He's asked the same thing in the past (just last month) and has to do with using send keys and his .exe is getting tagged as a virus.
How about not using send keys? Then we can all move on in life and be happy!
"There's no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people." - Mr. Garrison
I am really happy By your memory and your crawling. But there is not any relation between my previous post and my latest post.
If you can think then I Can.
I'm not good at English
I can't answer because it's a very hard problem.
However, you can go to this link and research:
It's about ClamWin Antivirus, a free and open source antivirus program. But may be it's written in C++.
'how to select 1 file
Private Sub CmdOpenFolderOneSelected_Click()
Dim i As Long, SelectedFilePath As String, SelectedFileName As String ', SelectedIndex As Index
Dim SearchStringSelect As String
For i = 1 To Listview1.ListItems.Count
If Listview1.ListItems(i).Selected = True Then
SelectedFileName = Listview1.ListItems(i).SubItems(1)
SelectedFilePath = Listview1.ListItems(i).SubItems(4)
If Right$(SelectedFilePath, 1) <> "\" Then SelectedFilePath = SelectedFilePath & "\"
If FileExists(SelectedFilePath & SelectedFileName) Then
SearchStringSelect = SelectedFilePath & SelectedFileName
Shell "explorer /select," & Chr(34) & SearchStringSelect & Chr(34), vbNormalFocus '& Chr(34) = focus to file
Else: MsgBox "file doesn't exists any more."
End If
End If
Next i
End Sub
This works to select 1 file in the windows explorer. Multiple doesn't work. Why? I m almost gived up. Butt i have energy back. Windows medea player can do it. So why not me? I try arrays, create object=windows explorer= not info found,...
Is there a reason not to use the common dialog control? The common dialog control has a property, that allows multiple files be selected. Regards: Didi
yes. It's an archive program and it filters items from the dir into a listview. I had that code already but not useful now.
FYI= all file are in 1 directory
modified on Sunday, June 7, 2009 4:20 PM
I don't understand, there are ways to fill a Listview with files of a directory programmaticaly, there is a vb6 control that allows you to watch folders directly etc. Why would you want to shell to explorer?
Regards: Didi
Aaa. Maybe i get you right now. I don't have to display that or someting like that.
Please give me some example code. so i understand you better.
I do this...
- I FILTER items for my disk in an listview
- select them in the listview to open an folder and select all filter items . (multie select in explorer)
It's like windows media player. select a song in the mediabibiotheek and "open the containing folder". all select files are selected in explorer
modified on Sunday, June 7, 2009 4:57 PM
I won't give you sample code, because I don't have. Read the documentation or search codeproject or google.
Regards: Didi
I need some good words to search for because i have try evrything.
Start here[^] and reconsider to use VB.NET. When I heard that right, it's your first steps with VB (exept VBA). I would not start to learn a old technology, when I start to lkearn something new. Get a good book on VB.NET and start using it. You will love it, when you get used to it a bit.
Regards: Didi
I can't believe there are still people using VB6.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Please read this[ ^] if you don't like the answer I gave to your question.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
Yes, so can't I! But if they want, let them do it. I only use it for supporting my old projects. Tried to upgrade one with the wizzard... forget it...
Regards: Didi
- I am just a cad designer. Not full time programmer.
- office and vba ~= vb6
- It's posible.
A veteran will know it.
Maybe something else "create object": windows explorer and select items
2DaveMoon wrote: I am just a cad designer. Not full time programmer.
So, why make things hard for yourself ? VB.NET is better supported, better designed, and just better.
2DaveMoon wrote: office and vba ~= vb6
I thought new versions of Office also use .NET ?
2DaveMoon wrote: It's posible.
Programming in pure C is possible ( and more laudible than VB6 ), doesn't mean I'd do it.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Please read this[ ^] if you don't like the answer I gave to your question.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
Christian Graus wrote: I thought new versions of Office also use .NET ?
That's only partially true. The object support is better, but it's still VBA under the hood, sadly.
2DaveMoon wrote: A veteran will know it
A veteran will have forgotten it - we all moved on 8-9 YEARS ago.
You are still making your life difficult by using VB6, you will get better support by going to VB.Net
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
2DaveMoon wrote: A veteran will know it.
Oh yeah?? This verteran forgot VB6 8 years ago.
I've read through this entire thread and can't figure out what you're doing with an Explorer window or why.
VB Programmer- novice
I would like user to enter data into 3 columns in datagridview. The object of the excercise is to add values entered by user into a dataset which further will be added to a database table after more processing of data.
The data sample is as follows:
1. account code- a combo box - values to be populated from accounts table( acct code, acct desc)
2. Entry narration- text entered by user
3. amount - amount for the transaction
I was able to populate datagridview with 1st record with combobox, text field and amount field. But do not know how to replicate combobox to next line. Can somebody provide me a sample code in vb2005 to do the same.
Wait. It sounds like you're putting a ComboBox control into the DataGridView yourself??
Yes, I want to control datagridview.as dataset with get populated from datagrid values.The combobox will get values from another database table.
That made no sense at all.
Normally, you would use a form, or some textbox's, ComboBox's, or other controls on a seperate area of the form to get data to use in the search for records, populating the DataGridView with the results. You wouldn't normally use a DataGridView to get the parameters of the search.
I need help to create a text box that accepts only numbers and full stop in VB.Net. It was easy in vb6 but in VB.Net I am really confused. Can someone help me please,
Thank you.
You need to handle the KeyPress Event[^] like you did with vb6. Reagrds: Didi
How about using NumericUpDown control?
(I guess you are allowing '.' for user to enter decimal numbers.)
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