BUT, it is not an intrinsic datatype.
Some namespaces are imported by default in VB.NET. One of them is System, where the String class is.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
I never implemented delegated and events in my programs.I really want to learn these things and get implemented in my project.Can u please send any link that implemented the same.
Thanks and regards
Hi everyone,
I'm building a page which has a webusercontrol on it.
The webusercontrol is there for the sole purpose of displaying controls(calendar, texbox, etc...) on demand.
The parameters the webusercontrol uses to detirmine what to show, is given by the page the webusercontrol is on.
How can I pass a parameter from the page to the webusercontrol ?
I'll need to build some sort of 'listener' in the webusercontrol I built, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.
Some help would be much appreciated.
I would suggest simply storing the values you need for the web user control in a Session variable. But pay attention to the order of events so you know where to store the change, I believe the user control is dealt with after the Page Load but before the button click so you would need to have a call to that logic in the Page Load or earlier.
What would that look like in code ?
Take into account that there could be 0 to N parameters being returned.
And there can be several parameters of the same type.
For instance:
More than one date parameter required, which means that it should return two or more calendar controls on screen.
I suppose you could build something similar to a comma separated string and store it so it would be
Session("WUCParameters") = ParamValue1,ParamValue2,ParamValue3
then on the Web User Control you simply split it into a string array.
Dim arParams() as String = Session("WUCParameters").ToString.Split(",")<br />
<br />
For i as Integer = 0 to arParams.GetUpperBound()<br />
'Do something for each value listed<br />
Next<br />
I can't seem to figure out how to create an object array and load its indexes at runtime in VB 2005. In VB6 you would just select an object set its index property to 0 and at runtime you could load instances of this object whenever you wanted.
for example: in vb6 i have a textbox and i set its index to 0. its name becomes text1(0) and behind the the command button i wrote a code like this:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
For i = 1 To mytxtCount
Load Text1(i)
Text1(i).Visible = True
Text1(i).Top = Text1(i - 1).Top + 500
End Sub
but i cant do it in vb 2005 now.
Can somebody tell me how to create an object array or point me to an article regarding it?
Your problem is that dotnet does not have control arrays. To have each control use the same routine for the event...add an addhandler.
dim txt as textbox
dim iTop as integer = 100
For i = 1 to mytxtcount
txt = new textbox
txt.top = iTop
addhandler txt.textchange,addressof HandleTextChange
thanks that does my work very well
Hi I am hopeing someone will be able to help. I am new to programing and even newer to VB.Net.
I am trying to write a random access application. I have created a structure within the solution modul, however the public variable declaired within the structure do not apear to be defined within any form within the application.
I would be very happy if anyone could point me in the correct direction, thanks Jon
How are you exposing the Structure, is it a Friend/Public/Protected/Private etc...? If you do a Google search you will get an explaination for those. As you can probably tell Im guessing that you set it to Protected or Private which would not expose it to other classes within the same solution.
Hi thanks for the reply, within the modul i put the code
Public structure strItemName
Public strItemName as string
Public intItemPrice as integer
end structure
i can not understand why the dtructure is visable on forms, however when i try to asign variables within the structure to another variable, label or combo box they return undefined. I know i've got the syntax wrong but i don't understand why, or how. If you have any sugestions i would be greatful. Thanks Jon
Thank you, i think i understand what i have done wrong now. I will give it a go. Thanks Jon
I need to show the dropdown style button in toolbar, it has different lengths of string. I need to fix the width of this button in toolbar, so that it would not shrink for small length and expand for big length.
Any luck to fix the toolbar buttons width.
Thanks in advance.
Be simple and Be sample.
Write a program that allows the user to draw a "free hand" image using a mouse in a picture box.
Is this a demand?
Or a challenge?
Have you even started writing this application?
Is there a specific bit of code you're stuck on?
Which version of .Net are you using?
you have to create a class for that free hand object.
then you have to pass the mouse points through the following events
then use the graphics.line or graphics.arc etc.
i will help you if you are really interested in it.
Sathesh Pandian
I have a table "unix", it has 2 columns "LastAccessedBy" & "LastAccessedDate" in the Apps/ASPNETDB.MDF
is there any code syntax that: when a user log in, automatically the username & login time should get insert into the above table 2 columns (something like Sub Page load..syntax..)
Thanks in Advance.
wrote: is there any code syntax that: when a user log in, automatically the username & login time should get insert
Logged in to where?
If this is your application, then your application can issue an INSERT command to the database to add the information.
Set defaults on the table DDL to suser_sname() and getdate() respectively..
-- other fields here
LastAccessedBy varchar(220) not null CONSTRAINT [DF_LastAccesedBy]
DEFAULT (suser_sname()),
LastAccessedDate DateTime not null CONSTRAINT [DF_LastAccesedDate]
DEFAULT (GetDate())
Then if you don't explicitly pass a value to those fields they will be defaulted to the user id and time
thanks jones,
date is really working fine, but for user --.
the story is: I have a gridview in aspx page, when the user click on edit, he could able to modify only 1 among 3 fields "Description" & rest of the 2 fields should be automatically updated with the username & date. now date is successfully updating, but user it takes as "dbo" which in not true.
in simple words what I exactly need is: to add current logged in user info to be inserted in the table-Unix various columns, (basically for the audit purpose)
thanx jones.