I would suggest a quick search in your favorite internet search engine that can help you with the results more fast.
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar
Personal Homepage Tech Gossips
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep!
I need to get real time data from indian stocks market for a project requirement . Can u suggest me a link where i can fetch the real time data every 1 or 2 sec .
Have you tried google?
Ashfield Consultants Ltd
Proud to be a 2009 Code Project MVP
You may find some public source providing delayed data, but if you want it real time up to the second then I am afraid you'll have to pay and pay a lot. The biggest income for exchanges is the market data and they don't give the live prices away. I know this as it is a cornerstone of my company's business; we sell enriched market data at around £1,000 per exchange per person per month.
Panic, Chaos, Destruction.
My work here is done.
I've been charged with the fun task of going through all our existing web applications and seeing how they behave under IE8 (XP, not Vista), with and without compatibility mode. The latest oddity has me baffled, and I wonder if anyone can give me any hints as to where to look.
I'll spare you the code (there's a lot of it), but this component has a SELECT, size=10, with about 3000-odd options: it's a list of names. Below it is an input type=text with a JS function attached to an onKeydown that tries to move to the appropriate name in the list depending on what you type in the box: type a W, it moves to the first W in the list of names, and so on.
It works. There's a lot of code there, but it works.
The problem is that if I'm in IE8, without compatibility mode, and the account I use to log into that PC has Administrator access, it still works, but S-L-O-W-L-Y. Get rid of administrator access, and it's back to full speed. Use compatibility mode, it's back to full speed.
I can only assume that when the user has admin access, the JS is doing something in addition to the norm, somewhere. I can't imagine what - I dread to think what! Has anyone seen anything like this before? I'll go through building the code up from the basics and seeing which command has the delay if I have to, but it's going to be a big job.
By the way, the application in question is used almost exclusively by our IT support team, so asking them to do without their administrator accounts will not be a popular answer.
Can you not use the debugger built in to IE8 to find out which code is taking the time? It'll be easier than building the code up.
You can tell I'm new to IE8, can't you? I'd overlooked that completely. I'll go and find out about the debugger and how to use it, I'm sure Google will show up a tutorial or two. Thanks!
Hit F12 from within your IE and it should fire open the debugger for you to go and get started with the pearl-diving venture.
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar
Personal Homepage Tech Gossips
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep!
"Pearl-diving" - what a lovely way of putting it! Thanks, as soon as I'm released from fire-fighting I'll go and do that.
My web application is in Visual studio 2005 asp.net/c#.
I have sql server 2005 database at back end.
When run the project in visual studio my application connects with the database, but i have configured the website in local IIS, the website runs but it does not connect to the database.
I am getting following error:
Cannot open database "db1" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'HEM-BE419D4FB41\ASPNET'
I am using Windows authentication to connect to sql server.
my connection string is as follows
"Data Source=HEM-BE419D4FB41;Initial Catalog=db1;Integrated Security=True"
Please tell me the solution
Hemant Thaker
Hemant Thaker
In IIS, untick Anonymous access and check integrated windows authentication in the Directory Security tab.
thanks for the response...
I have same project in two machines. one has sql server 2005 and the other has sql server express.
It works fine where i have Sql server 2005 but not in other.
what happens is.. when i browse my website from IIS it prompts me to auto generated login screen with heading "connect to XPW(machine_name)" with username and pwd...so whats going on can u tell me.
i could connect to database by doing some changes like...
identity impersonate=true,
IIS virtual directory -> security -> windows authentication ...
etc... etc...
so it works fine in that particular machine, and the other has the same settings...
the difference is only the edition of sqlserver/ express....
so why it gives me the prompt for login...
plz help me out
Hemant Thaker
Also make sure you have your web.config set up to use windows authentication and not forms auth.
thanks for the response...
I have same project in two machines. one has sql server 2005 and the other has sql server express.
