Im having a problem with two different controls in VB.Net; the reportViewer and the webBrowser control. Everything seems to work fine until you come to print something, the first time I click the print button, or call the print method, nothing happens, the second time and thereafter everything works just fine. Has anyone else had a similar problem? or does anyone know to a solution? I've tried calling the print method twice with the webBrowser and even that doesn't work, I've also tried compiling it for release instead of debug.
I've never heard of the problem, not can I find any reference to it. What does you're printing code look like? I'm more than willing to bet the bug is with your code and not with the .NET Framework.
Well there is no code for the reportViewer its an embeded button in the control. and the printing code for the webBrowser is just a call to the ".print" method which takes no parameters.
I did finally find a blurb about the problem. Read[^] and Read[^].
cheers, I like microsoft's work around "To work around this problem, click Print again." classic!
A hotfix was released back in 2006. It's possible that it made it's way into SP1 for Visual Studio .NET 2005, though I can't confirm it.
Alegedly it has, unfortunatly, it doesnt solve the problem with the webBrowser control, I was hoping they were related, but it doesn't seem so
Hi, I just beginning programming in vb.net 2005. I found three control that I couldn't understand on how to use it. These control are Panel control, FlowLayoutPanel control and TableLayoutPanel control. I used to see groupbox and tab control but I understand about this control and know the logic how to use it.
But for these 3 controls above, i do not know where in what kind of situation that developer use these control?
1)The Panel acts as a container, similar to the groupbox, that you can use to move many controls at once or to group controls such as radiobuttons. The benefit of the panel is that you can hide the borders and set it's backcolor to transperent,so it is invisible which you can't do with GroupBox.
2) The Flowlayout panel acts in a way to dynamically order controls. Say you create a flow layout panel and add five buttons to it, you can tell it how to make it flow, whether they stack on each other vertically, Horizantally etc.
3) The Table Layout Panel allows you to define your form into sections, you can add rows and columns, and customize their sizes, in such a way as to seperate different parts of your form, or alter the layout.
Posted by The ANZAC : "WWBD, What Would Buffy Do?" : "I don't know man, she's stronger than me"
Thank you very much for your explaination.
The ANZAC wrote: The benefit of the panel is that you can hide the borders and set it's backcolor to transperent,so it is invisible which you can't do with GroupBox.
The first point i just understand because i also used to face a problem when I want to group a control and do not want the user to see the border of the group control.
But for the second and third explianation, I still don't understand. The point that I don't understand is in what circumstance during software development that we use FlowLayou Panel and TableLayoutPanel? For example: We use checkbox to let user choose more than one answer, or we use radio button in the circumstance that we want to give an opportunity to the user to choose only one choice.
Finally, thank you for your detail explaination
TableLayout : It's similar to using a table in word or html where the table simply defines the region for the content, in this case, the content is whatever controls you add. Another benefit is that using percentages in sizing, it will resize in proportion, which is good for making programs to cater for different resolutions.
FlowLayoutPanel is one of those things you sort of have to try out for yourself to get a feel for it, it's great when adding controls to the form by code and it lays it out automatically.
For more info on Flow layout panel check out this:
Posted by The ANZAC : "WWBD, What Would Buffy Do?" : "I don't know man, she's stronger than me"
The ANZAC wrote: it's great when adding controls to the form by code and it lays it out automatically.
That's it. This real example that made me understand the reason that we use TableLayoutPanel and FlowLayoutPanel.
