will enforce a full refresh of your screen, its a nice way to test tough.
Thanks Nick. But the issue has already been resolved
Currently when I add a new control to the FlowLayoutPanel1, it gets added to the bottom of all the previous controls that were added in FlowLayoutPanel1. Is there a way that I can add the new controls to the top of FlowLayoutPanel1?
I have added a small diagram of what I want:
Please note that the flowdirection property isn't giving me the effect that I need. Because new items (controls) are added while the app is running.
Source code of the application added:
*Note: The above download has all the twitter keys for my account so you don't have to make a new account or anything. Please don't misuse it.
Can you please add that feature that I want in the source?
modified 22-Jun-12 9:23am.
Have you try'd settings the index of the new control?
FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.SetChildIndex(Button1, 0)
Here button1 is my control as control and 0 (int) is the new index of the control in the flowlayoutpanel.
Not quiet sure how that is done as I am new to controls and flowlayoutpanel.
Here is the code that adds the tweets(items) into the control that I have made:
Private Sub AddTestTweet(ByVal tweet As TwitterStatus)
If (Me.FlowLayoutPanel1.InvokeRequired) Then
Me.FlowLayoutPanel1.Invoke(New AddTestTweetDelegate(AddressOf AddTestTweet), tweet)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("New tweet: @{0}: {1}", tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.Text))
Me.FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(New TweetTimelineControl(tweet))
End If
End Sub
Private Sub NewTweet(ByVal tweet As TwitterStatus)
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
And here is the control:
Public Class TweetTimelineControl
Public Sub New(ByVal status As TwitterStatus)
Me.UserNameLabel.Text = status.User.ScreenName
Me.Label2.Text = status.CreatedDate.ToShortDateString()
Me.DateLabel.Text = status.CreatedDate.ToShortTimeString()
Me.TextLabel.Text = status.Text
Me.Label1.Text = "Number Of Retweets: " & status.RetweetCountString
End Sub
End Class
Can you please tell me how to do this on the code given above?
I gotte say i dont know your program so this is a bit of guessing. But from what you send i would suggest you place the code into your AddTestTweet sub.
Private Sub AddTestTweet(ByVal tweet As TwitterStatus)
If (Me.FlowLayoutPanel1.InvokeRequired) Then
Me.FlowLayoutPanel1.Invoke(New AddTestTweetDelegate(AddressOf AddTestTweet), tweet)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("New tweet: @{0}: {1}", tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.Text))
Me.FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(New TweetTimelineControl(tweet))
End If
End Sub
Nope. Still don't get it.
Here I have uploaded the entire source code:
*Note: The above download has all the twitter keys for my account so you don't have to make a new account or anything. Please don't misuse it.
Can you please add that feature that I want in the source?
modified 22-Jun-12 9:22am.
I got the file, so you can remove the link if you want. Cant promise i can get to it ASAP, but i will see if i can paste in the code you need.
Oke got a quick look at it during work. the twitter is blocked here so i cant actually test it. but i think if you replace your AddTestTweet sub with this one it will work.
Private Sub AddTestTweet(ByVal tweet As TwitterStatus)
If (Me.FlowLayoutPanel1.InvokeRequired) Then
Me.FlowLayoutPanel1.Invoke(New AddTestTweetDelegate(AddressOf AddTestTweet), tweet)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("New tweet: @{0}: {1}", tweet.User.ScreenName, tweet.Text))
Dim storedtweet As New TweetTimelineControl(tweet)
Me.FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.SetChildIndex(storedtweet, 0)
End If
End Sub
Like i said its untested so don't shoot me if it adds to the bottom, try playing with the 0 if this happends(make it FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Count for example).
modified 22-Jun-12 9:20am.
Alright. Thanks.
modified 22-Jun-12 9:22am.
Edited my last message with a possible solution.
That worked beautifully!
Thanks m8!
no problem! glad to be of help (tough as it seems a formality here: remember to vote )
Already done
Is it possible to insert rows in to a MS Access table with a Auto number field using a CommandBuilder. I tried that but it's getting following error.
Syntax error in Insert in to statement.
I did same thing to a table which doesn't have a auto number field. It worked. I think the problem is that auto number field. What's the solution for this problem.
I believe the problem may be that you are trying to pass a value for the auto number field. That would cause the insert to fail. In your Insert statement, list the fields you want to include, but don't list the Autonumber field, then in your value clause list only the values which need to be inserted.
remeber to vote
I didn't use any Insert statement. Just used CommandBuilder class to generate SQL statements
I'm struggeling with a bit of a problem. I got a program that prints production forms using excel. the problem is users are printing batches of 300 or more of these. The Xerox WC 3745 printer driver cant keep up with this and crashes.
I'm looking for a way to merge these printer tasks. i already try'd merging the work sheets into one workbook. this didnt work to well...excel doenst like to handle more then 250 worksheets it seems. also merging all data from the worksheets into one massive worksheet doesn't work (the layout cell count ect. are not the same)
anyone able to point me in a possible solution? perhaps i could catch the printer jobs and resend them as one big job? or is there a way that makes excel to do it that i just didnt find yet?
following code is looped to start the print jobs in the current version:
If rbexact.Checked Then
workbook.PrintOutEx(1, 3, 1, False, verbinding.printer(), False, Collate:=True)
workbook.PrintOutEx(1, 3, 1, False, DefaultPrinterName(), False, Collate:=True)
End If