Look into the BackgroundWorker component. It exposes a standardize method of reporting progress.
I've created a custom control that consists of two textboxes and a treeview. For the control i've added a new property:
Public Property Collection() As List(Of String)<br />
Get<br />
Collection = ItemsList<br />
End Get<br />
Set(ByVal value As List(Of String))<br />
ItemsList = value<br />
End Set<br />
End Property
When I add the control to a form and go to the collections property it offers an ellipses button that opens the 'string collection editor' which is built into Visual studio. This is what I wanted, however, when I click to add a new item to the collection it pops up an error message:
Constructor on type 'System.String' not found.
Can any one offer a solution as to why this is happening. I don't exactly understand what it means by constructer and I have no idea how to implement the constructor to add Strings to the collection.
What I want to do is be able to at least add individual items, then, eventually subitems etc.
Posted by The ANZAC
I use an API which accesses an information provider via a VPN. The API is declared as follows:
Dim objViewPoint As New DAT32COMLib.TerminalEmulation
The entire application hangs on this statement in .NET if the VPN is not up and running. (Works fine in VB6 where it simply returns an error or times out). The declaration is in an asyncronous process and I have also tried running it in a separate thread.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
I haven't done Office Interop in quite a while. You'd find tons of examples if you just typed "vb.net Word automation" into Google.
I need help on Getting the Subscription details of the Reports that has been included in the SSR Server . How to get the details of the Subscription using VB.net AnyBody could help me out . My Thanks in Advance because its very urgent for me
praveenkjohn wrote: SSR Server
Never heard of it.
praveenkjohn wrote: How to get the details of the Subscription using VB.net AnyBody could help me out
You're best source of information for this would be Support from Applied Software[^]. It's very unlikely anyone with any experience with this product is going to see your post.
Hi all,
I want to export the tables in a SQL Server to a Access database.How can i do this using VB.Net
Thanks in Advance
You'll have to read each record from the SQL table, probably using an SqlCommand and it's ExecuteReader method, and assign the values from each field to the appropriate fields in the OleDbCommand INSERT code to write the data to an Access table.
:-DHow can I create HTML help file for an application. I mean i amde html file, but cant call it from my application. Will you please give a sample code for it.
By Dileep P A
If your help file is HTML, just put a web browser control on your page, and set the URL to be the path to the file.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
i don't know if i completely understand you
BUT if you write your html to any file with
File.WriteAllText("yourfile.ddd", strhtml, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
then with a simple webbrowser control you can view it
hope that helps
i have two computer both are connected to the internet
i would like to create a client program that could download
a file from a server
where do i start?
ty in advance.
You should be able to find everything you need in the System.Net namespace. If not, try Google or MSDN.
Trinity: Neo... nobody has ever done this before.
Neo: That's why it's going to work.
if driver file dvr card is .sys only file
Can i use directx for develop ?
*sigh* If you have a video device, then DX is the only way to work with it, unless they offer an SDK. Trying some of the example code on this site will tell you if it works with DX. Didn't I tell you this yesterday ?
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
Has anyone had experience executing Oracle stored procedures with input & output parameters with VB.net? I've researched online help, articles websites etc. but it does not work. The stored procedure has 5 parameters. The first 3 are Ouput, the 4th is In/Out and the 5th is Input. Here is a sample of the code being used:
Dim cmdAPI As OracleClient.OracleCommand
Dim drAPI As OracleClient.OracleDataReader
'specify API and setup command
pstrSQL = "Oracle_API_test"
cmdAPI = New OracleClient.OracleCommand(pstrSQL, pcnnOra)
cmdAPI.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
'setup stored procedure parameters
Dim info_ As New OracleClient.OracleParameter("info_", OracleClient.OracleType.VarChar, 256)
Dim objid_ As New OracleClient.OracleParameter("objid_", OracleClient.OracleType.VarChar, 256)
Dim objversion_ As New OracleClient.OracleParameter("objversion_", OracleClient.OracleType.VarChar, 256)
Dim attr_ As New OracleClient.OracleParameter("attr_", OracleClient.OracleType.VarChar, 2000)
Dim action_ As New OracleClient.OracleParameter("action_", OracleClient.OracleType.VarChar, 256)
'set value of parameters
cmdAPI.Parameters(0).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
cmdAPI.Parameters(1).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
cmdAPI.Parameters(2).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
cmdAPI.Parameters(3).Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput
cmdAPI.Parameters(3).Value = "'PART_NO'||chr(31)||'LG003'||chr(30)||" _
& "'DESCRIPTION'||chr(31)||'Test Part3'||chr(30)||" _
& "'UNIT_CODE'||chr(31)||'EA'||chr(30)||" _
& "'CONDITION_CODE_USAGE'||chr(31)||'Not Allow Condition Code'||chr(30)"
cmdAPI.Parameters(4).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
cmdAPI.Parameters(4).Value = "'DO'"
'execute stored procedure
'analyze parameter values
strTmp = IIf(IsDBNull(cmdAPI.Parameters(0).Value), "null", cmdAPI.Parameters(0).Value)
TextBox1.Text = strTmp
strTmp = IIf(IsDBNull(cmdAPI.Parameters(1).Value), "null", cmdAPI.Parameters(1).Value)
TextBox2.Text = strTmp
strTmp = IIf(IsDBNull(cmdAPI.Parameters(2).Value), "null", cmdAPI.Parameters(2).Value)
TextBox3.Text = strTmp
strTmp = IIf(IsDBNull(cmdAPI.Parameters(3).Value), "null", cmdAPI.Parameters(3).Value)
TextBox4.Text = strTmp
strTmp = IIf(IsDBNull(cmdAPI.Parameters(4).Value), "null", cmdAPI.Parameters(4).Value)
TextBox5.Text = strTmp
Larry G
Prodev Solutions
Is it giving you an error? Are you setting the values in the procedure?
Mike Lasseter
Thanks for replying Mike. I have it working now. Needed to change the parameter value text to better suit the VB.net environment instead of the literal SQL/plus environment.
Larry G
Prodev Solutions
Please help me about listview
i want to have rows with multiline text. what shall i do?
labelwarp is working just in icon mode , I want it in detail mode.
You have to ownerdraw the ListView controls items. Just Google for "vb.net owner draw listview[^]" and you'll come up with tons of examples.
Hi! I would like to; "really" know how to get the current text line number where the caret is at.
(not the "line number" just the "text line number":
when you use textbox1.lines(0) it takes the entire text in line 0 even if some text are in line 1, because the text in line 1(as long as it didn't get there by pressing the return key) belongs to line 0, but when I use the code below it just says the text in line 1(even thought it belongs to line 0) as belonging to line 1.)
a = Rtb.GetLineFromCharIndex(rtb.SelectionStart)
So can anyone tell me a way to get the real line number of the selected text.
thanks in advance