Hi Abhishek,
Thanks for your reply.
The object which is mentioned at http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/showtopic71580.htm, is for printing the pdfs.Our Reports are in pdfs, so I think we can print those using system default printer, I would like to change the printer for labels. I think that would be the easier approach.
Let me know your view.
Hi Abhishek,
I was looking at the printing pdf link, I do not see anywhere where I can specify different printers.
Heres a situation. I have a main SWF file that has variables. I load a SWF file inside the main SWF and I want to access variables from the main part. Is this possible? Or what is best way to share information between SWF file?
Thanks in advance.
use local connection:
<a href="http://www.trap17.com/index.php/Pass-Variables-2-Swf_t61897.html">http://www.trap17.com/index.php/Pass-Variables-2-Swf_t61897.html</a>[<a href="http://www.trap17.com/index.php/Pass-Variables-2-Swf_t61897.html" target="_blank" title="New Window">^</a>]
I tried using Flash Object, which is like Flash cookies, but not successful yet
if it is two swf on the same page then use local connection.
if it is two swf on different pages then use environment variables (eg. post to php, store in database and retrieve using php page)
if it is one swf inside another you should be able to give the inner swf an instance name a get the variables that way or possibly use local connection.
Hello !
i'm new to web design and i have this problem :
i'm creating a web site in dreamweaver cs3 (simple html).one of my pages have some article titles
Title 1
Tilte 2
i want to do this : When a user click on the title , to open a popup window without title bar that cointains one image , a description and a close button.But the image and the text should be variables to be used for all articles.
Can someone give me a script in javascript for this situation ?
Thank you in advance !
Just without doing window.open for which you cant hide title bar, use a floating div to create the popup.
var x = document.createElement('div');
x.style.position = 'absolute';
x.style.left = '300px';
Set appropriate content and also review the position according to your requirement.
thank you but i want 2 object inside popup to be variables 1 image and 1 text description , so when i click the first article the popup should show the first image and the first description , when i click the second article the popup should show the second image and description .... .
is possible to do that ?
thank you.
Create an img element and appendChild to the Div. Or just assign the innerHTML to the div you have created inside the popup.
You can change innerHTML also when required.
I am using .net 1.1 version.
The problem is i have used one datagrid which contains some data columns and one checkbox column.
Datagrid contains nearly 50 records and 50 checkboxes.(i.e) each record contains checkbox.
below the datagrid an image button is placed.if i didn't select any checkboxes and click on the image button it should tell please select any two checkboxes for compare.
but i am using .net 1.1 so please any one help me....
i need the javascript code for how to check whether the checkbox is checked or not...
Hi Prakash,
Just try this code. This would help you....
function CheckAllCheckBox(grid)
var oItem = grid.children;
var theBox=oItem.item(0)
var chk;
if(elm[i].type=="checkbox" && elm[i].id!=theBox.id )
if (chk==false)
alert("Please Select atleast One CheckBox")
return false;
I had used this code long time back.
Be an Eagle, Sky is Yours.
Hi all,
I have a web application developed using .net 2005.I have used Ajax control toolkit 1.0 along with this.It was working perfectly.When i tried to run the project somedays after ,Ajax control tool kit is not working .What will be the reason.?
These are the errors im getting
1.Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
2.Unknown server tag 'ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager'.
Help me to solve this problem..
Thanks in advance for any help.
how to use _doPostBack in javascript to refresh a parent page.
i am writing window.opener.__doPostBack('pagename',''); it does not work
This might help
hi guys.
i am currently working on the site that supports 4 languages. idea was to create the cookie that contains language value. on the basis of the cookie, server side would withdrawn certain data from database. In this way i would have only one page for all languages(for example "news.aspx")
so, my question is: is this way bad for SEO optimization. since there is only one page for all langugaes, crawler will not be able to pass through all languages, only to default.
is this way better :
or this:
or is maybe there another way?
As I understand it:
The first is better in terms that the search engine will pick up the language (en, hr, de). but the second will provide a better grading relating to the search terms "news". Better still would be to implement url rewriting to create links like "news/lang/en".
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I would like to know how can we access information of clients(IP,data transfered,bytes, time,etc..)connected to IIS server either in FTP or HTTP mode?
I found in a article this is done using COM+ components, using IISAdmin base objects, but I don't know how this is achievable ?
If there is any other better method kindly let me know.
Hello everybody,
From last 3years i developed an Accounting Inventory Payroll Manangement system .
It is running very successfully in UAE.I used VB and SQL Server and some C++ utilities in my program.
Now i want to develop an Online Inventory System.
So i am seeking advices from every one related to web Development.
From ur point of View actually what will be the easies tool for web development ?
I want high speed data accessibility and report generation.More over the the storage capacity of
the backend must be high.
Expecting all suggestions and advices
Based on your previous experience (VB, SQL Server, C++) I would probably look at ASP.NET (backed with VB.NET, SQL Server, C#) as it shouldn't be too big a leap for you and you should pretty much hit the ground running.
Different people mean different things when they say "high storage capacity". To some people, ten or twenty thousand rows in a table is "high volume". To others, it means terabytes of data. I suspect SQL Server will probably meet your requirements. If not, you can use .NET with other database technologies without any real problems.
To put this in context, I'm mainly a Java web developer (Spring MVC, JSP, servlets, Tomcat) so I don't have any vested interest in ASP.NET, although I have worked on a few projects that use it. I just think that given your background it looks like an obvious choice, unless you have a particular problem with .NET or Microsoft.
I want to name my website as www.abc.edu.pk/xyz
But i was told that it can only be named as www.abc.edu.pk/xyz.html
How can i name it the first way?