I was writing the following code on the button click .I am presently on form1
application.run(new form2)
bcos i wanted to navigate to form2
Is the above code correct.
I don't want to use the variable.
Thanks and regards
If you do this you are essentially trying to run another application but starting on Form2. You should create an instance of the form such as Dim frmForm2 as new Form2 then any number of variations of hiding the main form, setting it as the owner etc... but then frmForm2.Show() .
I hope that helps!
I am currently on form1
What is the basic meaning of using the following code then
application.run(new form2)
Please help.
Thanks and regards
You would use Application.Run if you ran the whole setup from something like a Module with a Sub Main() in it. But from form to form you would do the .Show/etc...
Cleoko gave you the right answer. A form resides inside an application. Actually it is a class. If your aim is to call another form while the first forms is displayed, you can create an instance for the second form. It is very simple as shown below. application.run statement is used to run another application what resides under the same or a different directory.
Dim 2ndForm as new Form2
'If you want to hide first form, use the followin statement.
I have 2 tables in database 1 called performance and 1 shows require to connect the 2 through primary key performanceNo and showNo in vb.net.
thanks before hand.
Ive never seen these used until today. What is the reason someone would use these instead of just opening an exact file by name?
That's old VB6-style stuff that really shouldn't be used in VB.NET.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
Well a current app does this and it just assigns random numbers, I guess Im trying to figure out what that is all about.
Because someone couldn't get out of their VB6 mind set when they wrote it.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
What is the equivalent now though? If they were doing FileOpen(86, whatever) what is the equivalent in 2.0? Actually I dont understand how they were actually doing anything with that file by just opening it.
All the Stream -based classes under the System.IO namespace[^].
And they were doing anything with the file just by opening it.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
I want the coding in Visual Basic to convert the wmv format to mpg format
Noone is just going to hand you the code, and it's not that easy to write either. There isn't just a couple of lines of code you can paste into your app and your done...
You might want to start by Googling for "VB6 DirectShow" or "VB6 Video Encoding" for some examples...
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
I am migrating the vb project from vb6.0 to vb.net framework.when i am trying to migrate the api function its showing the error in any the below function.
Declare Function CopyString Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcpy" (hdest As Any, hsource As Any) As Long
in this function vb.net dosent support any as keyword.give me some solution for solving the above problem..
pls reply me as soon as possible
"As Any" was a bad idea in VB6 and there is no need whatsopever for it in VB.Net - instead declare an overloaded version of the function for each of the data types you are going to pass to the API.
On top of what Duncan posted, CopyString has some SERIOUS limitations on it's use in the .NET Framework. Since an object can be moved at any time, CopyString can be passed invalid addresses unless the objects invloved are pinned in place.
What does this function do that you require the use of CopyString??
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
I ahve a rich text box on my form and I want it to, when you add text to it I want the program to dispaly the file size it will be when it is saved (hTM or RTF. i want it to display this on lblfilesize label.
In the end we're all just the same
About the closest you're going to get, without actually saving the file to do it, is to use the length of the RTF property.
Dim length As Integer = RichTextBox1.Rtf.Length
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
In vb6 exist a function called FileLen, who return the filesize in bytes, i don't know if this function exist in vb.net but i belive what yes.
Cuando salga el sol, no estare aqui...
Useless if the file was never saved.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
Hi, My Application has a tray exe built in VB.The menu will be automatically refreshed in every second.If the tray menu is kept open, the menu jumps while refreshing. How can i avoid the tray menu from jumping. This problem is only in Windows Vista.
Please help.
Thanks in advance
I have made a program and it has a Rich Text Box. I have a button called "TblBtn" and when its clicked I want it to insert text at the cursor location on the Rich Text Box. Using VB 2005. Any advice?
In the end we're all just the same
You might want to try something like this:
rtb.SelectionStart = 100;
rtb.SelectionLength = 0;
rtb.SelectedText = "text to insert"
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic