I am investigating how to port my C++ MFC application with OpenGL to a web-application.
Searching the internet leads to many keywords, like plugins/ActiveX, X3D, OpenGL ch, Ajax3D and more.
I am completely unexperienced to web-programming, but I am willing to learn and apply this.
Can anybody advise me what could be a good direction?
Best regards,
Hi all,
Can any one tell me how do i install WSE 3.0 in silent mode.
hi all
m creating VBS application which delete all the content (all file format) present in a Folder
Dim file, MyFile<br />
Set file= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")<br />
Set MyFile = fso.GetFile("c:\testfile.txt")<br />
MyFile.Delete<br />
it works
but how to delete conten from folder is
Plz help me
thanks in advance
Bugs can neither be created nor be removed from software by a developer. They can only be converted from one form to another. The total number of bugs in the software always remain constant.
Sound like you need something like:
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("c:\Temp")
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
Call objFile.Delete(True)
Next Regards
I have a simple question. If you are using the latest versions of Firefox and IE, can you use an image for a border on div or table elements? I would like to have a shadow that is defined in the CSS file that does not require placing another object behind the element that is to cast the shadow.
Leo T. Smith
You can't use an image for the border in the sense of border:url(border-image.png); . Best way is to use a background image for a shadow. Add a bottom and left/right (depending on direction of shadow) padding for the width of the shadow and add it as the background image (the padding is so any the element content won't appear over the shadow). This is easiest when your element has a fixed width.
Thanks for the idea. I hadn't eve considered using the padding area. This may achieve exactly what I was looking for.
Leo T. Smith
I have a simple form with a data grid, I try to populate teh datagrid with a proces similar to the following:
<br />
Dim sqlStatement As String<br />
sqlStatement = "Select systemName, LotID from tblStatusLot "<br />
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(sqlStatement, cn)<br />
Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader<br />
Do While dr.Read()<br />
MyDataRow = dt.NewRow()<br />
MyDataRow(0) = dr.GetString(0)<br />
MyDataRow(1) = dr.GetString(1)<br />
dt.Rows.Add(MyDataRow)<br />
Loop<br />
cn.Close()<br />
<br />
Dim dv As New DataView(dt)<br />
DataGrid1.DataSource = dv<br />
DataGrid1.DataBind()<br />
This seems to work fine, the question I have now is how do I go about allowing the user to scroll through is there are more than the 10 records (pageSize is set to 10, AllowPaging and Allow Custom paging are on) The problem is I am not sure how to use this control, but you need to start someplace.....
Help has an example, but they do not use a SQL data set. If someone has a simple example that would be great.
Thanks in advance
Hi every one,
I need to know the node that fires the "onNodeCheckChanged" event, when the user checks more than one node, in other words, I need to know the order in which the user checks the nodes so that I wanna keep the check on the last node he checked..
any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Hi all,
I have a javascript function written in html block of aspx page. I have string vairible declared in it, when I try to print it on a paper its printing whole page, instead of printing that string variable only. Can anybody please suggest me or give me some code snippet how to do it. If possible give me the code snippet for 2-browsers Mozilla and IExplr
My code is as below :
function printdoc(text)
var lbl="<%=str4%>";
if (lbl == "Valid")
var lbl1="<%= str1 %>";
alert("Bio-metrics have not been done");
Can anybody please tell me how to do it. Thank you.
S/W Engineer
Akebono Soft Technologies
Please don't cross post.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
hi every body
i want to delete previous cookies during page load
is it possible ? How ?
thanks in advance
Bugs can neither be created nor be removed from software by a developer. They can only be converted from one form to another. The total number of bugs in the software always remain constant.
Loop through the cookies in Request.Cookies, and set the expiry date of each cookie to a passed date in Response.Cookies.
single minded; short sighted; long gone;
web service support for
a) data reader
b) dataset
c)Both a and b
d) none of above
which one is correct.
Your statement/options/question (it was a question right?) make absolutely on sense what so ever....
Hi guys, I need someone who is quite an expert to help me with this one.
I set up a database that reads content (In html code string) into a div on my site. the div I set to runat server;
the htmlCode I get from the Database is then put into the InnerHTML of the Div. Now I have set a method that creates a controll out of the keyword htmlCode = htmlCode.Replace("//KeyWord","//ASP.NET Button");
The problem I get that the ASPButton displays on the htmlCode string but doesnt show in the div ?
Please help .
How are you putting in the asp button, like this <asp:button> etc...?
Yes in the string I am replacing a word like design with <asp:button text="Design" ect="" ect.="">
click the ignore html tags checkbox...
Then that won't work. You need to output a html button e.g. <input type=submit> etc...
The <asp:button> won't get processed by the server if it's just in a string like this.
Hi All,
I would like to create a new site, which displays a hierarchial set of information. The hierarchial information keeps growing.
I would like to know how to go about it and start the work. Right now I know VC++, C++, SQL, XML. I am not sure if these skills would help me in anyway. Kindly let me know how I go about it.
Dear Friends,
I am working on ASP.NET 1.1 with C# Domain..
I want to use my project using Visual Source Safe (VSS)...
i have Visual Studio (4 Cd's Pack)..I have 5 PC's , Which i want to connect in such a manner like.. i will keep my project on server and configure through VSS, so that other programmers can able to use it...
so plzzz can any body tell me how to install it on server and client pc...??
Thanks & Regards
grewagvdsvvadfbvb dfbdfbdg
I want to create a table using java script, The user should enter the number of rows to be created in the txtTable when the user clicks, create table button, the it should create the table on the form(using java script)or any language.
oga m
If you can use ASP.NET, C# it would be rather simple, create a div in you code.
Your div should look like <div id="myContent" runat="server"> </div>
now in the code behind in your button clicked method you can set the inner html of the div.
eg: myContent.InnerHTML = "<table> //Content </table>"
Now your code should looks something like this you can use a for loop
int rows = int.Parse(Texbox1.Text);
myContent.InnerHTML = "<table>"; //Start Table
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
myContent.InnerHTML = myContent.InnerHTML+"<tr>"; //Start Table Row
myContent.InnerHTML = myContent.InnerHTML+"<td>"; //Start Cell
myContent.InnerHTML = myContent.InnerHTML+" Hello "; //Content of Cell
myContent.InnerHTML = myContent.InnerHTML+"</td>"; //End Cell
myContent.InnerHTML = myContent.InnerHTML+"</tr>"; //End Table Row
myContent.InnerHTML = "</table>"; //Finish Table
You can also indent the htmtext using \n 's
Hope this helps
Please could anyone help here. What code do i need to add to this to make the pop up window have no scrollbars or anything else when it opens?[/B]
[B]And this link, should open up in a pop up , it can be the same size as above, with no scrollbars etc. [/B]
<%IF ALLOW_E = "1" THEN%>
<%END IF%>
[B]Both the above are in .asp pages Thanks in advance for any help. [/B]
Here is an example:
<script language="JavaScript">
function OpenWindow()
<a href="JavaScript:OpenWindow()">Click Here</a>
And here is the documentation[^]