inside parentheses.
I need to create DLL library for Microsoft Excel 2010.
Anybody now how to create?
I try in Visual Studio 2010 but have error in VBA when I add reference.
Maybe I need different software for that?
You need to be more clear to what you want. What exactly do you want?
There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.
I need only information:
How to create simple dll library for VBA.
Public Class Example1
Public Const data As String = "code123"
End Class
How to compile that and use in VBA - Excel?
I try everything and all dont working...
In VBA, click on Tools, References, and browse to your dll. You'll have to create your dll in Visual Studio first or some other tool.
There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.
Your library, if written in C# or VB.NET, must be written to be COM-exposed.
Here's[^] a pretty good starting article.
I try that - Register COM interlop and Make visible COM... in Visual Studio 2010.
Don`t working.
When I add reference in VBA, I have error.
Can`t add a reference to the specified file
It takes a bit more than just turning on a couple of options.
You didn't really read the link I posted, did you?
How can i generate the sine wave sound in VB?
I want to generate the sine wave sound for customized duration and customized frequency
Any help?
search for fmod sound engine(fmod.dll) usage.
Private Declare Function MakeSound Lib "kernel32" (ByVal soundFrequency As Int32, ByVal soundDuration As Int32) As Int32
after that you can call for the MakeSound([frequency in hz],[duration in ms]) function and the computer will generate the tone trough its speakers.
i want to do something like this
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Sc(3) as integer
Dim Frequency=440
Dim Duration = 1000 ' in millisecond
For i = 1 to 3
' some code is required to play the sine wave sound for above frequency and duration
next i
try this:
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Public Class NameYourClass
Private Declare Function Beep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal soundFrequency As Int32, ByVal soundDuration As Int32) As Int32
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Sc(3) as integer
Dim Frequency as int32 = 440
Dim Duration as int32 = 1000
For i = 1 to 3
Beep(Frequency, Duration)
next i
End sub
End Class
note: i just putted a class around it so you could see where to paste what.
modified 26-Jun-12 4:42am.
hi nick
Actually i don't want to use the beep function but to generate the sine wave sound
isnt that just a very long beep? note that the kernel32 beep isnt the .net beep (the .net beep will give you the windows error 'klunk' while the kernel32 beep will generate a tone with the given amount of hertz during the given amount of milliseconds)
but now that i think about it, not sure how it works with the 'wave' part..
did i quick google for ya and found this[^] its in vb6 a bit old...and not directly what you need. but it might be able to help you (or so i think)
see www.3dstate.com about using fmod functionality for 3d games.spacially horn sample.
modified 27-Jun-12 6:29am.
how to edit a simple games using visual basic?
for making a game you need to use a 3d engine.
contact www.3dstate.com
it has a wonderful game engine.
easy,user license,...
sdks for vb6,vb.net,c#,delphi
Oh,you want to edit a game?
modified 23-Jun-12 21:49pm.
Get the source code, make your change, compile.
There are only 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't.
how to edit a simple games using visual basic?
What do you mean by "edit"?
And don't post the same question twice.
like opening plants vs zombies solution in visual basic?
Unless you have the source code you cannot edit it.
You cannot do this without the source code. It does not matter how simple the game is, if you only have the executable then you need to decompile it and rebuild from the decompiled source.
but i think decompile and edit an exe is not that easy, it's already an assembly code, am i wrong?