MVC applications does so using URL rewriting. Hope that approach is good for you.
hello there i have on click event that open a popup calendar but the problem is that after getting the date from the popup in format MM/dd/yyyy i want to change the format to Month ddy, yyyy
for example
i click on the calendar image a calendar popup opens usually it gives 01/01/2001 format but at the a specific text box i want it to be January 01, 2001
how could this be done how could i get the information and then change it to that format i tried to do 2 functions triggered on click event but the next one will not wait for the first one to end they are queued they are triggered in parallel.
How to set Gridview.Datasource = empty?
How to show a message inside the gridview like "No records" in C#?
Gridview.Emptydatatemplate = "No records" does not work.
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." --Socrates
DotNetXenon wrote: How to set Gridview.Datasource = empty?
Don´t set. Just call Gridview.DataBind(); and your GridView will be empty.
DotNetXenon wrote: How to show a message inside the gridview like "No records" in C#?
Before calling Gridview.DataBind();, set Gridview.EmptyDataText = "No records";
He buddies I was working on some project .... it is my first site desing..
First how can I prevent a form to be sent to a web server i.e I checked if the fields are filled by the user or not ..... but after that I cant stop the data to be sent to a web server.
Secondly after this is done. I want to check if the database and table exists or not on the web server. How can I do that??
Thank you
Nothing Is Impossible
dont use javascript to validate!! make sure you validate on the server else the validation can be bypassed
ie let them submit the form and then validate it.
If it is your webserver wouldnt you know if the table and database exist?
It is all explained on php.net in great detail
use AJAX to get server response to the client.
Here actually you are placing a request to the server from the client but the form itself will not be entirely posted to teh server.
you can send urlencoded parameters of all the fields you find and check in the server if they are proper.
This might help http://www.w3schools.com/Ajax/Default.Asp[^]
Hello everybody,
I am in the following situation. I have a website which runs in a secure environment.
I use an object with the CLSID: 0002E510-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 to show a excel workbook in the html page.
Since a Microsoft security update from July, this doesn't work anymore.
Now I am searching for a solution to get this working again. I found the I can change the registry key:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{0002E510-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}]
FROM: "Compatibility Flags"=dword:00000400
TO: "Compatibility Flags"=dword:00000000
After this change everything works fine, but when I restart the computer the security update is installed again.
Is there any other solution to get this component working again, than changing the registry?
Or is there a registry value to change which suppresses the Micorosoft Update to run again?
Any other ideas?
Thanks in advance.
This CLSid works when office 2003 webcomponents installed
a few scripts need change
Ok thanks for your reply, i'll try this in the next days.
i have a select element that is created by javascript code and its options come from db. it works fine, but the problem is that the select element stretches itself to fit the longest option. and doesn't accept the width i specify/assign for it. what should i do?
Did you try setting the width using inline style?
style="width: 100px;" to the select element tag and try
of course i did. but it has no effect on the width of select element since it stretches itself to fit the longest option. i set the width 100px, and when i inspect it in the browser, it is 400px!!!
can you please share the code of your select statement with us?
hi everyone
am trying to add dynamically several controls(TextBox, RadioButtonList, CheckBox) to my gridview, one in each row inside Template Column. so far everything worked fine except for the RadioButtonList item,( it does not matter if am adding the items one by one or reading them from the database) it shows to me the Options but as list (without selection being enabled) and it is look like this
Regular RadioButtonList
o ChoiceOne
o ChoiceTwo
o ChoiceThree
My RadioButtonList
So can you help me ?
Please heeeeeeeeelp
i have been looking for over 6 hours online and i could not find anything even close to it
so what is it you want to do check a checkbox or insert the control? what do you mean it shows them as a list? are the checkboxes present?
are you using asp.net?
did u even read my post ?!!
it is not CheckBoxList it is RadioButtonList
what i did is i inserted a RadioButtonList from the code and bind it with DB and it is shown but my problem is i can not select any item in this RadioButtonList
Dynamicaly change the ifame when i click the button.that worked in mozila but not in IE.It retrive the last created file even it was deleted.
html = "<html><head><title></title></head><body><div width=70px height=100% style=border-style:solid;"
+"border-width:1px;>"+"<iframe 'src='testadsense.html' height="+""+"100%"+""+" width="+""+"155"+""+" frameborder=1 scrolling=yes bordercolor=#C6DBFF ></iframe></div></body></html>";
System.out.println("This is for after chage the adsense code : "+html);
panel = new HTMLPanel(html);
absolutePanel11.add(panel, 400, 50);
panel.setSize("160", "400");
This is my code(GWT).
Is this a caching issue on your IE browser?
yes.The last created file stayed.The new file displayed after refresh the browser.
In frontpage 2001, Inspite my ASP is enabled, the 'send to database' button is still not available. Why?