Thank you
Am new to VB.net, i have been reading my books very well and i swa a big difference between VB6 and .Net, i learned about ADO.net, Adapters and Datasets, and binding of Control, have Successfully done Database Application in.Net, taking Example from my Books. at my work place they use Visual Studio.Net a French version. am English, but know my way around. i have Completed my Connection to My MSSQl database and generate the dataset from Adapter as the Steps that am supposed to do. i Wrote my Code, but when i run my Program it Gives me the Following Error
"SinglePropertyApplication.exe!SinglePropertyApplication.frmSingle.frmsingle_Load(Object sender = {SinglePropertyApplication.frmSingle}, System.EventArgs e = {System.EventArgs}) Ligne 824 + 0x24 octets Basic"
"SinglePropertyApplication.exe!SinglePropertyApplication.frmSingle.Main() Ligne 3 + 0x1d octets Basic"
"Une Exception non geree du type'System.data.sqlClient.SqlException s'est produite dans system.data.dll"
i used google language tools to convert the language, but all this did not make sense.
secondly the name of my Table is Property, hence Property is a keywork in vb the system Allowed me to write it this way where am not able to but "".
and my Error point s to this line in the Form load
Private Sub frmsingle_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load<br />
<br />
Locktextboxes()'this one is Good<br />
<br />
SqlDataAdapter1.Fill(DsProperty112) 'this is the green highlighted problem<br />
<br />
End Sub<br />
like this follwoing code as i said my table is Property, here i had to put it under double qutes""
Dim intCurrentRecordNumber As Integer = Me.BindingContext(DsProperty112, "property").Position
but in this Code
Dim newRow As DataRow = DsProperty112._PROPERTY.New_PROPERTYRow
i had to Put an Underscore.
tell me is it right?, because when i use the name Property without an underscore it gives me a Problem.
hi, have you try to declare "Imports System.Data.SqlClient" in the upper part of you code window?
Don't block the drive way of all the newbies in programming.
i have not.i have created an Example from a vb.NEt book, using Access as my Db, it never required this. And in this Book it Gives me steps to connect to SQl DB and choose a table from a list of them and after that i drag the table to the Form, it will create a Connection object and Adapter, and from the adapter i will generate the dataset, from there there will where i fill the dataset with the adapter, if these steps are not correct please help me.
Vuyiswamb wrote: have created an Example from a vb.NEt book, using Access as my Db,
Then you can NOT use any of the classes that start with "Sql" in the names. IMport the SqlClient namespace will also not do you any good. There are reserved for use with Microsoft's SQL Server and will not work with Access databases.
For Access, you have to use the classes that start with "OleDb", like OleDbConnection , OleDbCommand , ...
Dave is correct. because your code read the sql word. Try to declare what i post last time. try to see if the error will be change. if the error change post the error again here.
Don't block the drive way of all the newbies in programming.
Hi Thanks let me try it and send you the results
The purpose of the following is to export data from crystal report (implemented in Vb.net) to Ms access database
While working with crystal report XI (without implementing the report in vb.net application ),I could do the following :
Export to ODBC format then choose MS Access Database. and the DB is ready
but when i have implemented the report in VB.net I couldn't find the way (or the button in the toolbar) export to ODBC or to MS access
can you help me exporting the data to Ms access?
I was trying to do some modification in the VB 6.0 MSFlex Grid
For that I invoked the vb component file in the Class Library Project.
There in the class i am trying to write the following line of code in the class
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.AxMSFlexGrid1
But there ouucred an error
Type System.Windows.Forms.AxMSFlexGrid1 is not defined
I have already added the MSFlexGrid component (.ocx)in the solution
-- modified at 2:07 Wednesday 23rd May, 2007
You cannot do that. You cannot extend the functionality of a non-.NET Framework class like this.
MSFlexGrid?? My God man, why? The DataGridView is FAR more flexible, no pun intended.
How Should i change the numeric values which i am fetching from crsytal report in words . If you want i Can send snapshots and codings aslo to you .
With Regards,Preeti Khandelwal E-mail : preetniki@gmail.com
If you want to display numeric values from words in Crystal Report, I think there are some built-in functions like NumericText() or ToText()... I am not sure on this... Did you try these functions??
ToText (Sum ({waste.id}))
Is this the right syntax to get the conversion from numeric to words in crystal reports ?
it doesnt convert into words.. just converts it into string format..
The name is Sandeep