I mention that the app that can get resource from another computer in group
Which resources ?
please elaborate it as much as u can.
Resource that shared
A shared folder on another machine?? A windows service?? A web service?? A COM server?? What "shared resource"??
I have two foms named form1 and form2.
i am trying to open the form2 on the form load of form1.
But the form1 loading has yet to complete.
form2 is openning but the poblem is of repaint.I meant form2 is opening with incomplete background color.i am using application.doevents to sort out th problem.But in vain.
Actually, wat do u want to do??
Nilish wrote: I have two foms named form1 and form2.
Why don't they have real names ?
Nilish wrote: I meant form2 is opening with incomplete background color
OK - does the problem persist if you move/hide/show the window ?
Nilish wrote: i am using application.doevents to sort out th problem.But in vain.
Application.DoEvents will force a paint event to occur, where the processor may be busy. It won't create a paint event. Invalidate() does that.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
Yes , the problem persist if I move/hide/show the window.
following is the code i am doing on the form load
1.Dim d As New Form2
4.For count As Integer = 0 To 10
5.Dim str As String = "Test"
After the execution of the third line i check the form2
it shows the white color.
Y is this happening?
How is it suppose to accomplish?
Nilish wrote: Yes , the problem persist if I move/hide/show the window.
Then the problem is in the form class itself. You are forcing paint events, and it still looks the same.
The third line is useless, remove it.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
Pronobesh Roy
Hope this[^] article will help you.
BTW One post is enough for the same Subject.
Don't create a another thread for the same.
Pronobesh Roy
Hello all,
Here's my situation:
I have a form with a listbox and a textbox, both related with the same collumn of a databasetable.
When i click an item in the listbox i want the textbox to show the item as well.
I tried the following code in the click event of the listbox:
Me.BindingContext(dsGroepAgent, "groep").Position = lstgroepen.SelectedIndex
When i click an item in the listbox the following error occured:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll
Any idea?
try this one.
Don't block the drive way of all the newbies in programming.
Im trying to enum the childwindows of a application, but when i use the EnumChildWindows in the Windows 32 api i get "A protected area of the memory could not be read"
How is it supposed to be done?
This is what i have so far.
<br />
<br />
' Inside main function<br />
Call EnumChildWindows(ProcessInfo.Handle, AddressOf EnumFunc, 0)<br />
<br />
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''<br />
' The enum func<br />
Public Function EnumFunc(ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal lpData As Integer) As Integer<br />
Dim lResult As Integer<br />
Dim sWndName As String<br />
Dim szClassName As String<br />
<br />
EnumFunc = 1<br />
szClassName = Space(MAX_PATH)<br />
sWndName = Space(MAX_PATH)<br />
<br />
lResult = GetClassName(hwnd, szClassName, MAX_PATH)<br />
szClassName = Left(szClassName, lResult)<br />
<br />
GetWindowText(hwnd, sWndName, MAX_PATH)<br />
sWndName = Left(sWndName, lResult)<br />
<br />
Debug.Print(sWndName + Chr(13))<br />
<br />
End Function<br />
<br />
' Deligate<br />
Public Delegate Function EnumFuncDeleg(ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByVal lpData As Integer) As Integer<br />
<br />
Any ideas?
Application.OpenWindows, from memory, lets you iterate over the open windows of an app.
Christian Graus - Microsoft MVP - C++
Metal Musings - Rex and my new metal blog
"I am working on a project that will convert a FORTRAN code to corresponding C++ code.I am not aware of FORTRAN syntax" ( spotted in the C++/CLI forum )
I have VS 2005 and using the crystal reports that come with VS 2005.
"The type initilizer for 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.CRPE' threw an exception"
I have some reports that worked fine a few weeks ago. And now I am getting this error with I never used to.
It can't be anything to do with the code, as nothing has been changed there. I also deployed the application a few weeks ago, and that application is still working on the customers computer without any printing problems.
Can anyone help me solve this problem.
Thanks very much,
What does the InnerException in this Exception say?
Something got changed, that much is certain. Be it in your code, or in the rest of your dev machine somewhere, but something changed.
Thanks for the reply.
The inner exception says: "Could not load crpe32.dll"
But i have this dll when I check in this folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Business Objects\2.7\Bin
Yes, I agree something must have changed, but nothing would have been changed on purpose. The code for the report has not been changed at all.
Maybe something else.
Any further help would be most gratefull,
-- modified at 17:13 Wednesday 16th May, 2007
It looks like you're not alone[^]. It doesn't look like there's a fix yet. You might have to get ahold of BusinessObjects support to get a patch, if it's been released yet.
Hello to all,
i am using vb.net 2.0,my problem is
i want to display XML file content in treeview conrol
i can jump desired node...
plzzzz .... Help me....
Thankx in advance, best regards
Be My Love...with .NET
Last time I had to do something like this, I did something like this[^].
Hi ...
someone told me that vb.net can make a User's Manual of the projects >>>
I searched without result ....
Can any one explain that ?
thanks for my best foum ..
In the strictest definition of "User's Manual", no, it can't.
It can, however, generate documentation files on the code that can be imported into other documentation utilities. But, this is dependant on the code actually having documentation annotations in it!
For VB.NET 2002 and 2003, you have to use a third party tool called VBCommentor (Google it!). For 2005, it's built in[^]. Then, you can use Sandcastle[^] on it.
-- modified at 15:32 Wednesday 16th May, 2007
Am in this Step
"Accepting an input parameter, which needs to be accepted from the user, so the next important Activity is Accepting it from the user and storing it in the string type variable Declared earlier."
Am following a Book instructions and it this is an Example of the Book.
strAuID = Trim(InputBox("Enter Authour ID.:"))
i have Few Questions Based on this Statement.
1)Does the Function Trim ,only works for string Vaiables?
2)Am Accepting User input From a Textbox and here was my code
strNum_key = Trim(txtnumkey)
strExtension = txtextension
strCell_ID = txtcellid
strActual_Extent = txtactualextent
strLis_key = Trim(txtliskey)
strFunc_key = Trim(txtfunckey)
.After i have done this it give me an Error and highlight the above lines, when i comment the first one it highlight the second one and so on.
i need to know what is wrong with my above code compering it with the Example of the Book. Note, all the variables are Well declared,textboxes well named.
Thank you