It works fine where i have Sql server 2005 but not in other.
what happens is.. when i browse my website from IIS it prompts me to auto generated login screen with heading "connect to XPW(machine_name)" with username and pwd...so whats going on can u tell me.
i could connect to database by doing some changes like...
identity impersonate=true,
IIS virtual directory -> security -> windows authentication ...
etc... etc...
so it works fine in that particular machine, and the other has the same settings...
the difference is only the edition of sqlserver/ express....
so why it gives me the prompt for login...
plz help me out
Hemant Thaker
Just add a new User for
on the database db1.
If there is no Login created for ASPNET user in your current database instance, you need to create a login account as well.
thanks for the response...
I have same project in two machines. one has sql server 2005 and the other has sql server express.
It works fine where i have Sql server 2005 but not in other.
what happens is.. when i browse my website from IIS it prompts me to auto generated login screen with heading "connect to XPW(machine_name)" with username and pwd...so whats going on can u tell me.
i could connect to database by doing some changes like...
identity impersonate=true,
IIS virtual directory -> security -> windows authentication ...
etc... etc...
so it works fine in that particular machine, and the other has the same settings...
the difference is only the edition of sqlserver/ express....
so why it gives me the prompt for login...
plz help me out
Hemant Thaker
As u said, was right but was not getting my way out creating users and logins.I did search something and its like as follows
Enabling SQL Authentication
You need to enable SQL Authentication on the machine. This is complex in SQLExpress and you need to edit the registry. Copy the following lines of text onto a Notepad and save it with extention .REG.
-------------COPY BELOW---------------------------------
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
-------------COPY TILL THIS---------------------------------
STEP2: Double Click on the .REG file to change the registry. This change the Authentication Mode to enable SQL Authentication.
STEP3: Restart the SQL Server Express Service or reboot the machine for registry change to take effect.
Next, you need to add a user with SQLLogin. To do this: Login to SQLExpress using Express Manager and run the script below:
sp_addLogin 'aspuser', 'aspuser@123'
sp_addsrvrolemember 'aspuser', 'sysadmin'
USE Cartridge
EXEC sp_adduser 'aspuser'
In case you want to reduce the privilege for the user then you can specify something other than sysadmin, but we can think of that once this works.
Now change your connection string as follows:
connectionString = "server=.\\SQLExpress;uid=aspuser;pwd=aspuser@123;database=cartridge;";
U may need to change connectionstring probably remove one '\' from server name
May be this can help someone...
thanks for ur support
Hemant Thaker
i want to call server side asp.net(vb) function from java script
how is that possible?
i really need it
Javascript runs client side - so I don't think that's possible. However, you can use ajax to run the asp page that runs the vb function. If you are new to ajax, I suggest using jQuery (It makes the whole process a lot simpler).
ICallbackEventHandler would do that.
i want to change gridview into edit mode using javascript
requirnment is
code to chage mode of asp grid veiw
how is that possible?
Make the gridview yourself using Repeater and html Table.
then you will be having better grip on the html it renders and place the javascript calls appropriately.
Hi all ,
I'm using asp.net and crystal report
I'd like to view all pages of the crystal report in the web page without using crystal toolbar to navigate the pages ..
can I do that ?
I hope this is the correct forumn for this.
I need to have the following functionality in my application.
The application is running as an NT service.
It was written using C# with .NET 3.5.
The application will read a record from a SQL Server database.
The record will provide a Method name, a return type and a list of parametes and their types.
The application will then generate a WebService with a WebMethod which matches the database record.
Now, any user can call the WebMethod.
Does this make sense?
I know how to create WebServices using Visual Studio and several other languages.
I need to create the Web Service on the fly.
In fact, I need to create one or more Web Services. Depending on how many records are in the database.
Any help would be greately appreciated.
Ben Clark
Hey Ben,
You got to understand that Web Services are specialiazed Web Application than needs to be hosted ans should have an address to be called by the client in order to get access of the Web Methods.