for the filename I will have to specify the whole path on the network system right ? I mean the xml will be on the server, so it will be
<serverip or="" name="">\<filepath>\<filename>
am I correct ?
is it physical path or virtual path?
if it is a valid path you can use tht link in the filename.
Sathesh Pandian
Sorry, What does a physical path or virtual path mean?
The server is expected to send something like 'www.server1.com\file.xml'
This is just an assumption, as we dont have the server implementation done and so cant get the actual packet trace.
ok you can use the load method like this
no problem with this.
Sathesh Pandian
For better understanding, presently the server is responding with an URL pointing to the shopping cart which is then opened in the browser. These urls are in the form like
The application now wants the server to form xmls and send an URL pointing to the XML, back to the client.
I dont know how the client will get it back, I think it should be like
'www.server1.com\file.xml' or 'http://www.abc.com/file.xml'
Do you have any idea how it will be like. and Also the main point is that I should be able to save that xml file into the directory
For better understanding, presently the server is responding with an URL pointing to the shopping cart which is then opened in the browser. These urls are in the form like
http://www.abc.com/<some link="" to="" the="" page="">
The application now wants the server to form xmls and send an URL pointing to the XML, back to the client.
I dont know how the client will get it back, I think it should be like
'www.server1.com\file.xml' or 'http://www.abc.com/file.xml'
Do you have any idea how it will be like. and Also the main point is that I should be able to save that xml file into the directory
you can try like this only
Sathesh Pandian
How do I check if a folder already exists on the system without including any classes?
I dont know why the Try-Catch block does not work in my code. It gives compilation error that try is not excepted
There is no FolderBrowserDialog in VB6. You have to make your own from scratch.
It's a bad idea to look at C# or VB.NET code and try to convert it to VB6. There is SO MUCH that the .NET Framework supplies, like the FolderBrowserDialog class, that you have to recreate from scratch that it makes using VB6 nearly impossible because of the time you'll waste reinventing everything you see C# and VB.NET using in the .NET Base Class Library.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
I been a programmer since i graduated college.
I really like to move on... Im a Visual Basci Programmer
and i want to take onother step to my career.
Will somebody help me learn .Net application?
All help is deeply appreciated.
Im from Phillippines.
If incase someone is interested helping me,
please give me a call.
I want to learn all programming language!
What Should I do?
you can learn asp.net from www.w3schools.com
if you have any doubts plz come chat in yahoo
my id is sathesh_pandianm
i will try clarify your doubts.
my contact number is 91 99404 44494( india)
Sathesh Pandian
I'm trying to log errors to a log file and I want to write the name of the function/sub where the error message occurs to the text file.
private sub DoOperation()<br />
.<br />
.<br />
.<br />
if errorOccured then<br />
LogError(subName)<br />
end if<br />
end sub
is this possible?
I'm using VB.NET writing an ASP.NET Application with .NET 2.0 (VS2005)
Just worked it out:
Anyone know how to create a application that can intercept output from another application? Any help is appreciated.
And don't cross post in all the forums...
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
After calling the following:
<br />
excel.Application.Quit()<br />
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excel)<br />
it still shows EXCEL open in the Task Manager and even after closing the app it still stays open until I end the process.
system.diagnostics.process.kill("EXCEL") Should Remove The process
Posted by The ANZAC
What would I do if they have opened their own instance of EXCEL and I have run something under another instance, wouldnt that kill both?
Not sure. When you open the excel file starting an instance of excel through your program. Save the processID into a variable, thisway you can kill the process via id, Not sure exactly how to do this.
Note: To make sure you get the right process id you'd have to check if there were already any excel processes then check again after and take the one that is different as the id of yours.
Posted by The ANZAC
How can I dissallow the user of running more then 1 form in the same time
without using the frm.showdialog() ??
I m asking this question coz i want to maximize my forms,and having them inserted within a main form
EX :
dim fr as new form1
and not allowint the User to open any new form.without closing the 1 he is in
There's nothing that will do this for you. No special collection or anything like that. Your application design and coding must control the users ability to open only one form at a time.
When the user picks an option to create a new instance of a form (hopefully, this option will be DISABLED by your code when the user successfully opens a new form!!), you check a flag to see if a form is already open. If the flag is set don't create a new isntance of the form, otherwise, create the new instance and set this flag.
On closing the form, you clear that flag and enable the option to create a new form.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
ah this sounds goood...
will try it
Having a client who connects to servers automatically and insert data in a DB.
and in the same time.. having a user who works on these data,update and delete them...
i m afraid , that these 2 process run in the same time.
and worried about the data (insert and update in the same time)
note the Database is SQL Server Xpress Edition
Do you think Sql lockes the Tables while working on them ?
is there a way to lock the tables? for not using them with 2 process?
Good question Actually SQL server waits for each connection session to to be done for database and then it updates the database with the change. However, when you deal with ADO to access a database to perform any action such as DELETE, UPDATE, etc., you should consider in opening the database with pesimistic or optimistic locking methods. I have given a sample below.
If Response.IsClientConnected = True Then
Set ObjectRecord = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Recordset")
ObjectRecord.CursorLocation = adUseServer
ObjectRecord.CursorType = adOpenkeyset
ObjectRecord.LockType = adLockOptimistic
ObjectRecord.Open GetTableName, ObjectConnection,,,adCmdTable
'adcmdtext for SQL Query
End If
I hope that helps
at the last hours ,, I founede that the VS.net program can't open any program ,, and the next message is appearing :
One or more projects in the solution could not be opend ....
Is there any method to solve that problem Or reinstall VS.net Package