I have tried using parameterized queries and when I run the program I get the error "Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a DateTime."
MyCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO ls_orderitems (OrderDate, OrderCustomer, OrderAcctNum, OrderType, OrderSoNum, OrderItemPartNum, OrderItemPartDesc, OrderItemQty, OrderItemQtyRec, OrderItemQtyDtRec, OrderItemBO, OrderItemBODt,OrderItemCanceled, OrderItemCanceledDt, OrderItemNotes, OrderItemPONum, OrderItemRetailPrice, OrderItemSalePrice, Status, InsertDate) VALUES (@OrderDate, @OrderCustomer, @OrderAcctNum, @OrderType, @OrderSoNum, @OrderItemPartNum, @OrderItemPartDesc, @OrderItemQty, @OrderItemQtyRec, @OrderItemQtyDtRec, @OrderItemBO, @OrderItemBODt, @OrderItemCanceled, @OrderItemCanceledDt, @OrderItemNotes, @OrderItemPONum, @OrderItemRetailPrice, @OrderItemSalePrice, @Status, @InsertDate)"
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderDate", OdbcType.Date)).Value = OrderDate
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderCustomer", OdbcType.VarChar)).Value = OrderCustomer
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderAcctNum", OdbcType.VarChar)).Value = OrderAcctNum
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderType", OdbcType.VarChar)).Value = OrderType
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderSoNum", OdbcType.Int)).Value = OrderSoNum
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemPartNum", OdbcType.VarChar)).Value = OrderItemPartNum
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemPartDesc", OdbcType.VarChar)).Value = OrderItemPartDesc
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemQty", OdbcType.Int)).Value = OrderItemQty
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemQtyRec", OdbcType.Int)).Value = OrderItemQtyRec
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemQtyDtRec", OdbcType.Date)).Value = OrderItemQtyDtRec
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemBO", OdbcType.Int)).Value = OrderItemBO
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemBODt", OdbcType.Date)).Value = OrderItemBODt
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemCanceled", OdbcType.Int)).Value = OrderItemCanceled
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemCanceledDt", OdbcType.Date)).Value = OrderItemCanceledDt
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemNotes", OdbcType.VarChar)).Value = OrderItemNotes
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemPONum", OdbcType.VarChar)).Value = OrderItemPONum
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemRetailPrice", OdbcType.VarChar)).Value = OrderItemRetailPrice
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@OrderItemSalePrice", OdbcType.VarChar)).Value = OrderItemSalePrice
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@Status", OdbcType.Int)).Value = Status
MyCommand.Parameters.Add(New Odbc.OdbcParameter("@InsertDate", OdbcType.VarChar)).Value = InsertDate
MyCommand.Connection = MyConnection
Am I doing something wrong?
jds1207 wrote: Am I doing something wrong?
You missed the part where I said you had to provide a DateTime object to the Value property of the Parameter object. You have to convert that String to a DataTime object first. Try the DateTime.Parse()[^] method to get a DateTime object from a String. Don't forget to valid your data before you pass it to the database. You don't want dates from the early 5th century getting in there now do you?
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
Dave Kreskowiak wrote: If you database and code is setup properly, you don't have to worry about the format at all.
Are you saying that, he had to format the string representing Date/Time since his database and code is not setup properly? Normally inserting a string into a Date/Time field in any format will work. What are the possibilities that result in a need for additional formatting work? Where has jds gone wrong here?
tonymathewt wrote: Are you saying that, he had to format the string representing Date/Time
No. He doesn't have to use a string at all. Plus, concatenating this stuff together introduces large security holes into his code.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
Hello everyone.
My company is switching from Lotus Notes to Exchange. Our Notes client have functionality, which allows user to select emails (as many as they want) and place them in a different custom built folders for legal purposes. We would like to duplicate this functionality in Exchange. Since this is a new product I have no idea if it's capble of doing so. I though someone might have some experince with this. Here's what I'm looking for.
1. User selects one or more e-mails.
2. User presses button to bring up a pop up list of xfolders (I guess this is have to be built in VB.NET if possible) that they have access to (preferably based on group membership)
3. User selects which folders they want the mails to be copied to (these will be public folders)
4. A copy of the mail is put in each folder.
Any ideas (links to articles, code, etc.) would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,
You can already do this in Exchange/Outlook and do it without using any code. Each user would have two email accounts open, their own and the account that is public and has all the folders in it. Then they just drag and drop the messages they want to the appropriate folders.
Get into the Exchange Administrators Guide for more information.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
We would like to automate this somehow by providing user with list of folders to copy to at once rather than copy to one folder than copy the same email to another folder (you see what I mean).
Some sort of pop up form with list of folders comes to my mind (if possible).
Where user can first select all email he/she would like to copy then select all folders these email have to go to. Any thoughts?
Thanks Dave.
NOw that you explain it that way, you would need code to do that. It's entirely possible to do, but you'd have to write an Office Add-In project to do it. I haven't done any Office work like this so this is about as far as I can go.
But, I'd start with hasing out the interface. From what you've described, the user selects a bunch of documents and does what with them?
The possibilities are for your code to retrieve a list of folders based on userID and add them to the folder list on the left so the messages can be dragged and dropped on them.
Another possibility is to have the user select of bunch of messages, then right-click one of them to bring up a context menu with your folder options on it.
