Hmm I may be using the wrong approach.
I have a number of processes which are required to be completed. Approx 60, all are methods that call stored procs and can take from seconds to 90 minutes to complete.
I am proposing to have a "process queue" so the user can dump in as many as required and these will process in the background. This would be fairly striaght forward with 1 additional thread to service the queue. However I wanted to have multiple threads (just to overload the server ) and am looking at a thread pool.
Maybe I should use a single thread and forget the pooling bit!
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
OK. In that case, I'd have a couple of threads running that take jobs out of a task queue and execute execute them on the SQL Server. The problem with the 90 minute job is that the connection will timeout before the stored proc gets around to returning. But, I wouldn't have this queue on the client side. I'd probably have a service component running on the SQL Server machine that manages the queue and executes jobs from it. Having your client side app executing the jobs is problematic if the client gets disconnected from the server or locks up unexpectedly. The problem then becomes how do you recover from such a situation??
Thanks dave
I ripped the 90min job out so it is not queued, changed it to 1 thread only - no dependancy issues and am building it in that fashion.
I may extend this to have multiple queue/threads for each set of dependants but this would allow a possible 9 thread/queue sets to be running simultaneously, probably not a good idea
Might be worth taking a look at workflow foundation as well.
Not a chance - this bloody thing is in production and I'm just trying to make it incrementally better, there is no way I'm going to introduce new tech to the app .
Besides I have a nice shiny new project to play with where I can introducing WCF , small steps.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
I am writing a program in VB.NET (VS2005)
I need to know which references are in used in my project. I wrote the following code:
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System
Dim DTE As Object
DTE = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("VisualStudio.DTE.8.0")
Dim myProj As Integer
Dim prjVSProject As VSLangProj.VSProject
For myProj = 1 To DTE.Solution.Projects.Count - 1
prjVSProject = DTE.Solution.Projects.Item(myProj).Object
Dim myRef As VSLangProj.Reference
For Each myRef In prjVSProject.References
Catch err As System.Exception
End Try
The code is working well but the problem is that I didn't get the entire list of dlls, for example I didn't get a dll that I wrote and add to the reference.
Please help.
Thank you
Shay Noy
I have a simple question. Is it possible to have the process be a different name than the Assembly name? Or, is it possible to rename the process when a form loads? Like say I have the assembly name is Example, when the form loads I want the process name to be Example2. Thanks for any replies.
Are you talking about the Process name as it shows up in Task Manager?? No, you can't change that unless you make a copy of the .EXE and rename it to whatever you want.
Yea that's what I mean, so the only thing I can do is name it something else and just tell people that's the name of the program?
The Process name is the executable filename and shows up under the Processes tab in TM. You cannot change this name without renaming the executable. The Window name shows up in the Applications tab. All you have to do to change this is change the Text property of your app's window.
Yea I know that, but when the solution is built with the assembly name, that's what shows up as the process name, and that's what shows up on the icon to deploy the exe. So I was just wondering if there was the ability to have the icon name different than the assembly name when it gets built.
Maffyx wrote: but when the solution is built with the assembly name, that's what shows up as the process name,
True. That's the .exe name.
Maffyx wrote: and that's what shows up on the icon to deploy the exe.
I have no idea what you're referring to here.
<blockquote class="FQ"><div class="FQA">Maffyx wrote:</div>I was just wondering if there was the ability to have the icon name different than the assembly name </blockquote>
Again, I have no idea what you're calling the "icon name".
Let me rephrase, the shortcut name, sorry. So the name that shows up in the process list is different than the one that shows up on the shortcut.
The shortcut can have any name it want's. That name won't show up anywhere except the shortcut. The name that shows up in the Processes tab will always be the name of the .EXE file the shortcut launched.
Right, so how to I make the program have a different name on the shortcut than the process? Like when the program builds, the shortcut has a different name than the process. Like say I have a program, it's name is Example, I want the process name to be something like notepad or wordpad, but the shortcut name to be Example. I know you can manually rename the shortcut to the program but I want it to be automatically renamed.
