thanks, That is Useful but I need the textbox2(small box) to come beside the mouse cursor(not the pointer) when I'm inside textbox1(big and multilined).
I didn't want a code for the entire screen.(my mistake);)
Pls reply still urgent.
To preface, I have only taken on VB.net course and principles to programing, so I am a newbe to all of this.
To the question. I have stated creating a program that will allow me to centrally administer all of the workstations on the network...(ie. WOL, Reboot, Shutdown, execute *.vbs....)
I have figured out how to open the excel with all of the data needed, but how can I now select the data from the cell(say MACAddr) and execute a *.vbs on it.
If CompName_selected
then read excel and find CompName_selected MACAddr
execute command (ie "shutdown /t" or "*.vbs")
loop until all CompName_selected complete.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
You would use the Process[^] class for this. Usually, something like this:
Dim newProc As Process = Process.Start("shutdown /t")
Dim newProc As Process = Process.Start("myscript.vbs")
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
dim days as integar
days = Date.Now.ToShortDateString - any date.ToShortDateString
Ahmed El-Badry
days = (DateTime.Now - anyDate).Days;
If you substract one DateTime object (NOT string ) from another DateTime object you get a TimeSpan object. TimeSpan has the property Days which appears to be what you want.
Please give an example of it
Ahmed El-Badry
I have two records in my database.From the form , I am chosing the id and want that record to get displayed in the crystal report.There are two tables in the database and there is a primary and foreign key relationship between them.Now the problem is , both the records are comming.I have created links between both tables in the reports.Is there any way to create the crystal report dynalically or can i pass the parameter to show the report.
Parameter means that id which has primary and foreign key relationship.
But I don't know the code how to pass the parameters.
and parameters should be passed at both ends (I mean in the crystal reports as well as on the coding side)??
I don't want to generate the window that ask me which id u want to select .
Please help.
Thanks and regards
i want to create report in vb.net ,
but without use of crystal report
I am working at VU meter at the moment. That is, grabbing the microphone volume and show it in progress bar. Should I use winmm.dll for it in vb.net? I understand that I am able to use this module to get output volume but how I should get input volume?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Viewer!
I have a webpage containing a form having a listbox and some buttons. I am faicing the two problems. The first one is that I am facing problem in selecting an item in a listbox form visual basic applicaton.
The second one is that there are several buttons on it having same name. So how can I click on my required button from VB application because there is a confusion that from what name I should call my required button.
Consider it as a CHALLENGE for you...
I have written this because lots of experts are already failed to solve this problem.
Post a snippet of your code and can you explain the complete details of your problem, may be this is the reason why lots of experts are failed to solve your problem.
Help us to understand your real problem and probably I or somebody can solve your problem.
Use the above link and download text.zip uploaded by "misterdd" in the 5th post to see the problem
You haven't explained the proplem clearly actually.
First Why do you have problems in selecting an item from a listbox? What is the propblem?
Second, each button suppose to have different names inside a form class. Why do they have same names?
What a curious mind needs to discover knowledge is noting else than a pin-hole.
Use the above link and download text.zip uploaded by "misterdd" in the 5th post to see the problem.
Are you kidding with us or what? Your zip file has an html file. This is a vb.net forum. You should post this under web development.
The text.htm doesn't have the function under scripts. There is no script block and no functions.
What a curious mind needs to discover knowledge is noting else than a pin-hole.
i'm trying develop a Client/Server application to transform files from UNIX(Server) to Windows(Client) using VB.Net. Plz help me out how can i build this application.
You'll have to write that code under Mono, or the Linux's world version of the .NET Framework.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
On Windows Vista, Process.Start() generates Win32Exception.
Sample Code:
<br />
Dim selfProc As String = System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath<br />
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Chr(34) & selfProc & Chr(34)) <br />
The generated Exception:
<br />
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The parameter is incorrect<br />
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo))<br />
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()<br />
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)<br />
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(String fileName)<br />
at ...MyProcedure(...)<br />
What is wrong with my code?
I have been reading up on .Net Remoting for some past days. What I understood was:
1. Create a remotable object.
2. Create a listener referencing that remotable object.
3. Create a client referencing that remotable object.
4. Use config files to indicate where the object resides.
5. Start the listener.
5. Start the client.
To make sure that I was using the server's version of the Remote object, I maintained the interface, but the changed the implementation.
The problem is, it still shows the implementation from the client!
I am using http as the channel, port no=8888
deployed the client exe on a remote machine and gave my machine's url as the remote object location.
What am I doing wrong?
Can anyone help me out? I want to update a database using a combo box in a data grid
if you are using the System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid..........
don't use it to edit your data because you will suffer, just use
it to view data
When you get mad...THINK twice that the only advice
Tamimi - Code
Hello everyone,
i m using vb.net 2005 (winforms).
when i wnt to go to next day i use datetime.adddays(numberofdays) function.
but now i wnt to go back by one day , how to do it? what function is present for this Please tell me.
i saw "Subtract function" in help but didnt get it.
tell me any another function or if datetime.subtract() function can be used for subtracting one day frm our date then please guide me how to use it.
Thanks for any help in advance.
--regards Priya
"The Difficult i can do it now...
The Impossible will take a little longer."
When you get mad...THINK twice that the only advice
Tamimi - Code