Or the user would select the messages and click on a button in the Toolbar to get a list of available folders to copy the messages to.
Or any combination of the above...
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
Sorry Dave. I didn't explain it in more detail from the beginnind. You know how it is with writing. To me made sense. . Yes. I think last option you've mentioned is the one we want to go with.
(Or the user would select the messages and click on a button in the Toolbar to get a list of available folders to copy the messages to).
We only need to copy (not move) these messages into selected folders (selected by user).
You've mentioned that it would be Office Add-In. Is it possible to write something like this in VB.NET using VS. Currently we have VS v. 2003? And if it is, how do I integrate it into Exchange?
Any reference will do as well.
Thank you, Alex.
alexfromto wrote: You've mentioned that it would be Office Add-In. Is it possible to write something like this in VB.NET using VS. Currently we have VS v. 2003? And if it is, how do I integrate it into Exchange?
This would be a client-side Outlook Add-In, not an Exchange app. Start here[^].
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
Thanks Dave. Client-side Add-In. Does this mean I have to install my add-in on each machine?
Or is it possible somehow avoid that? In Lotus Notes all users have their own database but the design template is one for everybody. So when we created this little application we only had to update main database to inlcude button (which brings folders list).
alexfromto wrote: Does this mean I have to install my add-in on each machine?
alexfromto wrote: Or is it possible somehow avoid that?
alexfromto wrote: In Lotus Notes all users have their own database but the design template is one for everybody. So when we created this little application we only had to update main database to inlcude button (which brings folders list).
As you've probably already noticed, you're not asking about Notes...
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
Hi All,
I have an unusal problem with my forms.
I press a button2 to display a form2 (which displays as topmost)
Then ill press button3 to close form2 and display form3 (form3 also display as top most) and this works fine.
However...if say i have form2 open and i press button4 to display form4, then close form4, and then press button3 (which closes form2 and siplays form3) what happens here instead is that form3 displays BUT form2 does not close.
this is the sort of code im using
f = New Form2
Was hoping somebody maybe able to help me with this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Without seeing the code for all the button click event handlers, it's impossible to tell you what's wrong from the little snippet you've provided.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
My guess is that based on the little code you posted you are using 'f' to represent the open form. So you press button2 and 'f' gets set to form2 which is then shown. When you press button3, you call f.close which closes form2 then you set 'f' to equal form3. However, the problem is that when you open form4 which you probably set 'f' equal to, you don't close form2. Now 'f' references form4 not form2. So when you click button3 and call f.close it try's to close form4 which is actually already closed.
I am getting following error when hit the update button.
No error message available, result code: DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED(0x80040E21).
Any idea Why? thanks.
here is my code:
Private Sub btnupdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnupdate.Click
Dim data As New DataSet
Dim dbConn As OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dataAdapter As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim connectionString As String = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=A45292\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=FSS;Integrated Security=True"
Dim sqlString As String = "SELECT * FROM [Caller Records] Where RecordNo =" & TextBox2.Text
dbConn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(connectionString)
dataAdapter= New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sqlString, dbConn)
dataAdapter.Fill(data, "Caller Records")
Dim tbl As DataTable
tbl = data.Tables("Caller Records")
Dim selectedRows() As DataRow
selectedRows = tbl.Select("RecordNo = " & TextBox2.Text)
If selectedRows.Length > 0 Then
selectedRows(0).Item("FirstName") = FirstNameTextBox.Text
selectedRows(0).Item("LastName") = LastNameTextBox.Text
End If
dataAdapter.Update(data, "Caller Records")
First, why are you using the Ole data providers when your using a MS SQL Server? Use the Sql Server providers (SqlConnection, SqlCommand, Sql...) for better performance.
Next, you're retrieving all this data just to find a record and write it back when you don't have to. The DataSet object that you filled with your DataAdapter already has this data in it. If the textbox's are bound to the DataSet, the updates have already been made. Just call the Update method on your DataAdapter and it'll write the changed records back to the database. Just about all of this code is unnecessary.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
because textboxes are not bound.
Hi there
I'm looking for a reasonable way to avoid the serialization of events/eventhandlers in VB.NET (2005).
Since the structure of the objects I wanna serialize is quiet comlex, removing before and re-adding all handlers after the serialization could generate new problems.
Is there any solution except moving to C# or implementing ISerializable?
have you tried <xmlignore>
<serializable> _
class xxxxx
<xmlingore> public sName as string 'will not be serialized
public sAddress as string
end class
What you suggested is what I usually end up doing, including adding custom serializer code to add support for handling Color and Font objects. Talk about Tedious Infinitum.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
Well, you don't have much of a choice. See here[^] for a great summary of your options.
Dave Kreskowiak
Microsoft MVP - Visual Basic
Thanks guys for the replay!
Since I have some COM stuff included I'm afraid to be forced to use the binary formatter. So <xmlignore> will probably not work.
What I further need is an abstract soution since the project I'm working on is a kind of a framework. Using any 'object specific' implementation could end up in a mess.
I have had seen the link Dave mentioned before I posted this message and I was hoping that there might be an easier way.
It's really a shame.
I am trying to convert a string representation(2007-02-22) into a dateformat yyyyMMdd. it returns the right result as string but I want the returned type as date and in this format 2007-02-22 as XML API I am using requires a DATE not STRING representation like this.
Am I missing something very easy here (quite possible)?
Appreciate any replies.