I always forget to check for the simplest solution
Is it posible to pass two queries in sqldaaadapter/oledbdataadapter like
dim d as new oledbdataadapter(query1,query1,connection)
dim d as new sqldataadapter(query1,query1,connection)
Thanks and regards
You can write two queries in the query text if the database supports it. SQL Server does, Access does not.
Dim d As New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Table1; SELECT * FROM Table2");
I know something about the delegates but there is a little bit of confusion in strong type Term and does dll hell term has anything to do with the partial classes.
Please help.
Thanks and regards
amaneet wrote: does dll hell term has anything to do with the partial classes.
amaneet wrote: there is a little bit of confusion in strong type Term
It means that you sign the assembly so that the types (classes and structures) are strongly typed. In other words, it helps with security as you need to create a key to sign the assemblies with. You would not distribute the key that you use to create the strong typed assembly, therefore if anyone tampers with your assembly, or attempts to replace it with their own, any application using the assembly will reject the doppleganger.
I wanted to know something about the backward compatibility .I exactly don't know even which topic it is related with.
Please help.
Thanks and Regards
amaneet wrote: I wanted to know something about the backward compatibility
It means keeping the new API compatible with what came before it so that applications that used the old API still work with the new API.
I am using the following query as a vb.net code to check whether the table in the database exist or not.
But there exist an error
Record cannot read
Please help.
Thanks and Regards
amaneet wrote: I am using the following query as a vb.net code to check whether the table in the database exist or not.
Knowing what database system you are using would be most helpful to diagnose the problem.
Select "Tools->Options" from the menu.
On the "View" tab-page tick "Show-System objects".
Select "Tools->Security->User and group Permissions" from the menu.
Choose "MSysObjects" from object names.
Tick "Read Design" and "Read" Permissions.
I wanted to know something about the Generic Namespaces
Thanks and regards
I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean the System.Collections.Generic namespace?
In the form load i am writing
dim str as string
But did not need ant class to import.
How this can happen
please help.
Thanks and regards
I'm guessing it is an intrinsic type like Integer, Double or Boolean.
A String is an object just as in most langauges. It is derived from the System.Object class as System.String and is available by default in all new projects.
cleako wrote: A String is an object
As is Integer, Double and Boolean.
cleako wrote: It is derived from the System.Object
As is Integer, Double and Boolean
cleako wrote: as System.String
Which does not help to answer the OP's question, which is why do you not have to specify that you are importing (using in C#) the System namespace. Console is in the System namespace, yet if you leave that out it does not compile. String is in the System namespace, so surely you should need to Import System or refer to it fully as System.String.
BUT, it is not an intrinsic datatype.
Some namespaces are imported by default in VB.NET. One of them is System, where the String class is.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
I never implemented delegated and events in my programs.I really want to learn these things and get implemented in my project.Can u please send any link that implemented the same.
Thanks and regards
Hi everyone,
I'm building a page which has a webusercontrol on it.
The webusercontrol is there for the sole purpose of displaying controls(calendar, texbox, etc...) on demand.
The parameters the webusercontrol uses to detirmine what to show, is given by the page the webusercontrol is on.
How can I pass a parameter from the page to the webusercontrol ?
I'll need to build some sort of 'listener' in the webusercontrol I built, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.
Some help would be much appreciated.
I would suggest simply storing the values you need for the web user control in a Session variable. But pay attention to the order of events so you know where to store the change, I believe the user control is dealt with after the Page Load but before the button click so you would need to have a call to that logic in the Page Load or earlier.
What would that look like in code ?
Take into account that there could be 0 to N parameters being returned.
And there can be several parameters of the same type.
For instance:
More than one date parameter required, which means that it should return two or more calendar controls on screen.
I suppose you could build something similar to a comma separated string and store it so it would be
Session("WUCParameters") = ParamValue1,ParamValue2,ParamValue3
then on the Web User Control you simply split it into a string array.
Dim arParams() as String = Session("WUCParameters").ToString.Split(",")<br />
<br />
For i as Integer = 0 to arParams.GetUpperBound()<br />
'Do something for each value listed<br />
Next<br />