OK. It sounds like you're using terms interchangably that are not interchangable.
A shortcut is an icon that points to an .EXE or some other executable file. The file itself has it's own filename, ending in .EXE, .BAT, .CMD, or some other extension.
For example, you have a shortcut called "Run My App" on the Desktop. This shortcut is pointing to an .EXE in the Program Files folder called MyApp.EXE. When you double-click the shortcut "Run My App", it launches MyApp.EXE. The .EXE filename is what's going to show up in the Processes tab of TaskManager. It's main window title is what's going to show up on the Applications tab. The shortcut name will not show up anywhere at all.
Yes, ok, but I'm not worried about where the shortcut name will show up, I just want it to be different than the program exe name, if that makes sense. Like you said, Run my app, and then myapp.exe, how can I make vb do this automatically. Because when I build the release, the program name, and the shortcut name are both the assembly name, which is not what I want. I want the program name to be something like notepad. But the shortcut name to be something like run my app.
Once again, you're using terms that do not mean what you're implying they do. This makes it very difficult to understand you.
Maffyx wrote: Run my app, and then myapp.exe, how can I make vb do this automatically.
You don't. VB doesn't have anything to do with this. This is a function of the file system.
Maffyx wrote: and the shortcut name are both the assembly name
There is no shortcut built when you compile the app, just the .EXE and supporting .DLL's. The assembly name does NOT shown up anywhere in TaskManager. The filename of the .EXE does. An assembly name is very different than a filename.
If you want the TaskManager Applications tab to show your app's window title, like "Untitled - Notepad", all you have to do is set the form's Text property in your code in an appropriate place.
OK. The first picture has nothing to do with the last two. If you rename the .EXE, the assembly name (short version) will still be "MyProject".
The bottom two pictures cannot be different - ever. The bottom picture is the .EXE filename, but Vista is showing you the name without the .EXE extension. Whatever that name is is going to be what shows un in the second picture. There is no way around that.
BTW: You don't show a shortcut anywhere in these pics.
So my best bet is just name the exe notepad, and then have it in a folder, and have a shortcut going to it that is just renamed?
Yep. It doesn't matter what you call the shortcut, so long as the filename is Notepad.exe, that's the way it'll show up in TaskManager's Processes tab.
Alright thanks, sorry for all the confusion, and wasting your time.
It's not wasting time if it gets everyone on the same page.
I am a noobie in programming in VB and I would really appreciate anyones help on a windows form I have to create.
In this application I should be able to enter an infinate amount of numbers into the OPERANDS LISTBOX, when the list box containts at least two numbers, the event handler should then enable the addition and multiplication Buttons. (I GOT THAT NO PROBLEM)
Then I have to define the ADD BUTTON. This event handler should compute the sum of all the values in the OPERANDS LISTBOX and display the result in the resultLabel.
Also need to define the Multiplication BUTTON. I need to compute the product of all the values in the Operands LISBOX and display the result in the resultLabel.
It is either the ADD or Multiplication BUtton, NOT BOTH.
Here is the CODE for the addition handler:
Private Sub addButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles addButton.Click
Dim total As Integer = 0
Dim operandCounter As Integer = 0
Dim sum As Integer = 0
Dim addition As Integer = 0
' sum grades in ListBox
sum = operandsListBox.Items.Item(operandCounter)
total += sum 'add sum to total
operandCounter += 1
Loop Until operandCounter >=2
WHen I fill in the list box with more then 2 numbers, it only add the first two numbers. I know I am aware that it is because I have only stated until >=2, but what code should I use if there is no limit to the number of times that a user can input numbers into the listbox???
So far I have only been able to get 2 items in the listbox to compute correctly and display on the listbox using the loop functions until and while, but I have been trying for hours to get this working when I have more then 2 items on the listbox, I know I can just increase the number, but I need to be able to grab all items in the list box and ADD (ADDBUTTON) or MULTIPLY (Multiply BUTTON) and display either one on the resultLabel.